Pharah needs a nerf ASAP

So you devs nerf my main Mei to the ground, making her no longer my main, yet you buff Pharah. Pharah has always been one of the hardest to kill heros. Someone who just hovers up in the sky raining down hell and what do you devs do? You buff her of course. The most OP hero IMO got a buff. Like are you trying to make this game so unfun that everyone leaves? Why in the world would you buff Pharah, of all heros? Please nerf her. It was impossible to kill her before and she did insane damage and now its even worse. The only thing to do when a pharah is on the other team is leave the match or shut the game down and play a game where the devs haven’t destroyed the ‘fun’ factor. Please undo the buffs you gave to Pharah. This is so unfair to every other hero who doesn’t fly…which is absolutely everyone.


Didn’t even read after, already saw a logic behind it. Yikes! you nerf my main, nerf others bla-bla-bla.

Eazy farm for actual gamer, non-mei abuser.


If you couldn’t swap heroes and u didn’t go hitscan I could agree but literally go widow Mccree and she’s done


Yet she dies to literally every single character in the game easily… even heroes she’s supposed to counter such as Doomfist can also kill her with minimal problem.

Without Pharmercy she could be considered to be worse than Bastion in some cases. The damage buff was needed to keep her in line with the other DPS, not that she’s still good in any situations. Also, Mei’s icicles are a relatively fast projectile so sniping her isn’t even a problem.

Say hello to Mercy and Echo. Also Doomfist, Lucio, D.Va, and Ball by technicality.


PREACH BROTHER! PREACH! Pharah needs a big old nerf

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this…this is a joke right?


I looked at your profile picture, looked at how many posts you made, and immidently knew what happened. Sorry, people will destroy you here. Best to just mute this place and leave, Concealified.



Mate I don’t mean to be mean, but if you quit mei after those nerfs, you can’t have been a skilled player with her. If you’ve been playing her by just holding down left click for 98% of the game, then I can see why you would quit. But it’s unsportsmanlike to play her in that way. It’s no different than mccree players using flash fan as a crutch. She needed nerfs to her left click, and this is coming from someone who enjoys playing her, and spent a fair amount of time getting better at landing right clicks.
If you put in some effort at getting better at the parts of her kit that actually require mechanical skill, then this nerf wouldn’t even matter to you.
Wall needed to be toned down, and the single pillar breaks allowing tanks through is good for the game.
Curbing mei players from providing INSANE value to their team by just holding left click down the entire match, is good for the game.

She’s still a great character, who’s capable of freezing two players with the ammo in 1 clip. She even has more icicles to shoot in each clip. Theoretically, she’s even deadlier in the right hands. The freeze nerf rewards players that don’t play her like an absolute scum bag.

To this day, nothing gets me more turned on than out sniping a widow with mei’s right clicks.


Im mean if you main mei ya your going to have trouble shooting her, and no she shouldn’t be nerfed for that fact especially considering that even moderatly decent hit scan players can shoot pharah out of the air.

I should know I main her and its your going to die… a lot if their is even a half decent hit scan.

Overwatch has counters learn to play them.

Pretty sure they buffed Pharah because they know Echo will encroach on her territory while also being a good Pharah counter.

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So I read about half of that, and all I got from it was “waah waah I hate pharah cuz I cant aim. Waah I abuse mei cuz targets have to be frozen in place for me to get kills. Waaahhh my mei abuse has given me a false sense of skill in OW waaah”

Did I sum it up accurately?


Ikr? Shes absolutely op. The only things that counter her are ana, ashe, baptiste, bastion,, mccree, moira(kinda), sigma, soldier, sombra, torb, tracer(kinda) widow and wrecking ball. So yeah, literally none.


check overbuff, pretty sure across all ranks phara is bottom 5 pick rate. now in bronze this could be a problem but bronze is also the rank where people play at 30 fps and their wifi goes out frequently. phara is not overpowered, its quite the opposite. shes very underpowered. as for mei? Her primary fire is a 1s stun that also SLOWS you. meis nerf was neccesary. and personally after playing her, i think its a very fair change. it gives skilled players more damage, and makes it so she cant hold freeze as long.

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something tells me it is

Maybe for Mei. For actual hitscan heroes, not so much.

Honestly all of the recent changes to Pharah were reverts. She still retains an “extra” buff from when they nerfed her in fire rate. But everything else just puts her back to the way she was before.

How about you just switch to one of her dozen counters? Assuming you’re in the DPS role, that’s half a dozen options right there.

I mean, depending on the role and the rank, you got:

  1. D.Va
  2. Orisa
  3. RoadHog (if you good at hooks)
  4. Ashe
  5. Solider
  6. McCree
  7. Widow
  8. Mei secondary fire (again, if you’re skilled enough)
  9. Torb Turret (low ranks)
  10. Bastion (same thing)
  11. Baptiste
  12. Ana
  13. Zen (if you’re skilled with him)
  14. Valk-ing Mercy
  15. Sombra

Did I miss anybody?


i dont even main her and her icicle is easy to use even on pharah only phamercy was an issue due to healing between shots.

well in that case shoot the mercy to force her to run away/ remove her from the fight.

as you know a hero that can do just over 75 dps over a few secound period is not the ideal hero to be fighting against a mobile target with attached healing.

both soldier and mcree can out damage a pharah even with healing attached to them.

that and headshots are also a thing.

Funny you say that, they actually buffed Mei’s secondary fire (You can now do 12 shots per clip, instead of the previous 10).

And, as long as you’re going up against Pharah, by herself (no mercy), And you have decent aim, you can take her out with Mei’s icicle.

The OP doesn’t even have to switch, mate. As long as they are decently mechanically skilled, They could take out a solo Pharah with Mei’s secondary. I’ve done it myself, multiple times. Mei’s recent changes even gave her 2 more shots per clip to do so.

You give up on your mains that easily?