Pink mercy return overwatch 2 PLEASE

if players can use a skin with their logo right now - and they can - then a connection of some sort remains between the two organizations

I didnt make the deal, so what I’d do doesnt matter here

in any case, it would be a relatively simple thing to remove the logo from the skin if one party or the other wished this association to be discontinued and had the power to enforce it

thats not how it worked in this case

I dont see any point in discussing how other companies work or other offers go…this one went as has already been described

the publicity was indeed what Blizzard got in exchange

good pr

which incidentally, they need now far more than they did back then

Of course, because agreements don’t retroactively change things. You keep what you have but can’t sell or make it available again. The agreement in 2017 was for one campaign where Pink Mercy would be available for a little over two weeks in May 2018. The fact that the skin still has the logo doesn’t mean they have an ongoing partnership.


I think i’ll give up. I cannot think of a way to say that any more clearly.
Good luck waiting for skin to return.


You’re right however prepared to get ignored if you continue to make good points. The idea is to agree and not challenge them, otherwise you will be considered an attacker.


np, we will hold onto hope :slight_smile:

If you change your mind and want to discuss this some more, please feel free to return to this conversation. I’d be happy to continue.

and thank you for keeping things civil. Much appreciated.


They covet Pink Mercy; they don’t care about the mechanism for her to return. Including making her available for money without charity or doing it for PR points among women! They are solely interested in acquiring it by any means. They have devised every fantastical excuse to justify bringing it back, and any pushback or counterviews are declared an attack. It’s impossible to converse when someone disputes basic ideas regarding what’s accurate and true and refuses to accept that.


No. It will be put in a bundle that cost 100 plus bucks with a bunch of worthless junk and have the tag line 90% off.

I would not use the word “attack”. It did not felt like a hostile conversation, i just have absolutely no idea how to continue it in any direction.

well, its possible, but…in the last few days there has been a lot of talk about how Blizzards handling of bundles may be illegal in some countries, and about 24 hours ago they announced that some items previously only available in bundles were being broken out to sell individually

It might be that this is temporary til they get the legal issues worked out, but for now, Blizzard seems to have reversed course somewhat on bundles

Nah why make it return so they can sell it for 40 bucks and say the other 20’s going to charity?

as I said, it was a very civil conversation, one I’d love to continue if you change your mind. I’ll be here when and if that occurs. Thanks again KP.

I mean they will say you attacked them if you continued to converse with them and challenge them. That’s how it’s been with everyone else. I also wouldn’t know how to continue based on how they responded to you.


I don’t see that happening…100% of the proceeds went to BCRF on the original offer, and I very much doubt that they’d take any part of the proceeds if they were to offer it again

Could it happen, tho? Sure. Tho highly unlikely, and it’d cause them a huge amount of additional legal and PR damage if they did – and they already have plenty of that as it is

Honestly, I’d kinda like for the charities to branch out a bit. Teal (ovarian cancer) would be great because it’s some research that is on to some stronger progress, but there is also a lot that can be very nicely done with the color teal (yes please Teal Mercy).

I’ll fully admit I’m bias on this one too… Teal is my favorite color and my aunt had been battling with ovarian cancer for damn near a decade.

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I am torn over this one, honestly. While I do want it to be unique, I also want people to be able to get skins that they may have missed. Also, it helps spread that message.

I am missing the Junkrat emote where he pulls out the Pachimari from his backpack because I was traveling for work. I would love a chance to get that one again, so I get it.

so just a recolor of the Pink Mercy skin with a different logo but everything else the same?

well, there are nearly 900 thousand instances of the Pink Mercy skin out there, so for me personally, thats far from unique

agreed on both accounts :slight_smile:

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Which emote is that from? Idr

It’s a nice sentiment, but people will miss out on skins and other items. It’s the reality of the situation. I’m afraid I have to disagree that this is a valid justification for revisiting one-time-only skins.

Naaah. I mean… I’d definitely buy that one too in a heartbeat, but I think that would be so low effort that it wouldn’t be as successful.

However, like how Genji has a Mythic where it can have toggled options… You could be on to something if there was a mythic Mercy Charity skin kinda like that.

Just expand on it with bigger projects down the road. Would additionally let folks be able to obtain well… what the topic of the thread is too.

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Back than sure now are you truly positive you can say that with how bad ActBlizz has been? Man they are running this game into the ground.

Not sure this link will work…