People in gold and silver, it's not you, it's the system

This game is just busted. It’s absolutely busted. I have an account in high Platinum (2900) and I also have an older account in silver (1900) that I haven’t used in a while. I hopped on the silver account to duo with a friend of mine. And what I witnessed was unreal.

Too often, matches are legitimately more difficult to win in silver than they are in platinum. It’s absurd. The level of difficulty, team coordination, and general skill you see OFTEN, not just sometimes, or rarely, but OFTEN in silver/gold is mindboggling. It’s simply at too high a level, too often, that far down the ladder. I was playing at the same qualitative level that wins me matches in Plat, but in silver it just somehow wasn’t enough. This creates a weird paradox where you’re playing at a rank that is notoriously considered “bad” and yet, it’s still difficult to win there, even if you’re legitimately above that rank.

So many people of clearly different skills are compressed down into gold and silver that telling people to “just get better” is an absolute lie from my point of view, having witnessed it firsthand. Unless you’re essentially preaching “get as good as a high plat, low diamond player” to get out of freaking silver/gold. To have to be THAT good to climb is preposterous, and it clearly indicates that something is broken SOMEWHERE.

Like clockwork, I’m sure there will be people who say “well hey, I climbed out of silver!” That’s all well and good, but my point is not that it’s impossible to climb out of silver or gold, but that the degree of difficulty for the average silver or gold player is absurdly, unreasonably high. Overwatch has created a system where you have to be FAR ahead of the average gold or silver player to climb out of silver/gold, which is sort of like requiring a freshman to have the knowledge of a junior to pass their freshman classes.

Yes, yes and I know about the lone wolf tactics where you go dps and try to get an early pick and carry, and all that stuff. But that is an incredibly unfun, frustrating, and pressure-laden way to play Overwatch. And it assumes that you even main a character where those types of tactics are viable and you survive these high-risk encounters long enough that you don’t get picked, returning the team fight back to neutrality

“Silver” and “gold” are now meaningless naming conventions, they’re placeholder terms for a giant collection of people who are actually quite good at the game but who for one reason or another cannot climb. I don’t purport to know what those reasons are, but I do know that there are enough of these competent players in silver/gold to present serious impediments to the average player climbing.

Should everyone improve at the game? Yes! No argument there. Should one be required to have the skill level of someone 500-800 pts higher than silver to have any chance of climbing out of SILVER? Hell no.

I had to assure my Silver friend who’s not terrible by any stretch that they were struggling to climb in a hopelessly flawed system, and that it wasn’t all on them. Players are not competing in a neutral environment where skill is the only factor. They are playing in a system with various designs and algorithms, and a system which appears, at this point, hopelessly broken and out of whack. It simply has to do a better job of getting people to where they belong, rather than creating this giant amorphous mass of relatively skilled players all blockading each other from climbing.

And before I get the inevitable “well you don’t deserve to be where you are in plat then,” I have a 75% win rate on my main in plat, which is at 2900, and am still climbing quite easily.


Strong words man! Very tough. Very tough! This what I call flexin’! Good for you! Folks, this is what happens when an alpha joins the conversation. Remember it. Live by it!

I mean what can I say Brett, you’re just clearly a cut above the rest. My post doesn’t apply to you buddy.


I don’t know Brett. The fury rising up in me is a cancer. It has consumed me.

But thank you. This is just what I needed. I see you read the whole thing and really got down to the core issue. Good on you. Good on you, Brett. And really, thanks man.


I did read it, I also half agree, my point is, I stopped blaming others, accepted the problem was me, and improved upon my gameplay. Something all of us should do.


He did not say that he cannot climb and he did not say that he is Silver. He also did not say that one should not improve or not strive to become a better player. He wrote that he is actually 2900 and is still climbing. He made a post about what he saw and experienced on his Silver account.

His point was that you should not need your skills to be 800-900 SR above your current elo in order to climb from Silver or Gold.


I’ve played in all ranks from Bronze up to Master, I realize this game has a massive problem, I still do not blame the system. Yes the games in Silver are harder, team mates aren’t as good, everyone has aim that isnt on par, tanks don’t push in, that isn’t the system, its the players.


I agree and I have said the same thing million times. You cannot blame the System for people not deciding to go into tight corners time and time again while Junk is spamming them and you keep dying over and over again and not getting the hint and it never occurring to them that maybe you should take a different route. One of many examples, but I also do not know how I feel about a System that requires you to have Gold aim on DPS in order to get out of Silver.

I went from Bronze to Gold with Mercy only, and I had to kill 2 ppl min in Valk in order for my team to get a chance to push, I am not even talking about winning. Every other Mercy I have seen in my matches (if they managed to lock her in first) spends the whole match yellow beaming full HP Tanks and ends up blaming everyone else if we lose.


