People only ask for Nerfs

Why is easier to complain instead of literally improving so cheap tricks from characters you dont play wont kill you anymore?

Like a lot of people want Tracer nerfed, seriously?

Tracer can be countered if you limit her options and predict her recall, she gets hacked by sombra is incredibly easy to kill or even discord her so she can be one shooted, also considering you have Mccree stuns and roadhog hook that can destroy her, Im a Zen main and I consider Widowmaker, Sombra and Genji my worst enemies and for me Tracer is just like “Theres tracer Ill discord her, one shot and she goes to hell”

there are tons of options to eliminate her, why you dont try them? why people keep trying the same way over and over instead of changing it?

I agree on Tracer. And that people ask for nerfs out of anger and tilt too often, rather than coming from a well-researched position.

These are not meant to be advertisement to these posts so please don’t get mad.

they’re asking for buffs, not nerfs. All 3 would directly effect their effectiveness vs Tracer. You don’t have to read them but the gist is Torb could heal his turret with his primary fire allowing him to heal his turret without baby sitting it, that’s more damage vs Tracer. Roadhog would get a tiny bit more damage so he can hook combo Genji/Tracer better and the other would be a giant change but involves elements that allow Bastion to counter Tracer.

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It’s easier to complain and let other heroes become useless than to realize you have actually play better.


(20 chars needed)

I’ve been seeing a decent number of “buff Ana” threads lately. Cmon Jeff, buff Ana she’s awful and on console she has a similar win rate to a character used specifically for throwing (Widowmaker).

I play tracer as my back up go to when my main is taken; upon playing her I notice the biggest draw back is I am not getting heals really since I’m flanking. You don’t necessarily need to kill her but keep steady damage and don’t chase and it will show if she can’t secure kills that she is not helpful to her team.
Also I’m squishy af too. If I get grazed by anything I’m already <100 health