Petition to make profiles public again

Ah. Yeah, I misread your argument, sorry.
I’d prefer private by default either way but if you can turn it off yeah that’s fine.
My bad!

Mute them?

Pretty sure people who care about their profile being seen are the minority. We shouldn’t cater to them at the detriment of the game.

The nature of the game being team-based necessitates knowing as much as you can about your teammate’s capability.

Like in what world does denying teammates information results in good teamwork and makes for a good team game? It makes absolutely zero logical sense.


Now stop using profiles to blame everyone but yourself for the loss.

That is all, Aero out!


There have been a LOT of times where I chose a hero other than Mercy, and at least ONE douchebag would go “lol mercy main picked dps, gg”, or “stop throwing and pick the hero you have the most playtime on!”. It was aggravating, and made me not want to play or try new heroes. You can only mute so many people before you wonder why you bother playing this garbage game, y’know?

If you’re so curious about what your teammates want to play, here’s a step by step guide for PC:

  1. Open Chat with “Enter”.
  2. Type “hey guys, what do you feel like playing?”
  3. Wait for a response.
    3a) If no-one replies, that’s fine. Wait for everyone to pick their hero, then you have an idea of what you can choose to complement it.
    3b) Some say “i want to play x hero”.
  4. You have done an essential component of a team-based game: you communicated. Well done!

Try it out next time you play. You don’t need to see their profile to know what heroes your teammates want to play.


If that were true, Blizzard wouldn’t have spent the time, money and effort into creating the whole system. 88% of players use private profiles.

Why do you need that information exactly, how does that help you?

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Yes, basically this. They don’t need profiles at all, they can just do what you said IF what they say about teamwork is true, but we know better than that don’t we.

or you could just communicate and work together to make a good team comp …what am i saying thats clearly anti-teamwork

Communicate with them
Its a crazy idea i know but I really dont understand how knowing that your teammates have x hours on x hero helps at all instead of focusing on that so much you could put a little faith into your teammates


Good point, this should be private by default too.


They mean that sites now have overlays that let you use their website while in-game. Whether the target is set to private or not. I use it all the time.

Keep 'em private. I don’t care what you “need to know”.

My only issue with public vs private is that in a comp match the enemy team can see what you’re running before you go.
Back when junkrat was my only main, the enemy team would often start with a pharah, which was annoying to fight even when I didnt start as junk.

Because the enemy can see it as well I’m constantly switching it on for allies I meet, and off for games. I think it might be public right now, I can’t remember.
But if the option to hide from enemy team was there I’d have it set to that constantly.

Plus I think it’s worked so far in combating toxic bullies from bullying mains of a certain type, only unfortunate off shoot is it now can give the enemy team an advantage to have it set to public, so there’s no real pro to having it set to public.

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Anyway, to anyone with a private profile. Whether right or not, I don’t trust you as much. If I see my tank is a rein main I know that I can 9/10 depend on his pushes, where he engages, follow up his hammer, etc. If your profile is on private, I know you are hiding something you don’t want seen so I am not going to play around you as much as I would have. If you are again say, a reinhardt with a private profile I am going to assume you are below average and not play around you. I would rather take that chance than to play around a reinhardt who doesn’t know what they are doing and picks bad fights, engages and ults because that would get me killed. You can substitute reinhardt for any champ.



whoops all caps was on. but i think it needed it anyway.

who cares is the morale of the story. the fact you whine about it on the forums means you are probably one of those toxic people they brought this profile up in the first place for

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@flockwood It means I have to assume my team is below average at their hero and play more selfish than I would need to in order to win instead of being able to identify who is likely to secure a win and who I need to play around. Identifying your team’s win condition is a fundamental pillar of the game.


lol then maybe we should start reporting private accounters in comp. Call it game play sabotage or something.

someone was explaining this to me, apparently in some country there is a law if you have profiles that can be private like OW has it, they have to be default private. So that’s why the rest of us all of it default private because of one country or something like that.

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You bring up an excellent point. Thanks for telling me this.

It just means you are a less than ideal player. If you cannot judge a players ability in game and need a profile to see how you will play, then the flaw is in your own game.

If I see a Rein out of position, I try to figure out why he might be, then I tell him where to be. Communication can fix a lot of issues, that looking at a profile can’t.


By the time you are in a comp game with somebody then seeing their profile is pointless. They may be a one trick, they may be a tank main or whatever.

A one trick will pick the player they play, a tank main will generally pick a tank etc. All that profiles do is enable toxic players to find a reason to be toxic.

You could always try getting in voice and forming a comp that works for everyone.


How long should I wait before I give up on him? After he makes 1 bad push? 2? 3? 4? 8? 16? How much time needs to be wasted? In the amount of time it takes to decide whether 1-2 bad pushes was a fluke or if it’s a bad player I could working on winning the game. Not only this, now I need to stall my own in-game reflection to side analyze how you are playing. It’s not worth my time.

Not losing the game by 1% or 0.24m all trying to figure out if your decent or not. You either show it on your profile or I write you off and win the game w/o you. Every push I wait to see how you play is a push potentially completely wasted and game throwing.


What is the difference?! you are already matched up with them and if they are going to 1 trick or suck at a role, they didn’t change before they won’t change now. the only thing it would change is your toxic attitude