Well think of it like this. Silver players are bad. Silver players lack certain things. Because they lack these certain qualities, they do not make for good teammates. All you need in silver is probably good coordination, which people do not have. Literally just group up and push in together. Learn how to communicate. Most people probably not in the voice channel in silver.

But this is just speculation. It’s not the system, but rather the players. That’s why it is so hard to get out of silver because you may be able to “carry” but if all your teammates are literal bots… it doesn’t matter.


i also see a MASSIVE and unexplainable increase in skill, coordination and APM in silver and gold for the last two seasons.


The general population due to alt accounts is increasing the base skill level of the game. It is explainable, people just don’t like the answer to it.


the answer is smurfing. just call it out. middle ranks are infested with smurf players and alts that are pushing the former gold players down to silver and below.


This is not my experience. And it’s certainly not as easy as grouping up, pushing in, and making a few callouts. Also, good luck trying to stop people from trickling in which will ruin your attempts as a higher tier player to make a maximum impact.

And on that note, to win in silver/gold you have to hard carry, and I do mean HARD CARRY. And you must do so against people who are not simply “potatoes” who are laughably badly. I think that’s a general impression of the rank, but my post was designed to call some attention to there being a lot of misconceptions about how challenging silver and gold really are.


Honestly from someone who has spent their entire OW “career” in gold/silver it’s not just that the players there are of a lower skill level and that you have to play differently. Yeah that’s a part of it but the thing I’m still getting used to is that you really can’t rely on your teammates at all, at least not right off the bat. There are a lot of basic plays that I’ve noticed the opportunity to make but have passed up on because I had something closer and/or I had a teammate who was either closer or already working on it. Realistically I have to play like every momentum changing play has to be made by me, if I don’t? Then a lot of them won’t even be attempted and a lot of low health targets will just get ignored.


That really depends on how you define a smurf. I think Overwatch has a bigger problem than mere smurfing. I think the system has somehow gathered a huge range of player skill throughout fairly low level ranks and the process of better players climbing out of that morass is somehow broken or problematically slow and inefficient. There was no discernible difference between the degree of difficulty in a 1900 SR match and a 2500 SR match and that’s a problem.


All ranks are infested with smurfs, other than the top 100 bracket of the top 500. The point is, players will have alt accounts, smurfs aren’t a problem if they aren’t actively throwing every second game, to stay low, the ones actually just making an alt account are climbing, and you will likely only see them once. The ones that throw are the problem as we all know. This still isn’t the systems fault. I know I’ve said this over and over in several different threads, but it’s still the fault of the players.


This is absolutely the case. To win in silver / gold you have to exploit every opportunity and you have to do it constantly and mostly – alone – and you have to play high risk AND play aggressively while not dying (since you will rarely if ever get saved by a healer or a teammate watching your back), your hero picks have to be perfect to exploit a specific weakness on the other team or compensate for some weakness on yours, which means you’ve got to have a large hero pool, your aim and positioning have to be on point, and on and on.

It’s just too much to ask of your average silver player, and they should not have to be THAT good to get out of silver. The rank by its very nature is supposed to contain lower skilled players, and if you’re marginally better than those low skilled players, you should do fine. But that’s not the case. What I found was that even as someone 1000 SR above the level I was playing at, I really had to buckle down and do my best to even have a chance of winning consistently (rather than this win 2, lose 2 nonsense). This is not how it should be.


Yes and no. If you’re gold you should be able to make it out of silver to gold. If you’re plat you should be able to make it to plat.

My main point is it really depends on how “teamwork and team dependent” your play style is. If you need consistent teammates to play at your peak output then you’ll struggle in the ranks with the most inconsistent players which is gold and silver. Much like how if your playstyle is mostly passive/letting your teammates control things then you’ll be at the mercy of how consistent your teammates perform. If you can play your same value with no reliance on support/rank/damage players helping you out depending on the role you play? Then it becomes a luxury/boost when you do get coordinated teammates and not as much of a necessity to get teammates like that.


This is not merely a smurf issue. If it was, you’d only occasionally (mostly rarely) encounter a player who was clearly better than their rank, you’d take your rare defeat at the hands of that smurf and you’d move on.

What I’m talking about is a consistent degree of difficulty that seems unreasonably high for the average silver/gold match. Based on how I had to play to win at that level, no average silver player is going to be able to do that consistently, and sometimes even that still wasn’t enough.

And the key point here is not assessing the difficulty of these silver/gold matches in a vacuum/on their own, but comparing them to what’s required of a player to win at high platinum+. My high platinum matches rarely require that degree of sweaty tryhard-ness, where the only way you can expect to win consistently and manage the chaos is to put the whole team on your back and hard carry.


Like I said before. That’s more because you have a more consistently performing set of teammates so you can rely on them. You’re more likely to get a win in plat autopiloting than in silver even if you were a true gold player in both situations.


The reasons why plat matches are easier is not lost on me. But it suggests a real problem to me that progressing through silver is generally harder than progressing through/sitting at plat.