Pineapple pizza spray? šŸ

We actually agree on something here.

Although Iā€™m still wounded you didnā€™t even cast a glance at my Moira thread.

If you let the pineapples ripen some, they actually become more sweet instead. Thatā€™s another run way to try it.

As much as i dont like pineapples on pizza, jeff confirmed that every hero likes it. I think its cute, but, imo, theres too many sprays in the game. Make an emote, voice line, or even better for the upcoming summer event - victory poses of them eating it. it would be so cute.


Morte alla pizza con ananas

Oh, I meant it as, non sweet things seem to be the thing for pizza. Pineapple is fairly sour. Makes sense imo. Cuts through the cheese and oils well. Tangy for the tomatoes.

On paper i would think it would be popular . Well, it is fairly popular but likeā€¦hard yes or no for so many.

How lucky I am that the whole roster of overwatch likes pineapple on their pizza .

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Place in spawn where heroes can sit and talk with each other eating pizza before game starts, that would be funny adition.


:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes: Yaaaasssss . You are the one we have needed for the cause. A visionary

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I really need to try pineapple pizza so I can pick a side in this eternal war.

Someone bring me some. :stuck_out_tongue:

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See, my tastebuds are mostly dead. I donā€™t really find it so sour (I like just straight up eating lemons for a snack sometimes), and I really love spicy food. If it were up to me, Iā€™d prefer the sweeter pineapples as I like the contrast of tastes. Realistically, I donā€™t care what people get on their pizza. I just think a lot of people areā€¦ idk, sort of boring with it when itā€™s one of the best foods ever.

You can add so much flavor and load it up with so many things. Yet I see so many people just default to cheese or pepperoni.

sighs, only sort of judgingly.

I recommend a classic Hawaiian with ham to go with it. But Iā€™m omw with the pizza.

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link please?

also, its lunchtime, andā€¦well, you knowā€¦

Iā€™m more for spice myself. Probably why I donā€™t like pizza so much.

When I do eat it, at parties and such, I load it with spice, and ask to have soooooo many toppings itā€™s basically an open calzone

Idk. The masses are the masses. Individual taste and creativity fall to void

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So youā€™re ready to convert to putting pineapple on pizza :smiley:?

I kid haha!

Yo, I want you over the next time Iā€™m at a party that is gonna have pizza. You have refined tastes I believe.

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noā€¦quizybunny has what Im looking forā€¦

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Have fun, thereā€™s even a bunny in thereā€¦ donā€™t let the glass cut you though!

Can I get a side of Ranch spray with the pineapple pizza spray?

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Ranch, peppers , parmesan packets are also requested Jeff!

Absolutely not. You will be tried for pizza treason

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I just love pineapple on my pizzas, oh man they work so well with red chilly based paprika toppings. Kinda like Fire and Ice kinda thing. :partying_face:
Would love new sprays though.

I feel like we have reversed the prequel meme situation here.

At any rate, Hawaiian pizza is delicious and Iā€™ll fight to the death for it. Cheese and pepperoni are delicious (though boring). Pizza with loaded toppings (what I prefer) is delicious.

All pizza is delicious. All pizza is valid. Except you, potato and marshmellow pizza drizzled with mayo.