Philadelphia Fusion vs. Dallas Fuel - FINAL

I live in the Isle of Man which is right in between of England and Ireland and I don’t get tokens from watching which I say is quite bullsh_t.

philly looks like they are throwing ;(

Carpe just reminding everyone who he is

A Blue still Burns. :smiley:

carpe rekt fuel

So uh, I think all those people blaming Zach need to eat their words eh… he was never the problem.

How to counter Sombra? asking for a friend


JAYNE! <3 :heart_eyes:

Final Score


WATCH LIVE: TwitchOverwatch LeagueMLGESPN3

Ask Paris Eternal. They shut her down hard against London.

Sometimes you forget that Jayne is just an assistant coach. Aero is crying in the back. :frowning:

what else is new lol

I’m just going to keep parroting that stat all the whilst I can because it’s a good time to be a British OWL fan:

Teams with British players = 6-1
The same teams without their Brits = 0-4

GOATS is property of the 7 Lions

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Losing to the Mayhem and Fuel in one week, that’s though. Hope Boombox returns soon, no offense to Elk.

Reaper and Mei can counter her. Mei can freeze her even she gets EMPd, or Reaper still has his passive self heal, and his cooldowns are not even that much of a loss if you are hacked. Reaper’s cooldowns need a major rework to be even remotely useful other then wraith form reload, which is useful. But that is as useful as McCree’s barrel roll.

J D: Y N E

Well apparently that was a bad match to make dinner. What happen to Fusion? Did Dallas show up big time or something?

dallas designated this game as the game to go sicko mode in this week

also philly did not look good at all. flashes of brilliance but they were just the worse team in every regard i think