“People just need time to figure out Sym”

And with that, your posts officially reached troll status. That is one of the most consistent complaints about the new TP, because you have to wait half the time of grav for it to activate, and even after that, often the thing spawn just barely out of reach of everyone in the grav.


And with that, your lack of knowledge and skills are officially out mate.
That is one of the most false statements that people complain over and over when it is, literally possible, to escape a grav with a TP.
Getting tired of people not even using google for 5 seconds for this (i also did it a few times though).

Yeah, it is a skill shot, and like many other things its not point and click LUL.
If your reaction and timing is proper, you CAN do it. So just because some people CANT do it, it doesnt mean the skill has to be faster.

Clearly, like the video shows, its a “git gud” issue, not a game balance problem.

No one is saying that it’s not possible. They’re saying that it’s unreliable.

You don’t want to use a counter that only works some of the time. Teleporter’s placement relies heavily on where Symmetra ends up in the middle of the pile. If she’s in the center, great. If she’s on the edge, only some people will have access to it.


Assuming that enemy won’t just blast teleport to pieces, when you try to use it to save team. It’s clearly not designed to be in the center of graviton combo.

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As unreliable as any skill shot is in this game pal, what pointless thing to say.
Also no, the grav clumps people together and pretty much anyone in the grav can press F, i dont know where did you get that info but kinda sounds made up on the spot.

Ive teleported my self a Rein, a Road, Ana and Zen and myself out of a grav so yeah , kinda still going with a “Yep” on this one.

PS: Many people said its impossible. That video proofs the opposite. No way around it mate. Dont run around now and argue about “consistency” when theres nothing random about that skill, the only factor is proper timing and thats a player issue.

The skill itself isn’t random, but Symmetra’s placement in the Graviton is. That’s the entire problem. You’re never in the center of the graviton because collision mechanics. The problem is that you choose where the exit portal is, but the game effectively chooses the entry portal.

Not to mention if you’re being Graviton’d, people are actively shooting at you or using ultimates. The teleporter is not likely to survive.

Plus you have a Zen, who is far more reliable when it comes to countering Graviton combos.

Again, i dont know where are you getting the whole “graviton placement” but it doesnt happen. At least in all of the 3 times ive teleported multiple people out, like the one on the video.

Until you give reliable proof (yeah, that works for statements too) im gonna go with “nah” on that issue you mention to exist.

Even if it did exist, like i said, its a SKILL SHOT, which by definition is : A shot that requires a lot of skill to pull off and gain a successful effect on a situation that was not meant to yield such result.

TP was not exclusively made to counter graviton, it never was. The interaction mechanic allows it to. Complaining about a skill shot being “unreliable” its kinda pointless.

It’s not like I haven’t put in my hours on Symmetra. I would love nothing more than to have Symmetra in the lime light and pull off awesome plays, but it doesn’t happen often enough to warrant the time and effort.

Maybe we’re talking about two different scenarios. I can see it as a skill shot if Symmetra was OUTSIDE of the Graviton and placing the teleporter. However, most of my experience has been trying to place teleport from INSIDE the Graviton, and have it be unreachable to allies also caught inside.

I mean, I frequent /r/symmetramains on reddit. I’m well aware that the TP interact range is one of the many QOL improvements that people want for Sym.

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Reliability is very important aspect of hero. Teammates usually are not willing to take chances, and likely to report you for picking unreliable hero, if one can’t win game on their own.

Look out the player called Raihan. He’s probably the best Sym ‘one trick’ I’ve seen that has mastered the new Sym, even better than Seagull or Steevo, in my opinion.

Have an open mind and actually TRY to master Sym as she is now, instead of hammering the wish for a change/revert. It just seems to me like you ‘Sym mains’ don’t even want to learn her and want to resort to the idiocy that the old Primary was.

Her secondary has great damage and isn’t the hardest thing to hit due to it’s big hitbox, her primary can be used situationally to when you’re safe enough to charge and melt people later, and her new TP and turrets are by far the best change to her kit; it allows her to play extremely dynamically, in and out, and basically outplay your opponents.

Stop. Clinging. To. Aim Lock. That was stupid.


Look up that Raihan guy I mentioned and look how he uses her ENTIRE KIT.

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You really need to understand the difference between “reliable” and “dumb”.
Brig M1 is not reliable, is dumb. It goes through DM, through Shields and its fast and unstoppable.
Brig can technically interrupt a Sombra EMP while she goes out of stealth and flail her with a pushback that throws her away from her teams range.

Is that reliable? Absolutely not.
Is that possible? Yep, indeed it is.

