Same thing I thought the day the announced them and same thing I thought when Junkenstein’s Lab was announced. Unbalanced and skewed in favor of the already-strong heroes.
It did something that Blizzard refused to do for a long time: Focusing on each hero and their particularities instead of trying to give a broad universal buff to the entire role.
They allowed heroes to be way more versatile, dampening counterwatch a lot, and while it still exists, it’s not as prevalent.
I think they need some more fine tuning, tho. There are too many useless perks, and there are perks that are ridiculously strong.
Overall, they make the game way more tolerable and fun since it solves one of the core issues, the lack of versality and the overbearing need to swap every teamfight. However, I need to add that several other problems still exist (namely playing tank against Ana and playing everyone else against Widow)
I like them in principle. I loved Junkenstein’s Lab.
I think the implementation is trash.
I play on a Mac so I can’t use the perk button.
For me, who is in the lower depths of the metal ranks, the counter-switch remains much more effective than staying on a character even if he has abused perks.
I suppose that perks must be much better exploited as we go up in rank.
I agree with previous remarks, perks should come with advantages but also disadvantages to using them.
This is how it works with alternative weapons in Team Fortress 2, and it’s great, because you can completely change the way you play your character, making him stronger in some aspects, and weaker in others.
There is a ratio of advantages and disadvantages that does not exist with perks as they are currently.
They are either abused, or useless, sometimes mediocre.
I will necessarily repeat what has been said several times: the theoretical idea is good, the practical application is shaky. Because of the rush to force them in.
Its interesting, changes how some characters interact with each other completely. Sig, zar, zen can take high grounds they couldn’t before, hog can help is team more, there is a pretty big power spike at lvl 3 for some heroes.
Also its brings a new level to feeding, before you didn’t really care if you fed soldier some ult charge because you just a better support ultimate in return but now there is more to it.
It was a great idea and a great start to perks, but I want them to lean far mote into it. I want a third perk, and I want them to get rid of boosted perk xp as the match progresses. It just creates this weird dynamic where early game nobody swaps and then late game it’s mega swapping cause everyone gets instant perk levels on swap.
Just stop. Get rid of it period. Countering literally doubled in strength when moving from 6v6 to 5v5 and it created rock paper scissors tanking. Therefore perk loss on swap is a VERY HEALTHY thing for the game. In fact if they want to get rid of rock paper scissors tanking in 5v5 they probably need to buff perks globally cause tank countering is still so strong it’s still optimal to counter the opposing tank 50 times a game and forget about perks. Countering the tank just gives you free space all game and no tank perk is coming close to equalizing that power.
They are fun to tinker with, but I do not trust the producers not to use them as a flavor-of-the-month balancing act. I also do not like the strongest most imbalanced hero getting the best perks. I don’t understand it and it makes my confidence in the producers’ decisions even worse.
% agree.
But blizzard don’t want to look like fools who copied Paladins mechanics after the slap in the face from Marvel Rivals.
It’s so good that I’m totally playing kcd2 only, thanks blizzard best patch evaah
I’m glad to read that some heroes have good perks.
Tutorial for Zen: always pick the left one. That’s it. And they both are trash.
Good idea.
UI needs work.
Balance desparately needs work.
Perk earning speed needs work.
Needs a comeback mechanic to minimize snowballing.
They have essentially made ever player become a one trick. You swap you lose perks. Loss of perks leads to team losing advantage.
I think perks have the potential to “add a layer of strategizing”, but they are still weak for that and it created some excitement, but it didn’t last long since the gameplay loop remains generally the same
With some exceptions, most of them don’t change the way you play, they just alleviate/improve the gameplay
For example, Winston Bubble doesn’t change the way Winston plays, it just alleviates the pressure when diving, but the gameplay loop is the same
Genji Blade? Same thing, it alleviates it by generating more sustainability, but the gameplay is the same
Perks are a way to test something in the game without making it fixed, what I expected was to give the option of a different gameplay and
something to improve the gameplay, in the way that is now is just improving and alleviating the gameplay
The “best” example of what I would like is Sombra, a perk that makes her more assassin or more supportive, unfortunately the devs are “careful” with the changes and make something weak. Hack can be used on allies to restore 100 health over 2 seconds… why not increase speed/attack speed/speed up cd/Overhealth/more damage/more defense?
I have high hopes for the stadium and hope it is successful enough to make them make significant changes instead of being so cautious
with all the trash changes ow2 implemented the perks do nothing, without healing passives, without role passives, without more hp, without bigger hitbox perks would feel a lot more impactful, eve on 6vs6, but nah, they have to ruin everything, instead of fixing the core problems ow2 had they bring more, they have a very stupid idea that more is better, making the game more complicated is not fun, is a novelty but when this dies what you have? a mess of a game