People throwing because they want to be placed in Bronze

I had this guy on my placements who deliberately said in chat that he was throwing because he wanted to be placed in bronze. My team tilted, and we lost the game; when we asked the enemy team to report the individual, they started accusing my team instead of the thrower, who was gaslighting the entire team in all-match chat, saying that he never said that he was throwing, the tank ended up leaving and then the other DPS. The remaining DPS and I were the only ones who reported this individual.

In another instance, I had one DPS going AFK because someone apparently was “cheating.” So the guy deliberately threw, stood AFK “capturing” the cheating, and didn’t even help the team, we all reported this guy, but seriously wtf?

I knew my skill set was not high enough to place higher than gold (support), but I also knew that I was not silver; my main account is currently sitting in silver. This account got gold, but if my teammate hadn’t thrown and at least given us a shot to win the game, I probably would have placed higher.

There is no winning in this game; if you win two or three games in a row, the Q starts to get long (currently, support has a waiting time of 4+ minutes). This matchmaking is a mess.

So what I’m reading is that 2/10 placement games had people who refused to play the game? I mean it sucks. But like report them, put them on avoid, and go next.

My support queue has been 4+ minutes for several seasons now, I fail to see the issue. Spend some time in VAXTA between matches or something.

If you deserve to be in gold, you will not drop out of that elo. It’s ridiculously hard to drop rank right now.

This is a reflection of your own skill. It’s skill-based matchmaking, and the ranking calculator does not make mistakes. You are where you should be.

He’s wasting his time.

After a couple of games, you just won’t drop. So just laugh at him.

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