Petition for 6v6

Is there anyway possible for us to do like a petition for a 6v6 or classic mode? I mean people do prefer it just look at the difference of likes/dislikes on this 2 videos:

So is there anyway of making like an agreement with blizzard so that we can vote for a mode if there is enough votes we could get ow classic or 6v6, if anyone can ask blizzard for it like a streamer or something please try. Just today I got 2 different games and the first one someone said that 6v6 was better after that I asked who else agreed and the entire lobby did 10/10 people in a game did and the next game I asked again and it was like 8/10 so players want 6v6 even if it’s just as a classic gamemode people miss ow1 and 6v6 so is there anyway we can do some kind of official petition?

Update: sign this if you want a 6v6 mode (not excluding 5v5)


No. If they feel like making one eventually maybe they will but I don’t think blizzard have ever taken any kind of positions for this stuff.

Man that sucks like we can still do it anyways, but, I doubt something will happen

i again i feel like if there a major update in the game i feel like players should vote for it because 5v5 in my opinion felt the game was worst

5v5 problems:
tanking not more enjoyable
less tank players
some tank heroes kits are not design for 5v5
looks like TDM match when you watch pro play

6v6 problems:
double shield

we could have just fix double shield with reworks or better balancing


Interesting because I find the exact opposite to be true especially when a Lucio is involved

Petitions don’t do anything.
All that happens with them is that if enough people sign them, someone will “look” at them.

And they will immediately throw it in the garbage.

I’m not sure petitions have ever done anything.

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you can watch older gameplay teams stay more next to each back in the day and they use a lucio to push to point or make a team attack. these days its about or can flank who, tanks have to jump in and out, and supports being more further behind since playing tanks more difficult, i rather see combine ults call out these days.

I’d argue 6v6 had a lot more issues than double shield lol. Plus, double shield is a PRETTY BIG issue you can’t really just overlook if every game consists of shooting blue rectangles

what other issue other than double shield cause only thing they had to do to fix double shield was rework orisa and sigma

Less player agency

Long queue times

Too much CC

Certain tank synergies being too strong, meaning your team can lose at the hero select screen

2 CP

Supports being healbots

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I know this is gonna get me lynched around here, but as someone who solo queued tank, I did not like tank synergy. I didn’t like rein zarya or sigma orisa, or winston dva. I liked playing sigma and holding my own off angles to control the map. It’s the same reason I like playing brig soldier or even lucio to a lesser degree. You did still play soldier like that to a large degree in ow1, but 2 tanks made it really hard since they could control more of the map.

That literally still happens. All the time. There’s almost no aspect of team play in high level play that’s gone away with 5v5 besides tank synergy and how you control the map. A lucio will go with a sojourn on an off angle so they can try to rail and get a pick. Or speed the ram/queen around the map as a hit squad while the other 3 players play as a separate unit.

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This is subjective, to me 6v6 tanking was to reliant on tank combo’s that required very specific communication to pull off properly. And if your partner wasn’t up to speed, your own ability to perform on tank was pretty mutted.

Eh not sure where your getting your info, but 6v6 was the one with the major que issue where no one wanted to play tank. Spiking the DPS ques.

5v5 doesn’t have the issue in the slightest.

So yes and no, OW1 tanks were not really balanced or designed around their combo’s from the start. They were made to be independent heroes.

And only latter were nerfed and forced into the Co-op playstyles.

Right now nearly every tank is viable, be it some are a tad map dependent. The only tank I think really doesn’t work at the moment is hamen.

but the rest of them are performing just fine.

So fun fact about 6v6 vs 5v5.

5v5 plays out like the second half of every 6v6 game.

Were as you had to more or less force your opponent to burn through all their defensive tools in 6v6 to get their.

you can more or less just start in that state, and get a good 1~3v1~3 going at any time. And not be completely blocked out be ciceling tank utilties.

Their isn’t that match different outside of that.

The only way to press them on giving us 6v6 back is with blackout months where we refuse to play the game. A petition with protest dates written on there would be a good idea. Overwatch doesn’t even have a big population, steam charts chill around 20k so even just 10k petition signers and protesters could hit them hard.

WoW players did this by moving to FF14 they tanked wows player numbers and the devs literally came begging saying “okay well listen to you guys now come back please!” and they created a community coinsil.

This is the only way to deal with devs who refuse to listen to the community.


There’s no need to “petition” for 6 vs. 6 because the developers already know there’s still a lot of us that prefer 6 vs. 6 over 5 vs. 5.

They already know a lot of us, including myself, want 6 vs. 6 back, but it just isn’t going to happen because it would completely split the remaining playerbase, which would dramatically increase the duration of everyone’s queue times.

As much as I want it back, adding it back is just a lose-lose for everybody, unfortunately.

So instead, we propose to remove 5 vs. 5 and reinstate the game to its peak (6 vs. 6).

#6 vs.6daway :moyai:


Honestly, I just want to petition them to give me the $40 game I paid for back that they STOLE. The only reason they had to purge OW1 from existence was because they knew it was 100% going to be the superior product and their new monetization scheme would crash and burn if people had an alternative.


I did the same today in Arcade games. All agreed that 6v6 is better.


Pro plays has always been a TDM, since day 1 of OW1.

The best way to win OW has always been a TDM.

dude do you think we should start a petition then? because it seems a lot of people that still play and even the ones that doesn’t play the anymore want it and we could use that idea that you made too.

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I enjoyed 6v6 over 5v5.

However, I can guarantee you as of now they are never going back to 6v6.

Theres still fun to be have in 5v5 and once they get a good grip on balancing it should be very enjoyable. May take awhile though.

Stop with that. 6v6 is gone and it isn’t coming back. Just quit the game and that’s all.

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