Pink Mercy giveaway!

Hello everyone!

I would like to donate more to BCRF. I already have the skin on my main account and thought about buying it on my alt.
But I decided I’d rather gift it to someone who would want to donate 15$ too, yet don’t have the money to do so. I don’t need the skin 2x and I’d rather make a fellow Mercy Main happy too!

Yet to make sure I give it to someone who really cares about the charity and is not just trying to get the skin, I have a small requirement.
You need to have watched the charity stream and have Tier 3 reward. These include this spray and icon .
A simple ingame screenshot where I can see the spray or icon unlocked (hero gallery or carreer profile) and your profile name is visible is enough for me (via imgur).

I will draw the winner (if more than 1 respond with my requirements) tommorrow evenening at 21.00 Central European Time, so about in 24hrs from now on.

EDIT: So I just found out that you have to be at least friends for a week on to gift someone someting. WHELP :frowning: I guess no giveaway then. Sorry guys :frowning:


That is so kind of you :heart:
I already have her and donated but just wanted to say that is very nice of you to do for someone else. If I had the money to spare I would be doing the same thing. :blush:


Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:
I hope someone replies tho ^^

Already got it as well.

I have concerns though as the forums are rather minor and your post is likely to get buried.

If possible, try talking to a streamer and create a raffle for players who donate even $1 to the charity. Not everyone will get one, but they are donating what they can to the cause and you might get people interested in helping you give out more than 1 skin.

Uh man, haven’t watched the Stream and got the tier 3 rewards, oh well good luck to anyone who’s going to win.

But that is only via Battle. net?

Not possible on Ps4 right?

I don’t think its possible to give away Pink Mercy anymore, as it would require you to be friends on Battle net for 1 week. (Charity ends in like 4 days from now)

But for PSN and XBL, I am not sure if it is still possible, but its more like, just give the money basically… and trust that the person would use it to donate and get the pink mercy skin.

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Wait?! Are you sreious??? :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

I am afraid so. Sorry. Its really dumb from Blizzard to do something like this.

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Is that you HALtv? If anyone wanted to meet the Tier 3 by 21:00 CET, then they’d have to watch Hal tomorrow starting at around 15:00. (For the record, just joking! It’s nice that you’re doing this)

oh no, wtf :frowning: I didn’t know. Whelp I guess there is no giveaway then :frowning:

You can get the twitch app on console and battlenet account to a twitch account. That’s how I got mine.

its still a nice idee.
And even tho i have evrything i have to say, it was horrible to watch the stream.
Only had it opne in the background. Hope Blizz is not doing this agian.

I think he was asking if the giveaway was only for PC.

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Yeah, they require 7 days. It’s a PITA.