Pink Mercy in Overwatch 2

Okay Aaron Keller, thanks for confirming this :joy:

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Around 1/4 of the replies are yours. The thread is extremely bumped and you should seriously stop responding.


Oh no it’s you again.

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as far as I know, there are no rules on the forum about any limits on one’s participation are in any given thread

as such, I expect my participation in this thread will continue pretty much same as always

as I said, continued discussion of this topic helps to keep the topic “on the table” for the decision makers involved, and I see that as being very important to this cause


450 posts counts as nothing short of bumping. There is literally no chance you have something new to add to the already ridiculous discussion.


first, these two posts of yours are nontopical attacks on me personally, and I ask that this cease

second, I added many things to this and other Pink Mercy threads, and expect that I will continue to do so

Having full clarified this item, and having noted that this set of two posts appears to be solely an attack and not an attempt at serious conversation on the topic, I will not be responding further to this side conversation


If you want to get all technical and say my 50% (which I stated was simply an example!) then “That makes $300K from shirts, so the remaining $12.4 million means somewhere north of 820,000 people paid for the Pink Mercy skin.” which is closer to 800k people than 900k. And yes a lot less people who bought the skin probably don’t play anymore for various reasons, but they don’t get a refund, the BCRF still kept their donation.

So, if you read back I was saying

most of the people are just talking about how they want the skin back and a handful throw in “it’s for charity”. That’s what I mean about how it’s gross. Most people simply want the skin and don’t give a hoot about the charity it is tied to.

I’m sorry, but most of the messages I see is “aww I missed the event and I really want the skin bring it back!” (and again,this is simply an example, not verbatim, I’m not sure of the exact number once again so it’s hard to give a percentage example for you.)

So you have never seen someone play as Pink Mercy before? If I’m in a game and see someone on my or the enemy team and they have the Pink Mercy skin equipped I’m like “oh cool! they donated to the BCRF!”

And also 15$ can be A LOT of money for some people, and when you put it like “gloriously donated a whole 15 dollars”, it sounds like it’s insignificant, which it totally isn’t.

I’m pretty sure they have many skins already lined up and could easily press a button and make one a charity skin.

You are 100% correct! They missed out!

Also true, people see the Pink Mercy and then they want it, and it was available for 2 weeks in 2018. About 820k people donated during that time. Desiderium at it’s finest.

Many people never played during that time, again correct. For those of us that did we were able to donate and receive the skin.

I never played WoW during the Ahn’Qiraj event to get the Black Qiraji Resonating Crystal, it’s a very rare mount for completing an achievement. It would have been cool to have gotten, but I didn’t play back then so why should I be able to get it too while others played the game and did the work (quest chain, long waiting etc.)? I had the opportunity to play back then and I didn’t, so I didn’t get the mount and that’s fine.

So why not have it a staple in the shop available 24/7? Most likely because it was a special limited time event.

I’m actually still hoping they do that with Overwatch 1, I’m not holding my breath, but we can all hope for certain things!

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le7z: thank you for the likes


I specifically noted that the 900k was accounts, not players

Players can and often do have multiple accounts

all that said, 50% is vastly too high, given that the offer was made many years ago and millions of players have joined the game without ever even having the opportunity to buy the skin, and many m=players who are still active but were around at that time didnt buy the skin

not sure why this was even mentioned.

If merchant A sells product B to buyer C, merchant A keeps the funds regardless of whether the product is made use of or not. The transaction has closed.

The Pink Mercy transaction is no different than any other transaction in this sense, and ergo, the fact that no refund was given is unrelated to the discussion

as I have already noted, caring about the charity and wanting the skin are NOT mutually exclusive conditions.

one can want the skin AND want to help the charity

I dont doubt that there are some folks who only wanted the skin and could care less about the charity. But to claim that most folks feel this way is entirely unsupported by any valid data I know of, and appears to me to be more like a pure guess served up as an attack on other forum members

and again, attacks on other forum members is against both the spirit and rules of this forum

quite frankly, the motives/intent of the buyers is irrelevant to all this, as the dollars from a less caring individual spend exactly te same for BC research as the dollars from a more caring individual

