Petition for 6v6

Can you provide proof that they released it without the petition in mind?

is there a petition to sign tho all this talk and no action we should do something about instead of arguing with 5v5 peopleā€¦ we already know the community is split cause of this so let just take action

Nice : )

Thanks Jumps and everyone who supports the petition.

I like the maps, hated the game mode

This would actually go the other way. Proof would have to be shown that it was the deciding factor.

It wasnt

You made the claim, so no. Burden of proof is on you. :slight_smile:

Actually it was Jumps lol

No time for these games

Petition would not change much.
Best chance would be to be able to pay for bring 6 member of the team, then if a lot of people will be willing to drop the cash, maybe bliz would do it.

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Not really?

You said the petition was denied and WoW classic was released without any regard to the petition. Did they share any information on this? Are there sources?

Genuinely curious because I always wondered what made them want to release WoW Classic.


And why is that? I explained why. You made the claim that WoW classic was released without any regard to the petition. So what are the sources? Were there interviews that they conducted to display this, or is that your assumption?

Jumps claimed it was released because of the petition

Okay, and you can confirm that WoW Classic being released is 100% irrelevant of the petition?

At this point you are trolling lol

Enjoy yourself

Thatā€™s rich coming from the notorious contrarian who says things but can never back it up.

Have the day you deserve. :heart:

Pls dont post embarrassing tiktok quotes on the forums lol

There is literally zero evidence the petition is why wow classic launched, and it wasnt a reason they ever gave for it

Again, the problem is that youā€™re claiming it had nothing to do with it. Whereā€™s the evidence on that? Iā€™m curious. I donā€™t follow WoW because I donā€™t play it. Did they say it had nothing to do with it? Did they do anything that indicated it? I genuinly wouldnā€™t know. Iā€™m asking genuinely lmao.

Until then, we canā€™t say for certain either way. :person_shrugging: Itā€™s all speculation and thereā€™s no more validity to one side over the other. That is all Iā€™m saying.

The claim was from Jumps saying the petition was the reason.

Please read threads before replying

I am going to spell this out for you.

They said the petition helped bring about WoW Classic.

You responded saying they didnā€™t.

Iā€™m responding to you, saying that we donā€™t know for sure. I am responding to you, because you said:

These are what Iā€™m responding to. You sound so sure about these, so I asked you where you got this information. :slight_smile:

Go read the wow classic announcement

People arent going to work for you