Pharah movement

Pharah should get sharper directional control: boosters that accelerate her quickly in three dimensions. She’d be a lot more fun to play and not so much of a floating duck.


A character has a suit full of micro jets and flying wings yet they can only hover at the same speed that everyone else runs on the ground :thinking:


I agree!

Rework her such that:

  • Upfront damage and splash reduced a fair bit, but her clip, ROF, and projectile speed is upped.
  • Can activate “Valkyrie-like” flight at all times. Slowly drains a common Fuel meter
  • She can also proc a Jet Boost that drains a chunk from that fuel meter, allowing her to quickly dash mid-air (or a shorter distance on the ground)
  • Gets an Afterburner ability, basically burns all remaining Fuel in exchange for localized damage–discourages short-ranged heroes from getting right under her and firing (Reaper)
  • Barrage… IDK. IDK what to do about Barrage. It’s stinky.

She should be a fighter jet, not a B-52


I’d agree except people already complain endlessly about being unable to shoot her despite her incredibly predictable movement. There would be a meltdown if she actually got good mobility x.x

Half the total damage in exchange for making it cancellable.

Or…just…remove it entirely and give her an 8 rocket clip and revert the splash damage/boop nerf

I was almost thinking about turning it into like a bombing run, where she quickly flies in a straight line and fires barrage of rockets below her. Give her mild lateral control, similar to Barrage now but making it more mobile and less aimed, so she’s a bit less vulnerable at the expense of localized power.

But I’m kinda going for broke on that one

Id honestly be happy with anything else other than the

pre-plan in advance to die and suicide bomb people

that she currently has

Maybe we should just give her a Tactical Nuke and call it a day

Like this?

đ“‚€ Pharah ideas thread

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No. This is the last thing I want changed on her.

This is not who she is though.

I’d rather have her conc blast be reworked to be less clunky.

No thanks.

Barrage is fine, just allow her to cancel it.

No, she should be a B-52. Valked mercy is the fighter jet.

You realize that’s the entire point of a rework?

Yes, I realize that, but I’m against a Pharah rework.

How about we take away her vertical mobility