People need to start to respect the stats

It is legitimate when you are asking for QoL changes, not when you are asking for raw buffs.

Things like adding to Zen UI the healthbar of his orb targets is something that came from feedback of Zen players that wanted proper info to know if they should swap targets or not. Or like making Mercy bunny hop an actual mechanic instead of a tricky bug.

Yeah, that’s only for people who like 2 heroes equally. A lot of people prefer one or the other and choose them if they are slightly weaker anyways but will swap if it’s a lot weaker.
Then there are people who will only swap if absolutely necessary.
Then there are people who will never swap.
All those people are factored into the statistics and shift the pickrates towards the heroes that simply the most people enjoy.

Are you sure about this? What are you basing this off? Do you have statistics confirming this? Out of my years of experience in GM this is not really true. Yes, people do play what’s strong generally but there are a lot of exceptions, and not just one tricks.

…made up number.

Please provide a single example of this happening.

Literally every time I’ve seen the devs drop stats for someone/something, Overbuff is right on the money tracking that trend.

Yes but these were only relevant at game launch where nobody had a clue what works and what doesnt. People were just picking what looked cool to them. Now we’re 4 years into the game and people understand the heroes and how the game is played. People who play a hero regardless of balance are a wide minority. Genji, Mercy and D.Va were always counted as the most popular heroes in the game, yet if their balance state wasnt where the people wanted them to be, they dropped them and they landed at a balanced or even underplayed pickrate.

Sure, but then considering overall performance, pick rate and win rate are of paramount importance.

How are you so sure it’s a wide minority? Yes, one tricks are. But those other groups I listed, people who just main a hero but flex if it really doesn’t work? I can easily imagine this being a very statistically significant proportion.

Sure, we can go with how prevalent Goats was in GM for a year, despite roughly half the top500 being DPS mains.

We can go with Double Shields being a reoccurring meta, despite most people hating to be stuck on Orisa.

We can compare GM-Masters pickrates to the lower ladder, where meta heroes ALWAYS have a higher PR then lower ranks, where lower ranks as a whole people don’t stress winning as much.

He wasn’t. Pro’s even went out of their way to prove the devs wrong after the stats were revealed, and they found out Genji did great. In double shield no less, a meta he wasn’t supposed to be good in.

The problem with Genji, and Titanium nailed it, is other dps were just better.

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Yes, of course lots of the GM playerbase sticks to the meta but that’s not what it’s about - it’s about the other part of GM playerbase. Even if it’s a minority, as long as it’s statisitcally significant it’s going to push the statistics in the direction of heroes that are more popular. This could easily be the case for ana.

We know there are thousands of accounts, which is the equivalent of GM. Which is 1% of the playerbase. The fourms actually make up less than 1% of the community if you want to believe that.

Even the devs own PTR has incredibly inaccurate stats, and they said thats why they never look at the PTR for balance changes.

And when Jeff posted average healing per game for each healer it didn’t line up with what Overbuff said.

There was also the time Jeff posted saying Genji and Solider were on 5th and 6th out of the highest winrate out of JUST the dps. This was a response to someone claiming Genji was incredibly weak and throw pick, (trying to use Overbuff stats to back up his argument) and Jeff said, actually the game is far more balanced than people believe.

Now if you looked at Overbuff at the moment Jeff released those stats. Overbuff actually said Solider had the highest winrate, out of ALL the heros. Meaning the stats were widely wrong.

There was also the great killing of Overbuff, when eveyones profiles turned to private. This meant the website couldn’t take data anymore from the account. And if you remember, all OW accounts were automatically set to private. So the website lost a ton of data.

Maybe if you factored by week on a Sunday.

When Jeff said those things, Overbuff was showing Genji and Soldier to be right in the middle, exactly where he said they were.

This was repeatedly shown to not significantly skew the data, as numerous people compared the statistics in the weeks leading up to the change, and the weeks after it occurred.

No real change happened until the following balance patch.

Because the most popular heroes in this games history dropped heavily in pickrate once they werent perceived to be as good as the people wanted them to be. D.Va at one point was the most picked hero overall. Either first most picked or at least second most picked in literally every rank. Look at her now. Not played, struggles alot even though she just got buffed. Why? Because she sucks in the current meta.

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Well, it’d be easier to respect the stats if we had any.
Only thing that kinda resembles stats is overbuff and it lacks like 75% of the players due private profiles. Obviously the 75% is just a guess.

The devs themselves confirmed in January that Genji and Soldier were doing better than people claimed.

This is the kinda thing that bugs me.

You clearly have no clue how absolutely certain we can be of statical patterns given 25% of the data. 25% is SO FAR above what is actually needed that it might as well be 100% at that point.


The fact that Genji is performing well in a double shield meta alone without any support from dive tanks/ supports is already a big red flag. Dude passed Ashe in stats so quickly too and she was already considered slightly overtuned after her buffs.

That always gets me. The same Genji players which think Ashe is overtuned think Genji is doing fine while obviously outperforming her. lol

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No. They won’t. They trend towards what wins games. That’s why Genji had a less than 1% pickrate during the first go round of double shield. He was trash so people didn’t pick him.

People enjoy winning more than other things in aggregate.

People didn’t just start loving Genji out of nowhere. They are picking way more now because he is powerful and they like winning.


That’s how any community run API site works. I think you missed the point where I said however representative it was before private profiles it is the same now. Which is a far cry from arguing that Overbuff ever had a full view of the population. It’s always been searched profiles only like any other third party API

Yes, that’s because dva is perceived to be so bad everybody except dva otps swaps off her. But if dva is just thought to be slightly suboptimal instead of complete trash, she could easily be picked more often than heroes better than her.