People here complain a lot

You are going to pretty much find any topic that gets hatred for no real reason other than a mixture of impulsive feelings and unrational reasoning… Can people either chill or actually talk about a controverse topic? The only good topic I’ve seen so far is if Phara needs nerfs after the Hitscan nerfs.
Stop talking about Doomfist being “unstoppable”… he is bad and far from “unstoppable” (lmao)
Yes smurfs are annoying, but instead of making countless pointless threads about it you could at least invent an idea to combat it, like a trust-factor level that also exists in CS:GO.

I think the Forum should be a place to discuss on a constructive level about anything you believe is worthy of a discussion. But don’t come out of pure irrationality that doesn’t fix anything unless you want to make a troll post


People just need to chill tbh! so many people here concerning themselves waay too much for a virtual game! balance this balance that!

they need to just eat some turnips and put them on the water coz they float in the most funny way!


There is a lot to be complained about.

The lack of content and the bad balance is why 90% of the threads are balance complains.


I made a post about some minor issues that would be nice addressing: [Please Read] Quality of Life Updates / A nitpicking thread
Would be nice if you guys read it and share your opinion. Tried my best to make it as clear as I could.

This forum is literally the most tame in comparison to other Blizzard forums I’ve been to.

It’s mostly just the same complaints here that most people appear to agree with, or someone verbalizing their frustration with the game after being tilted only for it to get 10 posts then forgotten.

Yes they are, like 80% of the people here came here cause they had complaints and of the 20% that didnt im willing to bet 50% came here to laugh at the people complaining, the majority of people fine with the game stick to reddit rather than going to the forums that arent even easily found in game

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Or there’s me. I used to come to the forum to secretly laugh at people’s absurdity from afar. Then the forum’s toxicity caught up to me and dragged me down the abyss, now i have become a bottom dweller XD.

Piece of advice, run away from rhe forum while you can. The game feels much nicer to play if you aint influnced by the forum.

To OP, i have always wanted a QOL changes like option to reduce visual clusters in this game. How do people even find any thing to shoot at through all the clusterfest is beyond me.

It seems like a reasonable discussion, but no one cares much about it, so sad.

I would like to complain about Sigma’s ugly feet. I shouldn’t have to look at those things; anyone not wearing his skin with shoes should be heavily penalized.

Constructive criticism mode: make him a hot waifu instead.

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