Phone plan being solved

I just got back in NA pacific time PS5.

I assumed they would after they got the launch done. People just need to relax! :slight_smile:

It’s not announced if it’s just going to allow pre-paid plans, if they’re just going to double down, if they’re going to allow alternative verification methods, etc. We really don’t know what they’re planning yet. They only said they’d address it, so we don’t really know what to expect yet.

I am really happy they are gonna address this. I hope this applies to metro pcs too! Well it says pre paid so im guessing all people with pre paid.

Conspiracy theory: The numbers were sold in advanced.
The DDoS attack from yesterday was allotted back-door access into the servers to gather the data, feigning the appearance of a malicious attack in order to absolve any wrong doing on the Company’s part.
Giving them the ability to claim innocence in the exchange.

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Right here. Getting ready to start laughing at all the “anti-doomer” numbskulls who said Blizzard wasn’t going to do anything about it. Mainly because “it’s already on COD” or whatever.

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They may have already made a change, not sure, but I was able to click on the 'I already registered my phone number (I’m a cricket user, so can’t register right now) and it let me in. I’m in queue currently with ~800 people.

As part of the Horde Im tusting you on this and logging in

That’s certainly good news, it was a dumb thing to do in the first place, but at least there’s hope that these people will actually be able to play the game.

Lmao indeed this guy has some agenda today.

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Blizzard and bad judgement, name a more iconic duo…

600 ahead of me now.

“We plan to address this sometime soon, potentially this afternoon.” Is very telling. That’s not saying they’re going to change it, ‘addressing it’ just means they’re going to give us some crap about why it is how it is, and how you, the player, can resolve the issue. Like getting a phone from Verizon. :slight_smile:

:cookie: take a cookie
For being kewl

“Don’t you guys have phones?”


if blizzard is going to take my number and sell my data can i at least get a cut of the sales?

805 for me but I haven’t needed to do anything extra yet


I’ll let you know if I get in, I’m under 500 now.

No, but if your car’s warranty has expired you can get an extended one at a deep discount.

NOOOOOO dont give them any Ideas :grin: