Pink Mercy in Overwatch 2

to clarify: the statement was and is an attack on a fellow forum member

again, I ask that this stop

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doesn’t matter bc at the end of the day it’s still word for word copied and pasted and published repeatedly throughout a certain time period but still nonetheless the same exact thread/topic as the last one they made. if it already exists why continue to make them? especially so close within each other?


This is 2022. Not agreeing with my opinion is an attack


lol forreal, like all i did was give my opinion and dodo is out here saying i’m attacking someone? excuse me? :skull:

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to clarify: i’m not saying anything negative about OP. all i’m doing is calling them out their spamming. explaining why spamming is a bad thing doesnt equal attacking.


OP doesn’t have a singular post that’s not about Pink Mercy. For the love of God, leave that bundle of pixels behind and touch some grass. In before you say “I ask that attacks cease!” (Ugh that’s so cringy especially when it’s spammed. This you?), it’s not an attack, how about a big fat NO. Go outside. It’s a hideous skin, you can live without it.
This also pertains to you, OP.


3 weeks isnt close

at all

further, as I have already stated multiple times in this thread, the rules against necro’ing existing posts make the creation of new posts a necessity.

finally, I am all in favor of entirely handtyped original posts. I am fairly sure that the OP has seen (or soon will see) both of our statements in this regard, and perhaps there can be a better understanding on this going forward (aside: CB: please like this post and Pearls so I can see you have read them). That said, whether handtyped or pasted, the topic remains valid and discussion should be on the topic, not attacks on the participants


this post makes multiple baseless assumptions

the whole touching grass for example.

how can you (or any forum member) claim that I (or anyone here) doesn’t?

how about returning to topic instead of typing up yet another attack post?


I’d be happy for new players to get such a cool skin
But I’d also be happy if it stays ultra rare bc I feel like an OG supporter when using it

So either way I win :triumph:

There’s no way you’re a real human LMAO


I’d love for pink mercy to come back someday. I don’t have high hopes it will, but if it did, I’d buy it :grinning:


this is addressed specifically and solely to CB (the op) in order to ensure that I know he has read the posts in question.

as such, it isnt unreasonable in any respect.

again, this post was yet another unnecessary and nontopical attack

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If you’re going to try to sound mature, at the very least use capital letters.


I ask yet again that the personal attacks cease

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I tend to ignore them unless I’m accused of something I didn’t do. We could say they should stop attacking us, but, you know.

My point still stands: there is an obsession with this skin. I remember someone who used to post on the forum saying that seeing others have the skin affects them mentally and emotionally.

Wonder where this person is now. Been a year since I’ve seen that degree of sadness.


If I am attacked a hundred times, it should not come as a surprise that I respond 100 times with a request for personal attacks cease

as such, no, such responses are not spam

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Then it is not donating.

Definition of donation
a: the making of a gift especially to a charity or public institution
b: a free contribution

If your expecting something in return your not donating. I would even go so far to say philanthropy isn’t donating because your getting publicity for it. Not saying charities like these don’t work, but don’t pretend you doing a good thing if you want something out of it.


This was your first comment.

Hold up. Rewind. How does you acting like a victim make a repetitive topic from the same user not spam?