Pharah Counters

Ana doesnt hardcounter her when her main role is healer and her bad ttk since her snipe damage is a dot, if she is sniping you she isnt healing her team. Soldier only ‘‘hardcounters’’ her by literally reserving his ult for Pharah otherwise he doesnt kill her fast enough to actually do any ‘‘hardcountering’’.

Widow Ashe and Mcree require a considerably higher skill to counter Pharah that that same Pharah does to do well.

Nothing you mentioned is a hardcounter. Hardcounter is, ironically, Pharah to Symmetra or Rein. Who cant do anything against Pharah unless the Pharah goes afk.

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It really depends on the play style…
If a Pharah plays to aggressive Soldier, Moira,Sombra & Ana can really erase her in a matter of seconds…

If a Pharah plays defensive and only picks for shots Widowmaker,Zenyatta,Ashe & Mccree would be a better pick

And if the enemies decided to go Pharah on defense Hammond, & Sombra would counter her well…

In small crouded maps like kings row Bastion can also be a pretty good counter and in big maps like Junkertown, Torbjorn can be a pretty solid counter…

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These are actually good ideas.

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As a Pharah main, I do agree she has a lot of counters, even with that, I don’t find it that hard to counter them back. But yeah, Tracers and Widows are just straight pain up my butt.

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Baptiste is a hitscan, and given the burst fire functionality of his weapon, it’s a lot like Soldier with controlled sustained fire.

I don’t know the range or falloff of his weapon, but from what I’ve tested it’s comparable to McCree for range.

As for D.Va I rank her high on the 2/3’s soft counter list. She’s defintely up there, but given her range limitations and need to close the gap to challenge Pharah as compared to the range and instant feedback hitscan DPS/Support heroes possess, she’s really not in their league for overall advantage, but still a very contentious hero nonetheless.


I didnt try Beptiste vs Pharah yet but from what i saw from using Baptiste weapon it’s kind of weak (like a support weapon should be (not like Moira&Brigitte) and it acts like fan the hammer, going higher every shot it fires…

While i am not entirely sure how effective it would be against i’m certain it would pretty hard to hit since it would hit probably like 1 or 2 of the shots and would deal much less than soldier & Mccree…
Also inresting factor would be the immortality field…
It’s floating above everyone making it a really simple target for a rocket…

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Pharah have a lot of soft counters… but you know what?

Pharah hardcounter a lot of heros…

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This really isn’t the case at all, I’d say she soft counters at the very least given the right combination of factors not limited to:

  • rank
  • team comp
  • hero choice
  • hero prowess
  • individual skill
  • ability to coordinate
  • range

If I had to chalk it up to three primary factors I’d say hero choice, rank and individual skill have the most pull here.

She hard counters Rein, Brig and Junk only if I had to say there’s a definitive hard counter here.


yea ashe is a pharah hard counter

Since the game’s launch, we’ve gotten:

  • Dva buffs
  • Bap
  • McCree deadeye buffs
  • Solider damage, gun buffs
  • Orisa, plus a plethora of her buffs to her gun
  • Sombra can hack her passive
  • Moira
  • E Hanzo
  • Ashe

So not only are there a plethora of new heros who counter her, but many existing heros have had abilities buffed that have made her moot.

All while she got nerfed when she got rebalanced, her counters have gotten buffed as well as new ones added. She’s a joke-tier hero now, and I can’t recall losing to a Pharmercy, let alone Pharah, since her rebalanced.

I dropped her a while back, and there is no reason to play her. She counter’s no one, because every hero can ignore her and just pick at her team. She is a D-tier hero now, and her rebalance was a spit in the face to anyone who played her.


I wish Blizzard was more willing to experiment with shrinking player models and hitboxes. Hitscan is extremely dependent on precision in Overwatch. Small heroes like Ana are much more resilient to hitscan damage than, say, hulking McCree.
Maybe a smaller Pharah could actually work.

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That’s pretty cool sounding. I just wish I didn’t “need” a mercy to be effective. Played without one and…it works it just sucks

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Well, no idea how to balance it, but they could make it so they had Pharah fuel used for some other kinda resource.

Was thinking of personal shields, but don’t know how to do that without making it too powerful on the ground.

Idk it’s tough, I definitely try to play to cover(even in the air) you would be in awe how many people in masters+ don’t use cover as phara…makes me sick

Random food for thought

Epilepsy warning on that cheese and rice man…

Only 2 heroes are powerless against her. Rein and Brig.

Literally every other hero can be a threat to her in most situations. Not a counter, but they can interact with, pressure, and kill her.

Soon Baptiste
All of those counter her hard.

She has a long list of soft counters.

She only has favorable matchups against 7 heroes, only hard counters 2 of them.

Stop spreading this nonsense.

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Very true. Even if your not headshot you can very rapidly be bodyshot by two of them before you can react. Also little side note think about this: She is the only projectile based character that your team will be like: “they’ve got two hitscan’s switch.” Weird

I main both Brigitte and Pharah, and guess what, most of the time I can hit her with flail shot for an easy 70 damage and self heal proc on myself. It’s not a huge amount but unless it’s one of the few superhigh ceiling maps (nepal, lijang garden) then even Brig can attack pharah pretty consistently

As a D.Va main, if I spot an enemy Phara up in the air, I’m flying toward her as I either unleash micro-missiles or fire the Gatling guns. I’m all over her like white on rice because being up in the air with a rocket launcher is a huge advantage for a Phara.

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