Perks Selection default button

My perk selection button didn’t seem to default to anything. Anyone know what the default perk selection button is supposed to be? I’m on PC!

What platform on PC it’s LAlt

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Yeah on PC. Thanks, I’ll check left alt… wonder why it didn’t bind it to mine.

Is left alt default setting for crouch? (I haven’t seen OW default settings in years.)

No that’s left ctrl.

i couldn’t get it to rebind to ‘k’ or ‘right’, and ruined my team’s game trying :frowning:


Ouuuuh that’s my quick melee… gonna have to figure something out :sob:

I just replaced spray, on T, with it. I hardly ever pressed it.

Okay, so I had the same issue and none of the other options resolved it but this did.

(posting this in a couple different areas for visibility)

I found out I had LALT set to another control option (in my case Push-to-Talk/PTT) but it seems when they set the new perk select option to LALT they failed to put in any check for whether that key was already used. It also appears to bypass the check entirely because even though LALT was used by PTT changing the keybind off of LALT to something else (like 1 or 2) and then changing the setting back to LALT still doesn’t act the normal way and remove the other keybind from that key.

TLDR: You have LALT set to another keybind SOMEWHERE in the settings. Find it and kill it.

Edit: Also, even after fixing this, I found that for some reason the LALT for PTT control was selected as an override setting on some characters with control overrides. Once I went and scrubbed that setting from the overrides, everything worked properly.

I use left alt as my crouch button, so perks weren’t bound by default.

It was definitely an interesting first game with perks… I chose both by accident.

Ya I played one match and the game didn’t tell my my Perk button was unbound until I’d already earned it. Would have been nice to get that warning in the waiting room at the start.

Spent like a minute midmatch finding and binding the perk keybind, and that definitely lost me that match because I was playing Junkrat and all 4 of his perks suck.

The All Heroes option to re-keybind doesn’t seem to work for all heroes either, so you might need to look through each one and see what heroes it misses and apply the new keybind individually.

I set my LALT to Interact so I had no key bind set, I had to set it something else. So for now it’s on some random mouse button and J key. Downside is I can’t really use it that fast in mid-fight

Yea, I use L-Alt for my Ult, so I bound it to toggle with R for quick access.

It was showing [Perk select not bound] after my perk meter got full, My crouch was bound to Lalt already maybe that why. But after removing alt from crouch its still showing [Perk select not bound] and i can’t find where to set perk keybind:(

I got kicked for afk lmao. Where is the perk bind?0.0----- o found it. Its under interface zZ

It also doesn’t let you change the button while playing sometimes, so go through all your characters options while in the main menu to be safe. It’s why I hopped into the practice range before a real match to test things out.