Pharmercy Needs to Disappear

Once again, we have more plagues in our competitive games. A place where skill is tested, we always have heroes which ruin the spirit, and make the experience worse for everybody. For some reason, Pharmercy has come back in recent times, and I believe we need to remove it. As if character which forces players to look up rather than forward isn’t already bad enough, she now has an infinite health pack, and sits far away from hitscan to the point where falloff is makes the damage negligible. Although the pharah buffs were a mistake, I believe a good place to start is to make it so pharah cannot receive healing while in the air. This will put an end to the low skill combo for good, and players can be at peace once again.


The problem is not Pharah herself, its Mercy

Mercy can make heroes really problematic, another one being Ashe who becomes a better Widow

This is an issue that mostly on Mercy, and she is the one that should be changed


Pharah is causing issues by being an areal threat, and you want to nerf Mercy instead?

Leave the poor woman alone, she’s already been nefed 6 feet under.


Not a nerf, a rework

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You are calling Pharmercy “Low Skill hero” but at the same time you complain about how hard to kill is that duo…

Dude… then you have really low low low low low skill?


Pharmercy isn’t even that strong. Learn to counter it or stop whining.

Every hitscan in the game has been powercrept beyond belief. Mcree fire rate and ult buffs (which allow him to delete them out of the air immediately), Solider 20 DPS buff and spread buff and helix buff, Ashe ammo buffs and gun buffs. got a booster CD buff to harass them. Even Sombra has a 10% spread buff last month.

And Mercy only does 50 HPS now and her damage boost was nerfed to be less interactive so Pharah isn’t getting as much healing if Mercy wants to damage boost all her rockets.

Get over it zzz anyone who thinks they need to nerf or rework Mercy’s mobility is out of their mind


Maybe on PC, but in Console that combo is a real pain

If anything, Pharah should be able to receive more healing in the air. I see no logical reason why aura heals should have height limits and Pharah needs to have broader synergy with more Supports if she’s ever going to be able to function without Mercy.

Seriously though, Pharmercy is perfectly counterable and ain’t a problem outside of the fact that Pharah needs to be more independent for her own sake.

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The problem with making Pharah better by herself, is that it will straight up make Pharmercy an even bigger issue

Mercy’s ability to pocket like needs to be removed first, since again, this is entirely Mercy’s fault

mercy isnt the problem , even if she was just nerf the healing that pharah takes while airborne and boom , pharmercy gone


Nerfing Pharmacy is like nerfing Rein Zayra or bastion pirate ship or peanut butter and jelly. Some compositions work well together. Your in ability to deal with it is another story. It’s not like old mei or doomfist where one character can literally be unpleasant to play against.


The problem with that is Blizzard WANTS mercy to be a pocket. Evident by them saying Ashe was an indirect buff to her. Her job now is to damage boost annoying heroes and make them a pain.

Any Support can pocket so how exactly do you propose removing the ability to do so from Mercy? And without totally ruining her in the process?

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It’s gonna be something like “Don’t let her GA again without touching the ground” “Don’t let her GA to the same person twice” or some other bs suggestion that makes Mercy unfun and unviable in ALL comps not just with Pharmercy


Pharmercy is pretty much dead. Echo dunks on Pharmercy to an almost hilarious degree.


The problem with Pharmercy is that only Hitscan can counter her reliably, which is a problem in Console

I dont recall other supports being able to also DMG boost or pretty much permanently heal the target all the time, Zen doesnt count since his Healing is way lower

I don’t think it needs to be removed.

I believe that they should take out some of the damage boost that she can provide (since that makes her synergize with half the DPS role) and then buff her healing and her ultimate (make it stronger with less ult time). Resurrection can be buffed too, to have a aura around her while Resurrecting someone.

Its not the 50 HPS its the Damage boost, which is fair in my book. Id rather keep people alive than having a german man swing even harder looollll. Wasn’t it 20% before? Revert that and give Mercy 60 HPS, and let the 30% only occur in Valkyrie since its pretty much tied to Mercy now

Moira can Coal + Heavy heal you butt for 15 seconds, thats a pocket in my book if theres no Ana

Can Moira heal an airborne target reliably and also provide DMG boost?

Can Ana provide DMG boost whenever she wants to?