People say platinum is toxic

Noooooooo. Low gold/silver is toxic as hell. Every other game there is this one guy who wants to either stay in base and afk or be plain toxic. It is so bad down here…high gold is like heaven compared to this


Gold to diamond are the most toxic because some people think once you hit one of those 3 ranks you’re top500. It’s so stupid hearing the other dps mains on my team saying “I’M CARRYING YOU GUYS ONE OF YOU SHOULD SWITCH”
No one’s carrying. You aren’t GM yet. Stop thinking you’re good. You won’t ever be GM if you keep saying you’re carrying.
Silver wasn’t as toxic for me as most of my teammates didn’t care about the game.


Maybe because it’s the weekend? i don’t know man. But this is miserable. I am just trying to get my rank back and then I keep running into these people. I guess this is what I get for being a douche in the past in other games.

I just stopped playing Overwatch on Friday because evryone in gold complains.
Plat is only toxic because everyone thinks you should fill wether you’re good at other heroes or not.
Gold is toxic because apparently people think they’re “good” (We ain’t, trust me)
Diamond is toxic and I don’t know why. Never played with a diamond.

Most of the people I’ve seen in high silver have lost a bunch of games already and so they fell.

Every rank is toxic.


High gold is my favorite ELO.

Every one is so nice there.


Without even getting in to mechanics, gold players have really poor knowledge of the game. I get the impression gold players latch on to an idea without actually understanding it. I see these things in gold a lot:

  1. Player rages because “we need 2/2/2”…is happy when we end up with 2 x off tanks, 2 x main healers and a Torb and a Symm (old Torb and Symm, too. Not after their reworks). Buddy, I don’t think you get how 2/2/2 is supposed to work.

  2. “Let’s run dive.” Everyone picks the heroes for a dive comp. Everyone stands in the choke waiting for something to happen…As gold players will attest, this happened a lot when dive was meta.

  3. Team wins the (drawn out) team fight, then the inevitable “get three on the payload”…while nobody staggers the last couple of the enemy trying to retreat and nobody pushes up to claim space and enable the team to choose where they take the next engagement. The entire team sits on the payload until the enemy has regrouped and engages on their own terms - you guessed it - right on the payload so it immediately stops moving.

You get the idea.

I used to get antsy about this sort of stuff when playing with my mates in gold. My attitude was, “I’m not much higher than these people and they have no idea. They must be terrible players and not deserve gold. Grr I’m so angry at you for causing us to lose.” I would point out mistakes and argue about things like why we shouldn’t have three on the payload. This just tilted them and didn’t help anything. Now I just roll with it and have a good laugh (not in team chat, though, I don’t want to tilt anyone).

Golds really, really, don’t like being told they’re wrong. For this reason, I think gold is the most toxic rank.

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Most of the people are like “that’s how the pros do it, we should do it too.”

I go what I want and let people go what they want. If they don’t do 2-2-2 correctly I won’t complain. I’ve had a plat on my team throw because we wouldn’t go 2-2-2 which is why my season high isn’t plat. It wouldn’t be because of the thrower if we lost if he didn’t throw.

I rarely have that happen when my team runs dive because I’m usually forced to tell my team when to go to point and I know when to go in when our team has a dive comp.

I get so annoyed when people say that. We only need one or two on payload.

I’m fine with being told I’m wrong as long as the person isn’t saying it in a rude way.

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Obviously not 100% of gold players exhibit all of the faults I listed. But you have to admit those things happen a lot.

“Going to point” isn’t diving. I bet even when you tell them to push your team still doen’t dive a target and instead all shoot different enemies. Nothing against you that’s just how it’s played in gold. If it works, who cares if it’s not actually dive.


Everyone rank have his toxic players. Stop saying silver is more toxic,bronze is more toxic.

Thats just a excuse for not grinding.

Sorry for my bad english

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I’m not good at sentences so I just call stick with first thing that comes to my head even if it’s wrong.

bro the hardest thing about dealing with them is that in 1 round you get one good push the entire round and it’s the DPS’ fault for not just playing Widowmaker and headshotting everything.

hell they could do that and then they wouldn’t step on point and it’d still be widowmaker’s fault bc they’re afraid to 3v1 Orisa for cap.

like dude they are way too up in their feelings and too busy trying to hate you for playing tracer to explain why the hell they aren’t engaging the enemy or keep taking a path that doesn’t work.

i wouldn’t so much as say that i find it “toxic” but it is pretty hopeless.

You’re right, all ranks have toxicity. I probably found gold to be the most toxic because I was causing the toxicity by calling out people’s poor calls and strats.

I find plat far less toxic probably because I have the same mistaken views as the rest of plat and don’t start arguments.


Enemy has a rein comp “they’re running dive” “no they’re not” “well they’re diving” it was just a death ball intersecting our frontline which happened to be an out of position Doomfist.


I think most people would say that the most toxic rank is whatever their SR floor is. So low gold for me. When you’re already tilted from a losing streak the last thing you want to be dealing with is lower IQ teammates making lower IQ call outs.

On ps4 it is high silver lots of people who have weird ideas about how the game is played lol.

Diamond+ There were people who sounded legit unhinged lol

This. I love it when my team actually pushes off, esp if I’m Zen; I can easily help from the payload while my team holds the enemy off.

You should check out GM, it’s the worst.

I’ve had the exact opposite experience tbh. I’ve played with a lot of silvers and to be honest, I’d rather play with bronze players than silver players.

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Every rank has some sort of toxicity. Playing from bronze to diamond Ive seena good portion of the ladder and their toxicity. I got to say plat and gold was the worst when it comes to toxicity and just plain bullying. Also thats where I met the most drunk or high people too. Most people in plat really just need to improve their mental attitude. I was having an issue where I blamed everything on my self. I blamed my self for things I had no control over. I felt like I deserved my rank but once I fixed my mental attitude and found out what is actually my fault I hit diamond. I am still having issues finding what is my fault but its better. People really just need to improve their mental attitude.