I wont be discussing this “its gross” any further, as it appears to be both a baseless supposition and an attack on other forum members

nowhere in such statements can it be determined if the individual cares or does not care about the charity

nowhere at all

you may feel that way, personally

Many others do not

The youtuber scenario and this scenario are not remotely comparable

There is no “camera”

it isnt, actually, not individually

15 dollars buys almost nothing when it comes to researcher salaries, lab equipment and supplies, and etc

It is only when 15 dollars comes from x people and 15 times x can then become a very significant number

the power of what is now often referred to as crowdfunding

uhm no, thats not how it works with development projects

Please feel free to present evidence of the existence of even one of these alleged “many skins already lined up”…otherwise this is baseless speculation, particularly since if they had one ready, given their desperate need for a PR boost right now, it’d have been put out there already

not really

they werent here, they weren’t involved with Overwatch, they didnt have an OW account

One necessity for this purchase is to have an OW account, as the skin is then attached/linked to that account

so no, they didnt miss out

but even then, because this is a virtual item that can be sold in unlimited numbers, every single player with an account can - if it is made available - have this skin

You missed out on Woodstock? Yes, its not coming back. You did miss out.

You didnt get to see a live Wooley Mammoth? Well, they are extinct. You did miss out

You didnt get Pink Mercy? No problem, the supply is unlimited, and could be provided at any time, once Blizzard makes it available again.

this statement doesnt address the point I made at all

said item is virtual

it can be provided in an unlimited number

it could be re-released at any time

same as with Pink Mercy

If you want this crystal, ask for it

Like we are here

limited time is defined by the seller

if it were to be made available every October (BC Awareness Month) it would still be a “limited time”

We can indeed, and we do…despite frequent and repeated posts from fellow other members who call such requests “gross” and/or use other attacking terms/phrases against those forum members who merely wish to legitimately purchase a legitimate item


What I am saying is that money has gone to BCRF, even if every person who donated doesn’t play anymore (again, this is simply an example as I am aware not every single person who had bought the Pink Mercy skin is no longer playing, making myself perfectly clear that this is just hypothetical) the money stayed with BCRF.

I have read through a lot of the forums about Pink Mercy and I see a mixed bag, some mention the charity, but a vast majority just mention the skin. Again I don’t have exact statistics you are looking for but from what I have read, it seems like a majority just care about the skin. When it is attached to a worthy cause and they simply brush it off as just a simple cosmetic that they want without caring about the reasoning behind the skin. That is the gross part to me. If people get triggered by the word ‘gross’ as an attack, well, I wish them luck in the real world.

So the Pink Mercy skin in game means nothing then? It won’t be seen? So why get it? People can easily just donate the same amount to the BCRF without getting the skin since the skin itself apparently doesn’t matter. No one will see it, the player wont see it (again only in POTG, or seen in POTG, or emoting). I’ve been in many games where people were wearing the Pink Mercy skin. from my camera angle, my view from my character. So yes, there is a “camera”.

And 825k people did, while the event was available. We all pitched in (those who donated). some of us maybe opting out from going out to dinner one night in order to donate.

I’m not sure exactly which Blizzcon it was (one of the last if not the last one) but at the time they said that they have a whole slew of skins in the works. They don’t exactly wait until the week before to design and make a skin. They are working on skins non stop, especially now that cosmetics are pretty much their only form of income for Overwatch 2. If people are buying $15+ skins do you really think that they are putting hem on the side burner? I know that they are also working on the PvE game (which personally doesn’t interest me whatsoever) but they still have people working on the PvP part. They have a roadmap of new heroes and maps leapfrogging every season, and with that their bread and butter, cosmetics.

So, if they had no interest in the game before or didn’t have the funds or didn’t have the time… how did they not miss out?

During the event which they said was limited time, and as seen in their official video, it says ‘Last Chance’. That was in 2018.

I know many things say “last chance” and they sometimes mean “for now”, but what if last chance really meant last chance? I took them up on their offer, I played the game at the time, I was able to donate and receive the skin because I acted on it. Many did.

[quote=“Megadodo-11847, post:1843, topic:691614”]

I mean if they had a Pink Ana skin I’d buy it if proceeds went to BCRF or something comparable since I already own the Pink Mercy. What I was getting at was that if people see it in game they suddenly want it. With all the people you said didn’t play Overwatch 1 at the time that now want it, why? Did they see someone use it in game? Do you think that their first thought was that it must have been a limited time charity event or was it simply “oh that looks cool I want it!”?

