Pharah changes coming?

That would be incredibly OP.

Maybe a slightly lower CD for boost, and Conc does damage.

Also you can move slowly like McCree while using barrage

Did they announce incoming changes? Hopefully it’s something to help take her out of the air.

They havent announce anything yet, in a post Jeff said theyre working on something for Pharah and they’ll tell us next week.

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She has had so many indirect nerfs that directly nerfing her would be crazy, console players just need to use a mouse and keyboard.


Really? How interesting, I’m excited to see what they have in store for her, she definitely needs something.

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Mhmm, yep, they replied here.

I wonder what theyre gonna do with her, I think balance wise shes fine but ever since everyones buffs, it became indirect nerfs for her. Wonder what they’re planning for her.

I just hope they’re PC Exclusive.


Personally, I think they might add armor to her health to counter act the hitscan buffs

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Let’s make McCree and Soldier even more useless


We’re in 2018 going on 2019 and people still don’t think to pop before using DPS ultimates


i think giving her have more aerial control (so she’s easier to maneuver in the air [so she’s not such an easy target for hitscans]) so she can go down, up, back, front, and to the sides more smoothly? i’d see it as a buff/QoL to the character as a whole


“due to pharah being extremely ineffective from far range and at a severe disadvantage outside of close range vs hitscan, we are slightly nerfing her damage on lmb but making the rockets heatseeking”

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All she needs is a bit of shielding when she ults, that is about it. She has access to high points few others do, can get away from trouble quick, shoots 120 damage rockets with no damage drop off and splash damage… they do much more to her and she will be so dominant at lower tiers where people cannot aim that it would be absurd. I see entire QP teams flat out ignore her, and when you ask they are like herp, derp, she’s too hard to hit… and yet she can fire without much aim and do significant damage.

She’s one of those “special” characters like Tracer that you can never really balance across all the tiers… so she’s either crap at the top or too effective at the bottom. If anything, she needs her splash removed and make her more of a skill pick, forcing you to be either very good or come in much closer for shots.

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Mercy’s recent nerf was to nerf Mercy. Pharah being even more trash now is a side-effect which they are probably trying to address.


Have to agree, damage wise, I dont think they’ll do anything about that, but I can see their tweaking her ult or her concussion blast or her flight, just not her damage in general.

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Faster projectiles would be nice, though, I wouldn’t mind giving up some splash radius for that.

She’s a huge problem on console. Maybe they’ll actually have separate balancing for her in this next patch but i doubt it.


If they are any faster she should simply lose the splash damage altogether imnsho.

And before I sound salty about it, I can and do play her to some effectiveness, but it feels a bit like running Brig, kind of a cheap win. Without the impact of splash, she is forced to be more of a skill pick… not this hovering harpy throwing lightning out of the sky on people who can’t aim any better but she wins by splash damage…

It was just to make her healing thrash as it is now, so people could pick other healers and to make PharMercy less good.

But the side-effect is that Ana is not far from being a must-pick like Mercy was.

Mercy = thrash healing
Moira = 0 utility
Lucio, Zen, Brig = not enough healing to be played without main healer

So we are stuck with playing Ana constantly, who is even more un-fun to play against than Mercy.

This is the true side-effect.

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How on earth do you consider Ana “un-fun” to play against?

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