People who didn't get OWL Sprays, gather here

This is not the same as calling out a Blizzard representative in a negative demeanor or posting about the details of account actions. So your post is not in violation,

Just got the 4th spray.

I too received the fourth spray:

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Second day, still zero sprays.

I’m nearing my point of disinterest. I’m just happy there were no such issues with the bcrf sprays as those ones I actually wanted a lot more.

I can confirm only 1 thing:

None of my Hungarian contact got any spray or token.
Another one who literally sitting beside me with an account with UK residence ,got the spray instantly.

Its a fact that the region block is a thing.

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Second spray today dropped!


holy crap that was tedious

My Twitch account is definitely linked to my bnet account. I watched it from my Twitch account on my PS4 and did not get any of the sprays, even though I should have gotten the first one from yesterday and both from today (I’ve been watching the clock and have been sitting here with the stream on for the last three hours).
Does watching from the Twitch app for the PS4 not count as watching the stream? Not even if I’m logged in to my account??

Reporting in to say I got today’s sprays. Still missing yesterday’s. I also got tokens today as opposed to yesterday, where I got squat. I’m hoping they just retroactively give us the missing drops like they did with the BCRF event. There were issues then where people (including myself) received later rewards before earlier ones, and they were delivered the next day.

ok wyoming
better question
any idea if they will still drop if im still watching the channel? (theres nothing on atm)

Still haven’t got anything.
Great. Another region locked nonsense.
They could bother at least to write it down.


I can’t give a definitive answer to that, but I did notice something curious.

When I had the stream open on my phone, tablet or in browser, my online activity stated I was watching the OWL stream. When I had the stream open only on the ps4, my account just stated online, without showing any activity.

In the end I had the stream running in the background on my phone just as a precaution. Besides the ps4 twitch app is buggy and I don’t trust it entirely.

I cannot say, time-based Twitch drops are still relatively new to me despite having no problems from the last three Blizzard events that had it.

I’m hoping if it is a region lock issue then it was an accidental oversight.

Then they might fix it and reward them because sprays have nothing to do with any currency issues.

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I watched everything. And got 3/4 sprays. What the hell man.

So, because I watched the streams on my PS4’s Twitch app, and because it can be buggy, I didn’t get them
? I’d rather not let my phone burn up after 20 minutes of pre-show time, and my PC can’t handle anything right now. If what was said was true, then I wasted my time
 But it doesn’t make sense when livestreams before this weekend worked fine.

same brother, same

I never said that. I said I don’t trust the app because I’ve had far too many issues with it. That doesn’t mean people watching on their ps4s can’t get sprays. At this point no one really knows what’s going on with the sprays.

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the rerun is starting soon
hopefully they still drop from watching that