Pink Mercy Skin Request

Originated in a forum with that rule applied (in this case, Tech Support).



not at all

Im not sick of them, and I am part of everyone.

There are many others who participate in these threads who also do not appear to be sick of them. They too are part of everyone.

as a reminder, If one does not enjoy a particular thread or type of thread, rather than coming in and being rude, one can actually choose to simply walk away and engage instead in threads they find more to their liking

one last thing…no, there isnt necessarily a new Pink Mercy post every week. We have at times gone longer than a month without them. on a related note, there are many other topics that reoccur far more often, and for whatever reason, these dont get the complaints. I dont understand why this is the case, to be honest.

both are entirely unnecessary

there’s actually no harm in agreeing with me

certainly one can agree with me on one topic and not any others as well, as they deem fit

np either way, as I see it

although the above is stated as if it is a fact, its actually an opinion…an opinion that many who would like to see this skin return disagree with

beauty is in the eye of the beholder…i accept and understand 100% that this skin is not your cup of tea, but for another player, it may well be the best skin in the game

well said, and thanks


thank you for the answer…that completely explains it.

Not many threads are moved like that

have a good one, Nicole :slight_smile:


People are allowed to not like the threads and comment that they don’t like the threads. It’s a perfectly valid use of the forums.

The fact that you even consider this as a long time is concerning

Because people won’t get it through their thick skull that it’s impossible to bring back the skin without the approval from the charity they worked with


it is actually against the spirit and intent of the forums to imply that such threads should not be allowed

I dislike Genji threads. Do I claim they shouldnt be allowed to exist? No, that’d be inappropriate and similarly not in the spirit and intent of these forums…more or less the same as claiming Pink Mercy threads should stop or that people should “move on” or stop talking about this topic…

as I said, if one doesnt enjoy this topic, there are other topics to be enjoyed

Mind you, I have no issue with the argument that the skin shouldnt return. Folks have their reasons, despite what I personally think of those reasons. The major problem occurs when some forum members declare that this topic shouldnt be discussed at all.

It is quite a while, actually…particularly when compared to the frequency with which other topics pop up

the main point,however, is that the original statement about the frequency with which we see this topic was incorrect

first, the general attack applied to all of us who’d like to see the skin return is neither appropriate nor appreciated. Please cease

second, I have yet to see proof that this approval is required or - in the case that it is - that it has been withheld. as such, I consider this statement to be an entirely unsupported claim

third, if we take your entirely unsupported claim as a truth purely for sake of argument, Blizzard has huge motivation to seek out and obtain said approval. Charity efforts are after all often sought when an organization is in need of a public relations boost, as Blizzard sorely is at this time

Not gonna die personally if Pink Mercy never comes back, but there’s no reason to not bring back this skin. Its a good skin for a good cause. Not to mention, cancer, more specifically breast cancer, hasn’t just disappeared after the limited time event ended.


It’s a bleak situation, unfortunately. After years of requests, it hasn’t happened yet. So I would suggest keeping your expectations and hope to a minimum.

The Pink subject is a regular occurrence on the forum with all the exact same responses.

But welcome to the OW forum. You’re in for a bumpy ride.

So, I think there might be a disconnect between you and I. I don’t know if English maybe is your second language or something to that effect, but I’m realizing that we’re interpreting what people are saying very, very differently.

My interpretation has been people just expressing personal annoyance at the threads, not so much suggestion that as a policy they shouldn’t be allowed. I for one think people should be allowed to post, and I’m sure most people don’t really care about the concept of being allowed or disallowed to post about the pink Mercy thread, they’ll just chime in “no it’s not coming back” or whatever when the threads come up.

I don’t really know what the point of this particular post is, just trying to get a better mutual understanding of each other, I guess? We’ve had some tiffs in the past.

