People say Sym 3.0 Primary Fire is trash

I agree that her punish potential in 3.0 is tied to how well she can surprise the enemy, but isn’t it that way for all flankers? She’s not an in-your-face DPS like Soldier 76 but when she has the element of surprise she can totally wreck, especially if she’s sneaking from high ground.

Like this PotG where I save our team from losing last point with a well timed/positioned TP bomb:

you dont have to get toxic if you disagree with a poster…


The roadhog went in the other direction ignored you and self healed, let’s also not forget that her primary fire is so much weaker in a game with more then one enemy on the enemy team, good play of the game though.

you got lucky, in the first scene:

  • That roadhog hook should have killed you
  • You had your ult and your turrets
  • Doomfist did damage to roadhog
  • Mei froze roadhog
  • Mei was stupid enough to not press shift and let your beam run out of charge

overall your oponents where bad, that doomfist was scared of engaging when he could have easily killed you

its like torb, Of course i can put my lvl 3 turret, have 200 scrap and molten core, and kill everyone, i do that every day,

does it mean he doesnt need buffs? no,

but he doesnt need a rework to symmetra level btw, we know how that went


Well obviously if they all focused me they could have stopped me. That’s not the point of the video. The point is to demonstrate just how deadly she can be just by herself. She killed 5 heroes including a tank in less than 15 seconds using her primary and secondary fire. In a match if she were flanking or had high ground she could do just as much damage, especially if she had support from her tanks/healers, I mean imagine if I was power boosted through that.

im inclined to disagree with this… heres my explanation

The point of the video is that the enemy was playing horribly,

The doomfist was literally shooting you from a distance inestead if pressing e shift and your dead,

thats the sole reason you survived most of those engagments, in a real situation, you will most likely be dead by the moment you get full charge, and exept you have your reinhart on top of you, mercy, a discorded target, you still wont survive even if you engage at full charge, especially against mobile heroes who are impossible to consistently track

Well that’s assuming both that the enemy is specifically playing counters to Symmetra, that the enemy is strictly focusing the Sym and that Sym isn’t getting support from her tanks/healers. But if you’re playing against a comp where they don’t have Sym’s counters and you’re getting support this should be possible.

no, its not assuming the enemy is specifically playing counters to symmetra,

All they need is good accuracy for 2s and your dead, Your literally a sitting duck with 200hp, with no mobility and no defenses, and no self sustain, and your damage takes a whooping 4s to even get to an acceptable level and thats assuming you have 100% accuracy

Sure, if sym gets support from her whole team maybe she can pull it off, but that can literally be said for any hero,

Why would you bother having a sym filling a dps slot when you can invest resources on someone like mccree who clicks them on the head twice from long range and they are dead?

as far as i know, new sym is really easy to deal with, atleast the old version created space due to her autolock undodgeable damage, she also could get a total of 275 hp AND use a barrier to defend herself,

Put it this way, the only time symmetra’s primary fire is good is when the enemy makes mistakes, wether it’s ignoring you or making bad decisions, her primary fire doesn’t work on any competent enemy, i completely agree with MagyTheMage on this.

Do people even use M1 on sym? Like really? You might as well disable it if you play symmetra. Put melee or something more useful on M1.

Yes but again, the Winston could’ve saved his team if he was worth anything. The Brig could’ve shielded and swiped all 3 in one swing. They weren’t prepared.

Then you have people that actually have good reaction time and shut it down immediately, and Sym has a 30s and 12s cooldown on her abilities.

All actual flankers have abilities that answer the enemies reactions. Genji can SS away, Tracer can blink/recall, Sombra can Translocate, etc. Sym doesn’t have answers like this. I can think of so many times I’ve tried to flank against people that weren’t brain dead and my TP has been destroyed either before the portal is even active or before I can even TP back to safety. No other heroes mobility is destructible aside from Sombra, who can hide her Translocator. Hence why TP is not true mobility nor does it make Sym a flanker.

Can she flank with TP? Yes. Should she (alone)? Probably not. Again, making her more team oriented than any “flanker.” Other flankers can go in alone. Sym can’t, really.

also somehow i just lost my lvl 3 for some reason magically lol

and its not beeing unactive

are you sure? xd

i mean ive done like 500+ posts in the last week, if thats beeing unactive then i dunno lol

Dude like why are you going to go that route against this player’s views? You’re just setting yourself up to be put on forum ban and you know how oppressive Overwatch forums can be. Overwatch so called false clean toxicity, but other than that every knows Symmetra isn’t all that great for the fact she’s still F tier.

If this what makes OP happy and wants to jump on Seagull bandwagon of excuses then so be it. 9/10 she won’t be the picked often when crunch time comes meaning she’s not valid on a lot of situations.

Well the enemies weren’t prepared because I caught them by surprise. Really no different from an ulting McCree, and a great deal of his ult value comes from his ability to regularly position optimally and surreptitiously. Why should Sym be any different? The element of surprise is just part of Sym’s new kit but it’s an absolutely essential one.

I agree, though, she shouldn’t flank on her own unless the situation calls for it, because her TP is pretty destructible. But even if you don’t use it to move yourself (which can be useful in 1v1 jumping around), just being able to create teleport bombs can be devastating in and of themselves, here’s a video demonstrating both with a solo 5 kill:

Lol that is why I still play Sym after the rework. Not necessarily the tp Bomb, but when you screwed it up the first time and it still got a kill. That happens so often. By the way, if your exit TP gets placed against a wall, your TP wil spawn in front of you. If the exit TP is not against a wall, it spawns directly under you, which helps cut down on failed TP bombs.

That being said, they didn’t react how they should’ve. People still aren’t used to the TP Bomb. They don’t know that they can literally walk up to the TP as it’s going up and melee all three turrets once as soon as they come through. Reapers will choose to stand and shoot at all 3 turrets and usually die before they can destroy one because they aren’t yet privy to Syms tricks, when he could just WF on top and, again, melee. The Zarya could right click and get all 3 had she not been reloading, and Sombra could’ve melee’d the TP as well.

But then you have people that know these things and TP bombs just don’t work. That was very good, but very fortunate timing for it. More often than not, Zarya will see you setting up on the high ground, Love one right click at you, and boom, there’s those long as cooldowns.

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What I saw in your video was 4 to 5 other players not considering you a threat compared to the other threats present, and ignored you at their peril.

You were fighting 4-5 other players who were ignoring you, so basically you were abusing their lack of attention to great effect.

I didn’t see you dealing a considerable amount of damage in the clips, more finishing people off. I may need to go back and watch it again, it’s been an hour or so since I watched it.

In any case, Symmetra isn’t so broken that she can’t be utilized to effect currently, but portions of her kit are broken enough that she can’t be used to her full potential.

Sure, you can pull off some excellent plays with Symmetra, but you can pull off excellent plays with any character in the roster given the right setting. You just happened to catch yours and record it.

Ultimately, Symmetra needs some tweaks to her current rework. Her primary needs something else to make it viable. I’m not even saying it needs more damage, I think it needs utility attached to the weapon. If it refreshed her shields while using it at the same rate that Reaper got health back, or Moira got health back using their attacks, it would make it a weapon worth using.

As it stands currently, you’re almost always going to be better suited lobbing an orb at your slowed foe, rather than attempting to beam them down.

Easy, you are playing on console.