Pharah feels like utter garbage

Soldier really didn’t need to be any more forgiving than he already is, but they buffed him so he’s even more mindless.

No amount of Pharah changes will make up for that lol, like PLEASE stop making Soldier braindead easy. :weary:

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Pharah is now echo is not even the same character. It’s just bad

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How much they buffed him?
And I guess you are phara mainer? Then you deserve to suffer from soldier 100% :smiling_imp:

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I don’t main Pharah! I play both DPS and support but mainly have been playing Ashe on DPS. :grimacing:

His hitscan hitbox is bigger, but that’s just…so weird with the fact he has no spread and one of the most forgiving recoils I have ever seen in a shooter.

Strange, I was always thinking he has one of the hardest recoils. Not convinient at least

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