Perks could've solved tank issues

perks should’ve solved counterswapping entirely on the tank role.
instead it feels like perks made a lot of tanks obnoxious and even more broken.
the best games in ow2 are when the two kaijus are shooting each other like they where in release mauga meta. as soon as its tank vs squishy the game quality goes downhill.
speaking off release mauga meta, we all remember how we hated how mauga was unkillable right? why did we make all tanks like that?
if everyone globally hated how mauga was, how is it a good idea to make all tanks as tanky as him?
every bad meta in ow2 has centered around unkillable tanks.
with perks tanks lose a lot of weaknesses or get EVEN stronger!
so why cant we get rid off all the passives and let tanks take the same amount of damage as everyone else? especially the headshot reduction needs to go.
looking at it from a soulslike player perspective i think tanks should always be like yhorm the giant.
for those unaware yhorm is a fight that requires a special weapon to beat him, but if you hit his arms he will eventually stagger and you can hit his head for lots of damage. that means he can still keep his gimmick but remain beatable outside of his gimmick.
tanks right now are more like rykard. a similar gimmick weapon fight but unlike yhorm he cant be taken down by other weapons since he has no weak spot.
if a tank player is targeting a squishy they should be able to equalize their healthbar difference with headshot damage since unlike yhorm and rykard squishes don’t have the proper weapon or uptime to deal with the current tanks sustain.
tanks right now don’t feel like you can overcome them. i find myself running away or not even bothering to waste cooldowns on them since they don’t die regardless. that feels awful.
we need to create a situation where a squishy can pressure a tank!
before s9/s10 this was almost the case, but in the worst way possible.
back then the “unkillable” tanks where the tanks that stood still a lot. most dive orientated tanks had weaknesses. winston for instance is immediately less threatening against brig and reaper. nowadays winston has so much hp and ignores armor that he’s practically unstoppable in a 1v1.
but i don’t necessarily want to advertise for counterswapping we had back then either, i think perks on tanks could help dealing with counters[if they are done right] and so instead of increasing tanks survivability to deal with counters and pressure perks should do that!
if perks can make tanks able to overcome their weaknesses without making them unkillable raidbosses then 5v5 could actually be good!

I’m sick off raid boss tanks. they suck out all the fun of this game.
i played a match the other day just to try the zen mythic and immediatly got farmed by the unkillable doomfist. had to swap to anything with a semblance of movement abilities to survive.
id rather survive by killing the doom on zen like i used to be able to do in ow1.
that felt so much better then just straight up not being able to 1v1 tanks.

The HS reduction exists because Widow or Hanzo can take away more than half the health on some tanks and 2-shot them. Fix the stupid damage numbers from those heroes then remove headshot reduction.