People with zero hours on Sombra thinking that they are experts

What is with people with absolutely no playtime on Sombra telling everyone else that they are the ones playing her wrong and that those with no time know her ins and outs better than us with hundreds of hours on her? Its frustrating. I’ve seen them on the PTR as well. They claim that they are “wrecking” everyone with these stupid PTR changes but forget to make their profiles private thus showing that they are actually getting destroyed even with the stupid perma inviz. I keep trying to explain to them that losing your speed buff just so that blizzard can force their perma inviz into the game isn’t going to all of a sudden make them into Sombra gods but they won’t listen. So they go into the PTR, throw the game because they spend all their time inviz and trying to “scout” when they are a DPS, can’t track if their lives depend on it because they don’t realize that even with inviz you have to learn to track in order to hit your targets, and that they won’t be able to do any of the cool jumping tricks that they saw a sombra player do because it takes speed to make those jumps, and that the longer you are inviz the less you can do to contribute to the team since you take up one of the two DPS slots.


Why are Sombra mains refusing to change their playstyle?


that’s something i’ve noticed as well. It’s very cringy but to each their own, we have the whole community backing us up with OWL players as well. And we all know they listen to pros the most. Danteh was very vocal about how bad ptr sombra was and they made some changes.

… her playstyle doesn’t change, she’s just way more out of a team fight.

It isn’t going to change her playstyle. It will just make it worse. If you knew what Sombra rotation is you wouldn’t ask such a dumb question. She will have the same rotation because its how her kit will always be. She will just have to die a lot more to be able to continue the rotation. This is exactly what I meant. You don’t even know her rotation because you hear DPS and think she is supposed to be played like the other DPS. That is why she, just like tracer and genji and doomfist, are HIGH SKILL HEROES. If everyone were able to play the highest skill heroes we would’t get dumb questions like this. Do you think that if they removed one of tracers blinks that she wouldn’t still have the same Tracer rotation despite losing the ability to do it consistently?

These changes greatly drop the skill floor and make her more of a hide and seek specialist. I’d prefer it if they reverted her to the sweet spot right before the 2 second cooldown imposed on a botched hack attempt

Let me ask you, Tulkas. Or better yet let me put this scenario. You are on route 66 as sombra. They have a widow, a brig, a zarya, a hanzo, a mercy, and a rein. You want to move the payload and want to get to the backline. You have perma inviz but they are spamming in your teams direction. You can’t stay in front and know that you have to get to the back to get a pick. You can take the safe path by going around the right but it will take longer because the speed decrease. You can take the broken train to the left and try and jump from that ledge to the top of the gas station to take out the widow…but then you realize…you can no longer make that jump because of the speed nerf so your only choice is to toss your trans locator at the top of the station to kill the widow…but then you realize that tossing a huge glowing translocator at the widow will give away your position…So you can’t jump over but as A dps you have to get a pick. You can’t spend all your time inviz waiting for a better opportunity, You did take up one of the two dps slots.

With no inviz, hacking, just shooting like Soldier… “SHE IS FINE”

I don’t know jack about Sombra. Don’t play her.
But I do know that Blizzard has no idea how to balance her.

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Nothing blizzard does to sombra will change her from not being a troll pick in comp. With the current changes and some of the reverted nerfs she still is in the F tier of all heroes because she has garbage damage and isnt realiable at all bc of bullet spray STILL after the last patch,yes she was even worse before. Blizzard is fixing stuff that didnt need to be fixed but now they slow her down and overwatch is a very fast paces game and i think it will screw her completely.

  1. I played her for 15 hours or so and all these 15 hours I’ve been behind enemy lines. These changes are perfect for my playstyle. Try it out.
  2. By saying stuff like this

you are just supporting my point that you don’t see or don’t wana see that she can be played somewhat differently. Just saying.

Not only her… 20 hax

I am having SERIOUS DEJAVU moment because I swear I saw similar threads from Roadhog players back then before he had his 1.0 hook reworked.

The responses were, ’ we may not main him but we have spent equal time playing against him to know’.


It takes longer to get into their backline but then you stay there for ever and save so much time you would have wasted on flanking them over and over again. Try this out.

As a Roadhog player during this PTR, I actually catch enemy Sombras out of stealth and befriend them. She has somehow become even less of a threat.


With these changes announced last night she might be viable yet!

That’s going to help so much too. Now you have two choke point options to infiltrate again. The reload is a direct change from Danteh and fitzy. So they listened about that.

How can you say “try it out”??? How is 200 hours on a hero still not good enough?? What more do I need to “try out” after that much playtime through every single incarnation that the hero has gone through??? You played her for 15 hours in comp? Or 15 hours on PTR where people just screw around and don’t even try to make team comps? Okay how about this, you and I make a custom game on the PTR even with the crappy nerf and we can do your somehow surprior playstyle vs mine and we can see who is right about her rotation? As they say in WWE “lets settle this in the ring” I will prove to you that her rotation will not change but instead become crappier. She is built around 3 things. Translocator, hack, and invisibility. Her rotation will always be translocate, then inviz then hack. Rinse and repeat. Even if you use her translocator aggressively like I do that will always be the rotation. I am serious about the custom game. I don’t like just saying something if I can’t prove it which is why I always keep my profile as public.

I don’t play Sombra, i just had huge amount of time on Spy (~500 hours). For me Sombra is disappointment. She is like assasin with sustain damage like tracer. So she is basically a tracer. Hax has so much “limitation” “you can’t hack soldier aimbot”. Make some crappy damage teleport back and repeat, really attractive gameplay. So in blizzard terms “infiltrator” it’s who is sitting in invis all the time, and being useless 75% of time?

Delete translocator and give to Sombra Mccree’s revolver!

Because we never asked for that. We want Sombra to be viable, she was trash since released, when she got buffed the pros cried their eyes out and she got back to trash quickly. Now they try random changes without paying attention to the community and we should just shut up’and Accept?

First of all I would love to make a custom game with you but unfortunately I’m not at home and will be able to play again in 3 weeks or so.

Secondly, when saying “try out” I ment that a lot of people find a playstyle that works and master it and never get to try anything else. It was just an assumption and a suggestion. I never doubted your skill with the current Sombra. No offence.

Lastly, I have about 15 hours on live and about the same time on PTR (I played her SO MUCH just after the release).

So I’m sorry man, but right now I have no way of proving anything, but I hope you will follow my advice if you haven’t done anything similar yet.

Best wishes, have fun, git gut (kidding).