Pink Mercy skin

It’s not coming back. Its a legacy item, like Noire Widowmaker. Sorry.

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seems really weird to limit a charity skin, tbh


For Oni Genji and Officer Dva its because of console players. The only way to get them was by playing hos which is a computer game. Since it was impossible for console players without a computer to get it they made it in game a few months later.

Ok yeah that makes sense. I used my brother’s PC with my Battle…net account so I was able to get it. That seems fair. But only making one of the Blizzcon skins available again? Idk about that. But it’s Blizz’s IP, so…

The other blizzcon skins were the basic skins but recolors. Demon Sombra was a whole other level way above those. It was a completely new skin altogether.

Most people don’t care for Blizzcon either, couldn’t afford to travel to it, or to shell out 40$ for a virtual con they didn’t have time to actually get use out of.

I’m sure the backlash they got out of it is why they’re bringing it back.

I don’t know how though. For money or in game coins.

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Would still like to get my hands on BIizzcon Winston. It’s the principle of the thing. Favoritism isn’t a decent practice, IMO.

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I think it’s rather shifty of them to lock in game skins to 40$ for a blizzcon ticket in the first place. Its not practical for the majority of the player base.
I believe theyd sell just as much if they offered it for a seperate price of say 10$ for people who only care about Overwatch items.

They’re a company though, and as much as it sucks theyre going to hide in game items at that 40$ for Blizzcon.

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I think I agree. Like how this year’s All-Star skins will be made available to all, BlizzCon skins should be the same… especially after making Demon Hunter available to all, which in no way benefits those who already have it.

I hate when I sound entitled… but Blizzard does one thing one year and completely the opposite another year.

Like with Grey OWL Skins… 2018 All-Star Pass set a standard and our expectations for what we get with the pass. This year, no grey skins even though it’s obvious in images they’ve posted online that they’ve made them for just about every character, including the new ones, Ashe & Baptiste.

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The would-be exclusives are kind of a carry-over from when they were actual rewards/thanks, before Virtual Ticket. Formerly we’d get in-person BlizzCon tickets, not knowing what the “goodies” would be, and then we’d get some cool, exclusive stuff as thanks for attending.

For BlizzCon 2018, now that all the same stuff is included in the Virtual Ticket (even the physical goody bag is purchasable), the items don’t really fulfill that purpose anymore. If I use the Demon Hunter skin, no one’s looking at it thinking “Hey, that guy went to BlizzCon.” They probably think I bought it for $40 like most people who have it.

Tbh I think they should bring it back. But not for free, as that would be a scam for the people who bought it. Same price, and the money goes to charity. Not really upset about this tho, because a new Mercy skin is in development and it looks amazing.

It’s already labeled under Legacy, so don’t get your hopes up.

I was going to post, than you beat me to it.

One thing you missed though, Blizzard never stated it was a one time skin, nor did they say they would limit how one could acquire it in the future.

Finally one of my threads not dead in oblivion and there is some discussion here. When I created it, I meant that I want to buy it, not to get it for free. Even for double price. I had no chance to buy it back then, like people who didn’t even played back then. I am playing on Mercy the most time (130 hours), because of her raw healing and I really want that skin in collection, it’s unique. Noire skin can be obtained via second sources, but it’s really expensive, but still obtainable.

I have to agree with Hamenhameham in this case, there has to be an incentive to jump in on time limited unique items.

If you missed out, you missed out, it sucks but that’s life. Just like many of us missed out on Noire Widowmaker and all the BlizzCon skins.

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They never stated it would be a limited skin. Not once in their promotion. I would know I bought it at the time.

It was definitely time limited, I would know because I almost wasn’t able to get it and then did at the last minute, now whether or not that means it was a “buy it now or never again”, or a “buy it now and maybe it be available again at a later date” scenario is still unknown.


Why is this post getting so much replies it was 4 day ago ;-; anyways it was kinda of my fault cause I replied to it and everyone started to it too. So yehhhh sorry op

Okay but what if they come back and still cost money/count as donations.

My point in its entirety.

Omg :persevere::persevere::grimacing::flushed: sorry but you get what I mean :stuck_out_tongue: