Perks is a terrible system

It makes no sense for the game to punish its players for switching heroes. Switching to a different hero mid-match might as well just be throwing. As if that wasn’t bad enough, most of the “creative” perks that took the dev team so long to balance are literally just old abilities they’ve scrapped in the past recycled for this system.

I think OW devs and execs are literally just conducting a social experiment on its playerbase and seeing how many hacky, novelty updates they can release before everyone’s had enough.


The hero’s themselves still win games. Perks are just added bonuses


If you have an enemy team whose heroes are stacked with all 2 perks and your tank decides to switch from their previous hero and choose a new one, your team is at a disadvantage. This shouldn’t be the case for a HERO SHOOTER that is supposed to encourage adapting to different comps or playstyles by switching heroes.


Then people just complain that counterswapping ruins the game. This discourages that. Either way, it’s a lose lose. People are going to complain no matter what. Just enjoy the game for what it is


Most perks really don’t seem to be that big of a deal where swapping matters too much. It will help a little with the counter swapping, but losing perks is just like losing ult charge. It matters some, but not majority and it’s still worth swapping if the previous hero isn’t working out. Also the later you swap; the faster you get the perks back. Swapping mid game results in getting then quickly.


Everyone’s always complained about counterpicks, but this is a garbage complain. The whole point of Overwatch is being able to choose from a varied cast of heroes people should be able to enjoy when they want. That’s why one-tricks are so hated by the playerbase and are a pariah. But now, with this perks system, Blizzard is going against what Overwatch is supposed to be and discouraging people from choosing other heroes. If nothing else, it shows a complete lack of direction from the devs and exec team. They have no idea what they’re doing, and it shows with every other update they release, and the fans just don’t seem to care.


Shaking up the game and meta is a good thing. This game was stale for far too many years during OW1. Now, they are actually adding fun new things and you just want to complain. I’m not going to be mad, because I like the perks. They are new and fun.


It’s fine that you think that, but I’m telling you from an objective point of view that these “shake ups” to the game and meta are entirely superficial and don’t address the core issues the game has had for YEARS, and that’s why so many people have stopped playing this game.


Being able to switch heroes was an important part of the game. However, this became a problem because the power distribution in the game is unbalanced, which resulted from 5v5 and the solo tank setup.

The perks are another consequence of the 5v5 change, which has simply caused more problems than it solved.

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Whatever man, I enjoy playing the game because it’s fun. Perma added to that. Ana is way cooler now than she was. I like the game, if you don’t, just leave


I’m glad you like this sh!tshow, but never forget what it once was and that this is yet another game that was ruined to appeal to the masses!

Time to stop crutching with counter-swaps :wink:

In all seriousness, perks don’t punish counter swappers as much as they reward staying with the same character. If you switch back to a previously played character, they will still have all previously earned perks.


Exactly. It may be a completely different game next week. But just enjoy that too…


In the last year how many times have you switched back to a hero you previously switched off of? This is ultra-rare behavior.

I love that they add stuff… that’s been properly tested. Very few people like to be volunteered as lab rats.

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I’ve done this a few times as Widow swapping to Phara when the opponent countered with Venture. After eating one too many rockets, they went to Soldier, so I returned to Widow to click more heads.

My friends list absolutely blew up with active players yesterday when the perks patch dropped. Looks like many are revisiting the game to try out the new perk system.

Is it permanent or just a new event mode?

Yeah it’s a hot garbage play that one for sure. What I don’t get is, this “cures” a problem they created in the first place: counterwatch. Only to create another problem (as you suggest) which is that you effectively can’t switch because at that point in the match every second counts. It’s just a horrible system.

Not to mention that the vast majority of options are no-brainers for most circumstances, so there’s no point in picking.

At first I thought it was interesting, but the fact is the Junk lab cards were WAY better as were the abilities.

An actual system that deters counterswapping? Praise be.


Looks like a permanent change, for now…

The game is on the best state it’s ever been. I e been playing since 2017