Pharah Tips? (Console)

I’ve picked up Pharah recently. Only because she’s the meta now and if you don’t get on with it, you’re just gonna be left behind lol. Anyway, I’m pretty decent with hitting her rockets but when I’m in the middle of a fight, I have a hard time managing my altitude. Like, I know I’m supposed to keep tapping L2 but I tend to fall down during fights. Normally, I can fly quite okay.
Also, if you have any other tips, I’d appreciate it. Thanks in advance!

I play on Switch, and while I’ve played verrry little Pharah, I know what you mean - I fly just fine during little skirmishes but my flight management drops in combat. Here’s what I suggest:

Get the rhythm down for Pharah’s flight to stay in the air. Like, train it till you can do it with your eyes closed. That way, it’s a lot simpler in combat - you’ve memorized how to fly correctly, and now you won’t waste brainpower trying to fly right.

This sort of thing happens to me on other characters, too, like suddenly forgetting how to wallride as Lucio well in combat. I think it’s a matter of moving that kind of thing from conscious play to subconscious play - once you can do it without thinking about it, it’s not as much of an issue.

In any case, probably look up a couple Pharah flight guides and/or practice the skill in Deathmatch a lot.


It’s just muscle memory. You just have to do it so much that you don’t think about it. Go in the practice range and just fly and hit bots, try and stay in the air as long as possible


just recently made a Pharah video.

however if you don’t wanna watch, i’ll still address your question. Try to land on nearby objects/platforms/whatever for just 1-2 seconds to regain fuel. The meter fills up REALLY quickly.

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If you learn how to time it, you don’t have to land very often at all. Just feather your trigger.

Agreed, but just telling someone “learn it” doesn’t really help lmaoo. I’m giving him tips on how to extend time in the air

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Yeah, I guess I wasn’t very helpful with details. But leading them to think they need to land is also unhelpful if they don’t think they can stay airborne. You use your boost, then feather your trigger. You’ll have just enough fuel that your boost comes off CD. You hit your boost then rinse and repeat.
His tip is good for gaining altitude also.

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Yeah, I tried doing that but I still messed up in a game. Maybe I just need to do it more.

Yeah, it definitely takes time. A lot of practice. It has to get to a point where you just do it without thinking about it. It’s really hard to fly and land rockets if you don’t have the muscle memory to stay in the air. Just keep practicing. If you get frustrated with her, just don’t pick her for a bit. Play a different hero for a while, then play her again. It took me a very long time to be able to stay airborne and be able to land direct hits. Even now sometimes I screw up and hit the ground then have to piddle around til my boost is ready. It’s something that could take weeks or months to master. If this game was just about being in the air and hitting stuff, it wouldn’t take nearly as long, but you have people shooting at you, choices to make, cover to utilize, so many things at once. So be patient with yourself.
Also, maybe this is something that you don’t realize…I’m not sure the exact number, there’s probably a pharah main that could tell you, but it’s around 3 boosts that you can stay airborne before you have to land. And with each boost cycle, you’ll drop max altitude.

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Alright. Thanks a lot!

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