People say platinum is toxic

Can’t speak for PC but I did find that for PS4, Low plat in my personal experience was the worst. Every rank has their problems though. I don’t find low gold that bad tbh.

Most GM players I know, including myself, know that we aren’t good, and won’t be until we’re either contenders or OWL. We all know that we can improve, and if a player thinks they’re perfect, they’ll never be able to climb, learn, or even have fun with this game

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i went from 2430 to 2030 in 2 days because of toxic players. I dont care how many people wanna tell me how it’s a “learning moment” for me. Frack those people. I climbed last week from 2100 to 2430, just to have it taken all away from me because of toxic people.

and blizzard is doing nothing to fix it.

This whole community is toxic. Look at the forums, hell, look at this thread.

It’s like everyone got bored trying to learn and play the game and just wants to yell at people because their imaginary numbers aren’t as high as they want them to be. If you’ve been in [rank] longer than a season or two, accept that something about your play has put you there, and you will have to change something about yourself in order to climb out of it. Figure out what that is, and do it.

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Was this the first time you’d made it significantly higher than 2100? If so, you’re probably not quite ready to consistently hold your own at 2400. That’s not a bad thing. Now you have an idea of what you might need to improve on to get up there and stay there, and then after that maybe climb a bit higher.

If this was not the first time, then you also have to note that everyone fluctuates a few hundred SR. It’s normal. For example, over the last week-and-a-bit I went from mid-2800’s to high-2300’s and back to mid-2900’s. That’s a bit bigger than my usual swings (typically a couple of hundred SR rather than 500) but meh, it happens.

my career high is 2880. Also. My smurf account is in plat

It’s hit or miss for me. Some days I am just do not feel like dealing with the 1 single toxic person that might be on my team, so I mute it put myself in party chat. But for the most part, I join team chat and try to keep a positive tone. If a person is there clearly to pick a fight or be rude, I just ask them to focus. If they don’t I mute them.

I started off in gold and moved to plat, then diamond. And to be honest, it really is hit or miss. Most of the toxic stuff I see is when you’re losing, then blame goes around. But to be honest, in almost everyone of those losses, it’s out of position people not focusing on the correct targets or the other team is just simply better skilled. You can’t win every game. I’ve seen top 500 players in plat lose on a team.

“And they say, and they say, and they say” Kappa

Platinum as a metal is not very dangerous, but it can cause several health effects, such as:

- DNA alterations
- Cancer
- Allergic reactions of the skin and the mucous membrane
- Damage to organs, such as intestines, kidneys and bone marrow
- Hearing damage

It doesn’t seem like a great place to be :confused:

High silver is mostly tilted AF low gold players. That is why its toxic.

Oddly enough high gold didn’t seem to have that problem.

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i will say this, tho. It really depends on when you are playing and on what realm. Evenings on EU are mostly trash games, but on US servers its afternoon and i get some “ok” games.

It’s really not that bad

Sorry, Silver is fine. Silver players and low gold are better than high gold players. You just had bad luck.