Just like that TP video i linked.

Some people cant. The video i linked its from him but ive seen Seagull and Stevoo TP people out of a grav too.

Sym skill ceiling has skyrocketed compared to the first and second versions of the hero and some people cant move on and blame it on design. It is what it is … a player issue (bugs aside ofc).

I understand the main reason some old ‘Sym mains’ want the 2.0 version back is essentially because she’s now simply harder too use. She turned from an ‘entry level hero’ with a cheap primary (the SINGLE reason some people played her for) to one that actually has crazy high skill ceiling and needs actual hardwork to master.

She’s not bad. People are just lazy and want an easy ticket to fix their mechanics without effort. And I’m not even talking about just aim. The current Sym still isn’t that much Aim intensity; her secondary is quite easy to hit and her primary has a larger hitbox than how it visually implies. She just requires actual use of her whole kit rather than abusing a single part of her arsenal.

I miss the piercing orb and the shield gen more than the autolock. I think even the turret stash going back to 6 is more important than the autolock.

You non-Sym players usually think we miss the autolock because our PotG usually is the only time of the match that you noticed we did something, and that usually was a moment of chaining beams through targets.


Your reading comprehension skills are lacking Vaerona or you actually didn’t read this thread and are just another pompous non Symmetra player who thinks they have a right to condescend to actual Sym players because of her former accessibility.

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why are those good aim/tracking players didnt really use or want to use her?

ive seen someone here said that because her autolock is gone most of the symm mains left and abandoned her hence her dipped in pickrate! but what about those people who can aim? why didnt they try her?.

i can see the reason why

Her overall gamplay is not that appealing to majority of the players, she is a bootleg zarya with a teleporter and a turret with a windup charge up gimmicks. why pick her when people in 2019 still didnt have an interact key binded and still refuse to cooperate with her, and most importantly the stigma is still there. if most of the people will end up blaming you and flamed then why pick her right?.

her gameplay is all over the place, she doesnt have an instant reliable burst damage, her kits have this slow/charge up thinggy, and is deemed too slow paced in a fast paced game where a quick decision matters.

and because of this reasons few people actually discover how she works and know how to utilized her efficiently. she still needs some QOL changes here and there for her to be seen as a viable pick by many.


Personally, it’s not her primary weapon I miss. I think we Sym 2.0 mains just simply reject 3.0 due to the extreme changes to her kit entirely. She’s a completely different hero. As Sym 2.0 I actually loved finding clever places to hide my sentries to confused the enemy. I enjoyed dodging ults with perfectly timed shields, especially if I defended a teammate. It’s fun when I see Reinhardt about the accept death from a Bastion when his shield breaks, to only realize my shield is there just in time for a Mercy to save him or give him a breather to run away. Or that pride you feel when you have a really crappy team who is pinned down at spawn, and you sneak out to make a Teleporter behind the enemy lines for a surprise attack. Sure I wasn’t always in the middle of the fight, and the auto-lock made defending myself easier, but Sym 2.0 gave me the option to care about my teammates more and problem solve without rushing into battle repeatedly.

To simply put it, Sym 2.0 play style was fun for me. I dislike 3.0 not because I didn’t give her a chance, lack of auto-aim, or that she might be hard to play. She’s rather easy to figure out, just like Sym 2.0, but Sym 2.0 left room for creativity. The issue is, she’s no longer the hero I mastered. R.I.P my investment, now I have to relearn her kit all over again, and I simply don’t like it.

What have I learned? 3.0 is fun for those who want to play as a fast pace damage-support, but not be burden with the obligation to heal. It’s not a bad kit, but to call it Symmetra instead of making an entirely new Hero is a huge slap in the face. At this point, I would have rather them delete Symmetra all together.

Even though you think I can’t aim because you think I love Sym 2.0 because of her primary, surprise surprise I’m now a Sombra main. Thought I was going to go Mercy? Nah, I dislike playing healer.


Is it weird, that I prefer to combine playing healer and sneaking away? Heal teammate, and vanish. Let other team send their flankers, they won’t find a trace.

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lmao, i didnt realise people picked heroes because they liked to wear them like fashion accessories :joy:

Lol I don’t blame you! Healers are always a target, and greatly underappreciated.

I love Sombra because if the team has no healers, I can hack all nearby HP Packs, and go about my business.

I mean…this whole game’s economy centers on cosmetics and making your hero look good.

And Winston has no style or fashion sense, just look at Specimen 28 vs the glory of Oasis, Dragon, Magician, or Figure Skater.

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