If i’m being honest there is no real reason that a charity skin should come back. I would’ve said they have 1 valid reason of it being an exclusive limited time purchase, but around August-September last year they actually brought back some limited time purchase skins, which removes the precedent set. Then again, those skins made Blizzard money and weren’t for a charity. So so far it looks like they’ll only bring back limited time skins if it will make them money, which a charity skin wont. Another reason why it might not come back is blizzard soured relationships with many groups do to its sexual misconduct issues last year, so maybe the BCRF doesn’t want to deal with them (although i’m pretty sure they’ve said sure they would on some random twitter replies that got posted here a while ago).

So ultimately it seems like they aren’t bringing back the skin simply because they have the power not to. There really is no logical reason why they can’t. I think it should be brought back for the charity money (and the people who don’t are most likely weirdos who are obsessed with feeling special in a game with cosmetic exclusivity, because nobody cares about them in real life).

Honestly I really couldn’t care about the Pink Mercy skin coming back… if it did, maybe I’d buy it on a whim to support the research or maybe I wouldn’t. If I bought it I probably wouldn’t even use it anyway.

I’m glad your mother has recovered from the cancer though.

Telling a group of people to understand an obvious fact isn’t an attack nor offensive

Unless the charity which holds the rights to the money and the skin gives approval for another BCR event then I don’t see it happening, and considering like you said that Blizzard isn’t in the best light right now it’s likely this will not happen anytime soon or at all.

The charity has made it clear already that it is up to blizzard. There have been Pink Mercy beggars who have posted screenshots of messages basically saying ‘ask blizzard because we would love to’ previously in the past.

Would like to see the source to these images

I’m not afraid to admit when I’m wrong so i’d like to see it

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Well it’s definitely somewhere on the forum, give or take a year difference from this date…
So if you have the time go look through the 100000 pink mercy threads lol. But I definitely saw someone post some screenshot of them asking a twitter account or support email or something and the reply was something like ‘we are glad to see people want to support this cause etc etc, but its up to them’

See idk if this was before or after the sexual harassment scandal so yeah maybe that changed it but yeah

There has been “0 days” since the last pink mercy topic

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I could be wrong, but I believe it’s an automated message due to the volume of requests that was penned prior to the lawsuit becoming mainstream news.

There’s no guarantee that if push came to shove they would still be on board with working with Blizzard again now that things have changed.

I agree for 1 000 000% that Pink Mercy SHOULD BE RETURNED AT LEAST ONE TIME (the best option will be annual event (every October for example) :heartpulse:

Now… Why Pink Mercy should be returned?!

  1. Nintendo Switch players, !who even didn’t have the opportunity to participate in it! (it’s a very powerful argument for bringing back this event) FINALLY will have the opportunity to get Pink Mercy :rage:
  2. for 90% Blizzard and BCRF signed an agreement on holding an action in the FIRST PART OF THE GAME (Overwatch 2, according to the law, is a brand new game with it’s own logo and other rights) So, they can create one more agreement without any troubles. :scroll:
  3. Players all around the world will donate more money to a good cause (at least they will have an awesome motivation to do that) And more and more people, who needs help, will get it! We all will be real guardian angels, and will help to make our world better place! :dove:
  4. New players, who came to the Overwatch 2 because of the free-to-play basis, as well as old players, who unfortunately couldn’t participate in it (like me actually) - will become excited and happy if it will happen! This hype will positively effect on the rates of out game! :heartpulse:
    Blizzard, I believe that we can do it! Developer’s team - it’s your time to act! This is a dream of many players, and a chance to help innocent people! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

100% agreed they should bring back this skin it will be so great for everyone! And a chance to raise money for a great cause!


I think that there is also can be a chance that Blizzard will put Pink Mercy skin to the Overwatch 2 shop :shopping_cart: :shopping:
(as it was mentioned in different interviews, Overwatch 2 will have a special shop, where you can buy the exact thing you want - not wasting your money to some loot boxes)
In my opinion, that also will be a very great decision, as the biggest amount of price will go to BCRF and another smaller one will go to Blizzard, as they can continue to create other skins => so AND Blizzard AND BCRF will be in good position.

However, they also can create a special charity battle pass, which will contain not only Pink Mercy skin, but also some other things like sprays, icons or, who knows, even other charity skins.


pink mercy bring it back now