Permanently remove players from custom games

I’m just curious as to why there is no feature to permanently ban other players from your custom games? If someone isn’t following the rules or griefing and just being plain nasty there is not way to permanently remove them. They just keep coming back and this takes time out of managing the server to continuously remove them from the custom game.


It is easier and faster to kick someone out of your game, then it is to click through all the menus, search for the server again, and then also have to wait for the loading screen to finish to get back into the custom game.

Sure, sometimes you get stubborn people like that, but it doesn’t happen all that often.

You’re just opening a temporarily game. It’s not your own server that you are hosting, so privileges like permanent bans seems a little too excessive. Especially since the Leader of the custom game is being replaced by a new one once he leaves the game. The new Leader might sympathize with the person you kicked earlier, or not even know him. Perhaps he learned from his mistakes and behaved himself? maybe he was just misunderstood?

I know it is an old post but this should absolutely be a thing.