But I never earned it. I didn’t play back then. Why should I just come along and see something I want and now demand that I get it? Those people who got it did everything they needed to do to earn it. That is their trophy. Something special that they worked hard for and only they should be able to enjoy it.

What if limited time truly meant ‘limited time’.

I mean if you see the word “gross” as attacking terms/phrases in regards to people not giving a damn about what the Pink Mercy charity means to some people then I’ll wear that like a badge of honor. When I see people in comments simply wanting the skin without knowledge of what it truly means, seeing it as solely a cosmetic, a simple item and nothing more then yes, that is gross.

I see it as me and 820k people joined up and donated to raise $12.7 million to BCRF and as a small token we got a special skin. It’s our limited time pink ribbon of sorts.

also, it’s kind of dumb that you cant link the BCRF website here, but it’s ‘BCRF dot org’ if anyone cares to donate (you don’t get the skin, but you’ll still be helping out)

as it should.

I dont see this item as being relevant to this conversation/topic, and as such, I wont be discussing it further,

given that these topics are about the skin, it makes sense that folks would mention the skin

none of this in turn means that folks dont care about the charity. a mention of x without mentioning does not ever mean that there is no caring about y

well, this is an improvement over the earlier claim that ALL forum members who want the skin only care about the charity

but its still unsupported by actual facts, and imo unlikely to be true

its also irrelevant, as pointed out earlier, except as a means to attack fellow forum members who simply wish to legitimately purchase a legitimate item. After all, the dollars spend the same for cancer research regardless of the motivations/intent of the buyer

there’s nothing gross about it, as I have already covered

it is illogical to claim person A does not care about the charity simply because they dont mention it in their statements

it is an attack on fellow forum members that is irrelevant to the topic, unnecessary to mention at all, as well as being against the spirit and rules of this forum

you may feel that way, personally

Many others do not

The youtuber scenario and this scenario are not remotely comparable

There is no “camera”

So the Pink Mercy skin in game means nothing then? It won’t be seen?

I made no such statement in either of these two cases

There are many reasons one might wish to make this purchase that have nothing to do with your alleged “camera”


Grouos A and B have been covered extensively in many Pink Mercy threads

“Just donate” is an appeal to Group A

Pink Mercy is an appeal to Group B

THis is a Pink Mercy thread

as such, statements like “just donate” are mis-targeted in Pink Mercy threads

there is a huge difference in seeing the skin versus the “camera” youtuber scenario described earlier

so again, no, there is no “camera”

I’m not sure exactly which Blizzcon it was (one of the last if not the last one) but at the time they said that they have a whole slew of skins in the works. They don’t exactly wait until the week before to design and make a skin.

none of these alleged charity skins have been announced

noen of them can be created “at the touch of a button” as was claimed earlier

yes, they are hard at work on producing income-producing cosmtics

emphasis on “income producing”

charity skins produce no income for Blizzard, and as such, I am not sure why this was even mentioned at all

So, if they had no interest in the game before or didn’t have the funds or didn’t have the time… how did they not miss out?

During the event which they said was limited time, and as seen in their official video, it says ‘Last Chance’. That was in 2018.

I know many things say “last chance” and they sometimes mean “for now”, but what if last chance really meant last chance? I took them up on their offer, I played the game at

the time, I was able to donate and receive the skin because I acted on it. Many did.

none of them have missed out because the item in question is virtual, meaning it can be offered an sold an unlimited number of times

it already does

If it is offerred again but only in October, it remains “limited time”

I mean if you see the word “gross” as attacking terms/phrases in regards to people not giving a damn about what the Pink Mercy charity means to some people

very few people have claimed that they dont give a damn about the charity

this is the exception rather than the rules

and again - the purchasers motives/intent are actually irrelevant EXCEPT when it is used by certain forum members to baselessly attack other forum members

again, the above is an appeal to Group A in a thread that is about an appeal to Group B.

As such, it is misplaced here


It’s not coming back mega.


Where exactly did I say ALL? I have said MOST. Most and All are two very different things. Please show me where I said ALL forum members who want the skin only care about the charity.

The “camera” thing is only meant as ‘to be seen’. There is no physical camera. No Nokia, no Sony, no Panasonic.

They may have a Ana skin made already that isn’t slated to be a charity skin, but with a little tweaking make it all pink with a ribbon on her cape.

