I don’t get how $15 is that much to people.
For $15, don’t eat out for a day, done. The price of a burger, drink, and fries is nearly the same price. Honestly, I think it’s kids making these complaints who don’t have access to daddy’s credit card and only care about the skin, not the cause behind it.
You’re donating for the cause. The skin is just a bonus.
WUT? Mine was $15’
how selfish you sound sir
I’m just gonna put my two cents on this whole topic.
I think what OP is saying is that in stuff like WoW, you get an item that is useful (a pet that can be part of achievements and pet battles) for a cheaper price than 1 skin for mercy.
Since Overwatch doesn’t have anything other than sprays, skins, voice lines, and portraits, it doesn’t seem “Worth it” if you are buying for a collection more so than to donate. It seems like it is an unequal reward for donating when compared to previous items.
Personally, I don’t care that much for the skin and do not have the disposable income, so I will not be getting the skin. I just wanted to put in what I think OP was trying to get to because of all the people railroading him. I get he does sound kind of selfish, but at the same time with a game like Overwatch where new content is added several times a year, a skin could easily be forgotten in 2-3 events time, and could be a “waste” of money.
Exactly this. Don’t eat out this week. Maybe Don’t go watch Infinity Wars for the 3rd time. Maybe skip the beer run this weekend. Priorities. It’s not difficult. I’m starting to suspect there are a lot of underage kids that frequent these forums that don’t have a job and are complaining about this.
You’d think even if this was the case, a child could still go ask their parents to support a charity cause, seems like a win win situation.
I agree. $15 is a bit too high of a price point, but maybe they plan to discount the price after they raise more cash with the folks who buy it right off the bat?
I found it suspicious that the price of the Mercy skin was never stated in the Blizz news article, and was thinking “eh what’s it like, $3? $5? $10?.” After I clicked the purchase links, I thought “Not for $15! Maybe if it was $10!”
I didn’t want to make a thread addressing this but figured I’d ask here since it’s kind of related and since people are here (and lets be real, this topic is dumb)
I linked my battlenet to twitch and am watching QueenE. Can I mute it and have it playing in the background and still get credit for watching streamers? I gotta have those sprays.
There’s currency rate too. Some of the people may be from different country with lower dollar value.
As for NA, the price is pretty reasonable imo.
Keep the volume low. When I do Overwatch League on my phone I’ll occasionally lock it before the map ends and I won’t receive the credits. I usually have the screen up, but I have not tried testing having the audio playing in the background. when a map ends
I muted the tabs (chrome) not the stream for the OWL drops for a while. You could probably do the same for this.
Cool beans, I will try that. I’m using Chrome as well.
How DARE you people say that I don’t care about human lives.
How dare you say Im selfish.
How dare you say that I only want the skin for cosmetic purposes.
You should all be ashamed of yourself. You are calling out a person you dont know on the internet. You dont know that I have been effected by breast cancer in my family and lost loved ones.
You dont know how much money I give to charity WITH NOTHING IN RETURN.
How much I donate real money to charity simply for the fact of donating to charity and disaster relief efforts.
How dare you.
I am simply calling out the team on exploiting people’s love for a digital charater in hopes of raising money.
The intention behind the purchase is irrelevant. What is relevant is making sure you raise money for a good cause.
The intention behind the original post was:
- To say how steep the price is and how many people are actually NOT going to buy it because of that. How much money are they losing out on donating because the price is too high?
- Depending on the success, what this does for the future of the game. Will people still defend $20 skins if they are being sold not for charity?
- Locking people out of content for charity.
The price should have been a minimum about of $10 with a suggested price of $20 and allowing all you wonderful people to give the $20, or even more than that since human life clearly isn’t limited to $20. I would expect everyone in this post to give way more than that.
I can tell you that $20 doesn’t cover the cost of losing a loved one.
If the skin for the BCRF event ran until the 21st, and then the skin was made part of the regular loot table during the anniversary event for free, everyone who cares about human lives will be sure to donate then right? Or will you just wait to get it for free?
oof(20 characters)))
This is exactly why you’re selfish. Enjoy your report.
agreed with you there shade
You know what I want to see for $20/skin?
I want to see them match $1 for $1 everything they raise out of this.
Or else what is the point of $20 skins?
Report me all you want.
You can and will be punished for abuse of the report button.
Exploiting how, exactly?
People can choose to donate if they wish, or they can not donate or they can donate directly to the fund if they don’t have the $.
I personally think this is a good idea, because for one Blizz is donating to a Good charity, with very good ratings. Secondly, it’s useful for people who otherwise would never think of donating, at all, ever. It provides an easy way to donate for those who are confused where to start. It also provides incentive to donate for those who might not otherwise.
How is this exploitative in any fashion?
Uhhh. All the proceeds from selling the Mercy skin goes directly to the BCRF charity. Blizzard isn’t making a dime off this Mercy skin.
Yall… its for charity… why are some gamers like this…
Well…first can you tell me when breast cancer month is?
It isn’t May.
Which means there are other charity that could have been the focus for this month.
Mental Health IMO needs more awareness over breast cancer. Everyone knows about breast cancer, yet there is still a stigma around mental health.
Which means you could have focused on another hero. Maybe Zen or Lucio.
BUT… guess what. Those heroes aren’t as popular as Mercy.
So why pick Mercy for this?
Like I said. I would be very curious as to what the true intentions are here IF they dont match $1 for $1 after the event is over.
So many people just take things at face value. It doesn’t hurt to think things through.
Yes. And thats great. I support giving to charity.
But what are the devs giving?