Pharmacy needs deleted

game needs this removed its unplayable and boring to play againest.

Easy solution nerf mercy boost give it a cool down like moria
phara nerf so she cant stay in the air for that long

you nerf hit scan s but all these low ranked crap players are gaining rank in dps just 1 tricking phara as her kit requires 0 i mean 0 skill

even if u miss u hit due to splash damage


and on middle east servers sadly 90% of your games there will be 0 team work so they wont switch to help.

Its boring its easy yet you have done nothing to counter this.

Its unplayable and will be even worse in ow2


It’s best to take cover against the Pharmecy. If you are exposed and she is ontop of you with the Mercy you will more than likely be dead because the damage is insane.

Go in cover, wait until she had to reload and use that time to poke or relocate. If you can’t really aim at the mercy go for the Pharah. That way Mercy is forced to heal her instead of boost her damage, making it easier to deal with her.

Best of luck to you.

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yznsa wannabes moment unfortunately

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Pharmercy is a problem, its not uncounterable, but pretty hard in some maps, require very good hitscan player to deal with an average pharmercy, or you will also need a mercy to pocket your hitscan to do the job. The other counter is echo, but most players dont really play much echo. The main problem is mercy, not pharah, pharah on her own is an underpowerd hero. Mercy pocket in general made the game boring and create toxicity.

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Good luck finding one of those (who’s not smrufing) below 2400 SR. :rofl:


Yeah, thats true, pharmercy is significantly easier than their counters below master, and in some cases even gm will have a lot of difficulty against pharmercy.

Remove all characters except Sym.

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I think it’s only a problem on console and low ranks.

I’ve had enemy dps mad at me for pocketing but when they went to spawn camp me i won the dual with mercy pistol so it was kind of funny when they flamed me. Not that I’m a mercy main or anything, our dps were just better and the pocketing wasn’t even difficult since the enemy couldn’t hit shots.

Hell, when I do play dps and they’re running pharah/mercy it’s a great excuse to play widow. Even torb turret will do enough to keep pharah in check a lot of the time unless there’s someone on the team that gets tilted at the mere sight of something they can’t deal with. Like hitting shots or being able to move their crosshair slightly higher than normal. Yes, i know you can hit shots but we don’t have all day.

The thing is, Pharmercy has no point presence and the enemy team is much more likely to C9 or not be able to contest anything as long as your team is on point and your support heal bots (which is like… the bare minimum).

It’s much more likely to see players blame pharah/mercy, miss all their shots, not kill anything, and then blame everything but themselves. They just give up and honestly, it’s kind of pathetic. I que on support and when my dps complain about things like pharmercy it’s just sounds like them admitting that they’re the lowest common denominator.

On controller, it’s much more of a problem. My experience has been t500 console is just people who’ve hooked up their mouse & keyboards to their playstations for clout anyway. Which is why you only get Joystick playing with controller on PC and don’t see many console/controller streamers other than that. That’s another topic all together though.


its stilal joke in middle east.

Honnest they have 0 clue on how to counter her.
So its free SR for a silver dps that only plays phara.

They dont play anything but and they getting to high plat playing nothing but phara

its so soul destroying every game.

When am DPS i can manage by going sombra or if i actually have a team with brains they shield and mercy boost me as bastion but that hardly happens

When am tannk il try and DVA

2 games this morning i am healer my dps was solider so i damage boosted him and other dps was junk…yeah anther bot with 0 briains.

Both was completely trash we had a hog…didnt have brains to go dva and a rein that just charged.

They need to bring back Sr based even if u lose cos i am carrying most games and still lose due to the bots i get 90 percent of games.

dare anyone pop on a vpn join middle east see what i have to put up with its a joke.

Pharmacy has killed ow and they have done nothing…yey give us skins from 4 years ago…rather fix the balance of the game.

OW 2 is gonna be a joke every game pharmacy only 1 tank lol

Brainless utter brainless

Delete phara now, shes not wanted she so easy to play requires 0 brains

I thought there was a junkrat in every one of your games though, just on principle.

Please delete phara its getting out of hand.

Every game

Hi Robocokk. Questionable name and thread revive but it is whatever. I do think that Pharah is just a poorly designed hero, being so oppressive for being so easy to play. Sure, you can kill her, but in terms of skill, you would have to be significantly better (in general skill) to deny Pharah value. Playing Pharah is much easier to obtain high value than other characters. With Pharmercy, it is extremely difficult to deal with.

So what is the counter? Well, no single hero actually “counters” Pharah. Hitscans can make the job easier, but Pharah just has to adjust her playstyle to a more close-range fighter. Defeating Pharmercy needs a team effort.

The main issue I really have with Pharah or Pharmercy is that it essentially forces a swap. If you don’t swap, Pharah gets very high value. If you do swap, you have to also rely that your team will help you “counter” the Pharah (since Pharah or Pharmercy IS NOT a solo effort).


You’re playing in the middle east? That is your problem right there, that is literally the trash can dump of the world right now (well let’s be serious it has been for past century, but we digress). Play on a different server set.