Pink Mercy is the beginning of selling skins

… which I addressed in the entirety of the post you clipped this quote from.

By that logic, Blizzard should have just omitted the skin and rang a bell outside the local grocery store.

The price is relevant regardless of the fact that this particular skin is for a cause. They attached an in-game cosmetic to the donation event knowing damn well people would buy the skin even if it wasn’t tied to a charity.

Do you think players would have donated $10, $15 if there was no in-game incentive for it? I don’t think most people would.
Do you think people would have bought the skin even if it wasn’t related to a charity event? I think most people who like the skin would have.

Please. If you have something to add to the discussion, by all means. Otherwise, let’s avoid being obtuse. :man_cartwheeling:

Pink Mercy can save me any day

The skins were sold all along. How otherwise do you think new free contents were able to keep being made? Those who buy skins pay for your free contents.

No, because none of the profits went to Blizzard. Effectively you weren’t buying a skin, you were donating $15 to charity and getting the skin as a thank you gift.

But if they acknowledge that, they’d have to come to grips with the fact that they’re ragging on charity for the sake of cynicism and…likes on the forums.

and pay less taxes, but yeah, also saving lives

Better than 20 dollar skins that doesnt help anyone aside from the company and you