Philadelphia Fusion vs. Dallas Fuel - FINAL

No it’s Carpe rekt Dallas with Widow but still lose.

I don’t know about that… Mei is really weak to EMP because her team completely relies on those walls and she can’t cryo to sit it out.

The best way to deal with Sombra is simply to have a comp that is spread out, so EMP doesn’t get as much value.

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Yeah Dalls won 3-1. Jayne seriously needs to make sure there is more focus coaching on Effect’s Zarya play though.

Also, I like GZ but I do not see them winning this match. Hopefully it’s close. :frowning:

I feel like Effect is always being overestimated. I have never seen him be as dominant as people make him out to be. I do hope he improves for Dallas’ sake.

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What I mean is… you even remotely make Sombra aware that you know where she is, she is countered. Mei spraying her freeze around, or reaper just spraying like dva does all over the place, usually results in Sombra not being effective. Just have characters that are a major pain in the butt to get close too.

Pain in the butt to get close to… You mean like Hanzo?

He also has sonic arrow going for him.

Haha it was a joke, I actually most often switch to Roadhog, not a hard counter, but I find him very usefull against a sombra comp.

Hope you didn’t bet any money

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Effect is dominate on Tracer and Widow, we just do not get to see it anymore, but he is actually up there with SBB, Striker, Carpe… Just sucks he can never show it now… and Goats will be the main composition for the next 2 stages… Hero 30 wont be added until maybe stage 3 if we are lucky. And if Hero 30 is finally that meta change we need, then cool, half of OWL Season 2 will have a different swing to it, maybe bring back dps focused comps.
But I just do not get why they constantly want Effect on Zarya, when AKM has been performing better, and it would be more efficient to practice Effect on the Sombra.

Jayne: “gg ez”

You mean “I’m wrestling with some insecurity issues in my life but thank you all for playing with me.”

Roadhog is weak against hacks… weaker then Dva. Dva at least has the remech.

Even last season I did’t really see it, he was good but nowhere near SBB, Carpe, or Striker. Maybe his team just didn’t let him reach that level last season.

He won, so I guess he can say that.

i dont have any money to begin with also im not that stupid