Also if you google most popular pick rate for heroes Ana is at the top of the list (According to Overbuff, as of January 13, 2023, the most popular hero in Overwatch 2 is Ana with an 8.6% pick rate, with Mercy following in second at 6.35%, and Kiriko in third at 6%.), and D.Va is the most searched hero in general. So maybe Ana would be a great choice for a brand new charity skin, or D.Va for that matter.

They can tweak a new upcoming skin that maybe didn’t quite make the cut and just make it pink and add ribbons. I’m not saying it’s a ‘push of the button simple fix’, but it’s possible. And it’s not all about profits, the Pink Mercy skin funds just to the BCRF, they didn’t make theoretically any money on that.

(the quotes aren’t working properly so I’m just typing them)

Also you said “People wanted Pink Mercy before it was in the game”, are you saying when they announced the skin? or before they even announced it? There are pink Mercy skins in the OWL.

So some people say they want the Pink Mercy skin brought back, and if Blizzard comes in and says “Nope. It will never ever ever ever ever ever ever come back.” then that will be the end of that and everyone will move on?

If it is offered again but only in October, it remains “limited time”.’ Q; How many times has it been offered in October? Since the event began? Back in May of 2018?

very few people have claimed that they dont give a damn about the charity” and very few people have claimed that they do give a damn about the charity.

At any rate, you do you, I do me. I really hope they come out with a Pink Ana or Pink D.Va skin as a new charity event skin since they are the most popular heroes in the game and so many people will help out the BCRF while doing so. Good luck in your wait for the skin that will probably never come back.

Neither “most” or “all” are supported by any data whatsoever

Neither is supported by your anecdoal experiences, either, given that one need not say “I care about the charity” when speaking of the skin in order to be counted as as one who cares about the charity

in any case, the “they only want the skin, they dont care about the charity” is as already covered extensively here irrelevant to the topic - it only serves as yet another attack on forum members who simply wish to legitimately purchase a legitimate item

I wont be discussing this point any further in this side conversation, except to point out that it is solely an attack on other forum members. As such, I hope this piece does not come up again

the “camera” you used as an example was a Youtuber trying to earn points with followers and/or potential followers

there is no “camera” in this respect when it comes to Pink Mercy

again, there is no “camera”

Having fully clarified this item, I wont be discussing the alleged “camera” any further in this side conversation


Provide the evidence.

Show us where Blizzard has mentioned this upcoming Pink Ana skin

Otherwise, this is simply unsupported speculation, no more than a guess

So no, there are no other charity skins at this time

Is the pickrate data from Overbuff?

I find the data from Overbuff to be highly incomplete and innacurate

and pickrate is not the same as popularity





Given that they now are utterly dependant on income producing cosmetics simply to survive, I very much doubt they will toss one away for charity purposes

what was stated was: ‘’

true, but this was before they changed their monetization model to depend utterly on cosmetics for their income

so this is now inapplicable


this hasnt happened

when/if they make such an announcement, we shall see

my point here stands, because as I stated, they could offer it every October (BC Awareness Month) and it would still be limited

one is not required to declare “i care about x” in order to care about x

if it erroneous to assume that if a person does not declare “I care about x” that they do not care about x

completely and utterly incorrect to make such an assumption

I am all for more charity skins

always have been

but none of these exist

and when/if they do exist, they can be sold WITH Pink Mercy rather than INSTEAD OF Pink Mercy for a much bigger bag of cash for charity than either skin would raise if sold by itself


Ya why not have a link for people donating to the BCRF its insane people use it as a cover for just wanting things. Personally not the biggest fan of pink mercy but got the skin for donating and still donating to this day for my mom.


What’s bumping? I know it’s tos but I assume it’s when people delete a post because they have no interactions and make the same post so that it shows up again hoping that it gets interactions.

That’s spamming. Bumping is commenting for the sake of letting the post get more attention.


as a clarification, no, this is not an invention

the two types of people do exist

Pink Mercy is an appeal to group B

“Just donate” is an appeal to Group A

This is a Pink Mercy thread

ergo, appeals of “just donate” are mis-targeted here

I ask that the attacks on fellow forum members cease

again, I ask that attacks on fellow forum members cease


because “just donate” is an appeal to Group A, while Pink Mercy is an appeal to group BG, and as such “just donate” is a mis-targeted appeal in Pink Mercy threads

none of the Pink Mercy threads to date have met the forum definition of spam

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