Philadelphia Fusion vs. New York Excelsior - FINAL

Did they ever 4-0 Fusion?

GG go next.


4-0, GOATS. Listen I love OW, I love OWL, but Blizz is idiotic if they dont do something REAL about Goats, right now.

Stage 4 they did I believe

After Map 4


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thats why i am trying to decompose what the core of goats is…

The core is the triad of Rein, Zarya and Lucio, with Rein swappable for high ground advantage. Same as all deathballs. Brig just makes it safer to run v Dive

Synergy, Damage Mitigation, CC, Defensive Ults, and 1 Win Condition (Zarya).

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It’s simple, really…nerf every last one of the members of the GOATs strategy. Yes, even Sombra.

and only two things that were not changed by blizzard is?
reinhardt (who is not the problem) and… zarya

Cool, lets ruin 7 or 8 hero’s, instead of implementing 2-2-2…oh wait.

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notice that when zarya dies first then teams back off right away

Just saying that is exactly what i predicted.
Those nerfs to Goats means almost nothing, and Baptiste Immortality Field is strong but far from OP, not even close to support ult value that ppl compare it to be.

Stage 1 had a stat, if your Zarya dies first, you have something like a 5% chance to win the team fight.

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Haven’t the castors said that once they lose the Zarya, they pretty much lose that fight?

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i said it - zarya is the great enabler of goats… she can cover herself (and thats cool because shes a tank) but also she can cover healer (zen) who has denying ult for countering other ults or follow-ups
she has huge DMG that excludes nessesity of DPS heroes
she has opening ult

she is in the very center of every teamfight

I’m being snarky here.

Personally, I believe Brigitte’s Shield Bash and Zarya’s bubbles are a bit of an issue. Basically, nerf shields and bubbles and watch GOATs die. They did Lucio, but without dealing with the other 6 (including Sombra), you are not going to have any change in meta. And forcing 2-2-2 will not do anything other than probably cause a lot of grandmaster players and high ranked players to cry foul…

imagine that brig can throw additional shield to other heroes and her whoooomper loads energy and deals more damage

Huge disagree. Zarya is not a problem, and Brig has been gutted. Lucio is so lame now.

How many Nerf’s do we need before we just accept 222.