Pharah Rework Concern

I’ve been rolling as Pharah lately, even without a dedicated pocket. I’m really hoping tomorrow’s patch doesn’t screw up the work I’ve put in to getting good with her.

It’s bad enough that it takes two direct hits to kill a squishy and about ten thousand to kill a tank, but the HP buffs are concerning.

I know the rework is considered a buff for her, but I already am disliking the all around HP buff. With the healing output in this game, I don’t see how DPS is going to be fun anymore.

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the neat thing is sojourn will dominate even more because she can constantly apply the cauterise passive, and all other dps will be irrelevant!

she also does not care about breakpoints on her laser spammable primary fire! more mercy pocketed sojourn domination because 244 damage headshots is still an incredibly high amount of damage in one burst

pharah might be good though i saw the leaked rework and the in air dash looks versatile

No offense intended, but the one game you spent getting good is not a huge deal. Hopefully they do make her a bit more difficult so that it’s actually moderately difficult to dominate on her…

Hmm, that’s pretty much the rule for most projectile heroes like Junkrat, Mei or Torb. It’s even 1 headshot and 1 bodyshot for Mei and Torb, so harder to hit than just 2 bodyshots.

Killing easily is not the only way to have fun in this game, is it ? The Pharah rework seems to give her way more movement speed, at the expense of a little less time in the air. I think she’ll still be fun. Her projectiles will go faster and be bigger too, so…

Hmm, Soldier and Bastion will be able to constantly apply cauterise. Sombra, Tracer, or even Reaper (considering the spread) will be able to apply it consistently.

The rail will be harder to hit (smaller projectile ammo now). And Hanzo can still do 240 without a pocket, so…

I’m not so sure. I’m afraid her speed boost will actually make her harder to hit. We’ll see, I guess…

nah the base size was “nerfed”

because there’s a global buff. so it’s bigger than before but they pre-emotively nerfed it so it wouldn’t be too big

Are you sure ? I’m not completely sure from the patch notes, because it is written :
Most damage-dealing projectile sizes have been increased by a new global modifier added to their base size”. “Most” does not mean “all”.

They specifically specify what ISN’T effected. Things like sleep dart, fire strike, and Orisa javelin

No, they give examples : “Very large projectiles with a base size greater than 0.5 meters have been excluded from these increases (e.g., Orisa’s Energy Javelin or Reinhardt’s Fire Strike)”. Sojourn’s projectile clearly doesn’t have a “base size greater than 0.5 meters” anyway.

The patch given to pros had every excluded projectile listed.

  • Ana’s Sleep Dart
  • Brigitte’s Whip Shot
  • Orisa’s Energy Javelin
  • Reinhardt’s Firestrike
  • Roadhog’s Chain Hook
  • Sigma’s Accretion
  • Sombra’s Virus

Junk primary fire, Kiriko kunai, and Sojourn railgun are some projectiles that had their size nerfed pre-global increase so that they benefit less from the global projectile buff, which they DO receive. All three of them have bigger projectiles tomorrow. They just nerfed their size so that they would still be a reasonable size after the increase.

Kiriko Kunai for example was nerfed from .18 to .15 and receives a .1 increase so now is .25 large. Still a buff, but not .28 large

Pharah has an AoE debuff with increase projectile speed and faster recovery time. Along with extra health. It should generally be pretty easy to get kills on supports given you can cripple their healing output with passive and make easier shots overall.

Now, people can make easier shots on you, but if you face off against supports you have the innate advantage in total. Tanks are never your prime target unless you have nothing else to shoot or use barrage.

Other DPS will be your prime weakness since everything will have an easier time shooting Pharah. Other DPS cripple your recovery on health. Pharah to me is going to be another flanking hero or a person who peppers people down range with spam AoE to keep healing mitigated.

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Didn’t know there were other patch notes released, so I didn’t have that info.

Well, my bad then.
P.S : I can already imagine the posts concerning Kiriko’s kunais… it’s gonna be a s*** show…

they are going to kill my main and ruin her for a whimp “be less reliant on mercy” well thats not going to happen, pharmercy will still be a thing. the only thing pharah needed was a rework to her ult and is the only thing they didnt touched, just let us cancel it jesus christ, why its so hard to implement? a good pharah player may not even use the ult because you know you will die

I dislike that they are changing her movement. She wasn’t OP and her movement was a skill to learn. Now I have to relearn it from scratch?

I wouldn’t stress too much about her breakpoints. Unlike a hero like Junkrat, she can deal incremental damage. For example, she can’t kill with two directs but one direct and two splash shots is still likely to kill. She has a faster fire rate, faster projectile speed, larger projectiles, and damage on conscussive blast to help facilitate that.

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She has to 3 tap now which is a W 90% of kiriko players can’t even 2 tap

How is Pharah hard to play lol?

Easiest spammiest hero - as if it was hard to shoot the floor, it’s literally impossible to miss.

Meanwhile, you’re a hovering, dipping, flying, annoying hero that someone has to blind themself to the rest of your team in order to shoot.

Not op. Lol. The self delusion.

The fact most Pharah players are totally terrible at aiming projectiles, just makes me laugh. You know those facehugging Pharahs that play like Genji. Shooting you at point blank range so they literally cannot miss.

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I hope she’s garbage after her rework and is an unplayable mess