Pink Mercy get so Offended for no reason

Hey CB

If you can, please contact me on the battlenet app

I am Megadodo#11847

OK))) I will write you if I need. Thanks for this support!

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I am asking you to do so as soon as possible

Lol did both of you coordinate to make that new pink mercy skin thread?

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when one opens a new thread, it is opened solely by that one individual

no thread is opened by more than 1 individual

…You cared enough to go all the way to these forums :woman_shrugging:

please contact me asap

also where is the BCRF thread?

I don’t now if the OP is joking lol because in my 6 years of OW I’ve never encountered any players like this lol.

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Are the Pink Mercy posts gone?

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I can say that ever since i got the skin I’ve never encountered anything like this. I’ll get compliments occasionally or if i see another mercy with the same skin we give acknowledged crouch spams but thats about it.

all three of the most recent posts by CB on this subject have been closed and/or delisted and/or 404’ed. With apologies, SS, it is probably best that I say no more than this, and that no more questions are asked. If you do wish to chat, I am Megadodo#11847 on Battlenet.

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Wait what? Has Blizzard removed the 2k replies Pink Mercy posts???

Edit: I see that this post is unlisted and closed by some mod I think. I don’t understand why those are unlisted at all. Pink Mercy in Overwatch 2 - General Discussion - Overwatch Forums (

If you want to you can still write comments on my post since it’s still open

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It’s called “Main Character Syndrome” and/or “Narcissism” and it isn’t exclusive to Mercy players, but is prominent amongst their player demographic

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Clearly the only reason you posted this on the forums was in the hopes of getting attention from Pink Mercy players.

I know I’m just contributing to the problem, but someone had to step up.

You need to stop. You have a problem.

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I dont see any problem whatsoever with the post by Cactus

the scenario Cactus is describing is absolutely an ow-related matter, and as such, there is no need for Cactus to “stop”, nor is there any indication whatsoever that Cactus has a “problem”

Cactus can indeed discuss their experience in this forum

No rules are being broken, and any assertions as to his/her motivations are not only baseless given the near certainty that the accuser does not know the accused, but also irrelevant to the topic

You’re right, it does sound made up. I mean, no one ever targets the supports! -insert sarcastic tone for those who can’t really read tone in text-

I’d maybe buy (or at least question less) this happening once as an amusing interaction.

But the “multiple times” thing? I’m pressing f to doubt

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-The Joke <-----

-Your Head

having now re-read the post after the claim of it being a joke was made…I see no evidence that it was intended as humor

You honestly took this seriously?

Wow. Ok then. :rofl: