People don't understand the problems with 5v5

Oh, i had some hate for pyro’s defenders myself. They had like 6 sense, i had played agains people who were hitting me with flare guns as i was invisible. Like, how you even know i was there i ask? I was sneaky… (then i remember every time sniper got hs on me when i was invisible and think it could just be accidents)

Hmm, teleporter it depends on where i was standign.
I was using mini sentry defending as well, so my tele was mostly set up when i venture forward and found spot for it.

The trick is to randomly shoot in direction frequented by spy and act like it was intentional.

Totally not a fluke all skill.

sniper trying to 1 shot the kritzed heavy

invis spy dies

??? it happens

Perfectly acceptable

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Specifically why?


The complaints about barriers are legitimate.

No, they can be a full tank.

They don’t have to worry about “oh this would be too good in combination with another tank” because there is no other tank.

So many barrier tanks are bad because the devs are so worried about them being combined with another barrier tank.

Why would the meta change so much that even 4 heroes is unlikely?

Particularly the meta of the rank you actually play in.

Give a definition of main tank without identifying specific heroes or specific hero abilities.

Then don’t play Hog.

You obviously don’t have to copy the most popular heroes to beat the most popular heroes. You say you play Orisa, a hero who has a barrier to stop hook and an ability to make her immune to hook.

For half a decade pro players have said ONLY they matter and low rank players just don’t matter because of a gross misinterpretation of “top down balance”.

So, now they’re getting a taste of their own medicine.

What is the defined distinction between off tank and main tank?

Every time I ask I get a completely different explanation OR they refuse to give a real explanation and just list the tanks they think are main and list those they think are off.

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Must be something wrong with them

True. Both about the defending and killing myself lol


I think they’re only moving half way to what 5 vs 5 means.

They seem to be stuck with the mindset of being in 5 vs 6 games where one of the tanks just leaves the game but they’re still playing against a full team of 6.

Right now it is because the only way that can happen is if one of the tanks on your team leaves and there’s no backfill.

Which is NOT 5 vs 5.

That is 5 vs 6.

It is also where tanks are balanced to work with other tank allies, tanks specifically nerfed to prevent certain tank combos being too powerful and therefore dependent on other tanks.

Double-Bubble Zarya would be OPAF with Rein but alone it’s whole other ball game.


because zarya doesnt really have a way to create space. She specializes in bursts of protection, otherwise she only has her beam

Alright, let me pull up the definition of main tank.
At their core main tanks create space and regulate the teamfight. Be it shields or sheer pressure main tanks are big priority targets.
Off tanks trade off raw spacing with high damage and peel, that is controlled bursts of protection.

For example reinhardt has a big shield to advance and his hammer to prevent people from getting close, but can’t do much to flankers by himself. Zarya can’t push a team by herself, but can easily invalidate a dove or protect a teammate during a dive.
That’s the gist of the difference and that’s why hammond is a main tank (he does what winston does) and sigma is an off tank.
Double barrier came to be because sigma has the kit of an off tank (high damage and peel) with a shield that’s better than orisa’s. Had his shield been smaller and with less health you can rest assured we wouldnt be discussing barriers.

mine was a hypotetical example. if i wanna play tank and my pool isnt meta i cant play it lest i drop considerably. And the meta takes a long time to change and isn’t just about nerfing the strongest tank, so i might be out for a while.
It’s an example tho.

props for not understanding what i mean in the slightest. Have you ever solo tanked preior to 222? It’s a miserable experience.
The only eay to fix it is to rework the entire tank roster something that’s already reason to worry since they will kill the identity of AT LEAST half the roster.
Plus, you’re asking a single player to take up their shoulder an entire role.

it’s disheartening to see people so ignorant and uncaring towards tank players


All I know is Mauga is DEFINITELY coming out and I’m going to have fun in quickplay and arcade playing like the heavy assault from retribution. I think he will draw a lot of DPS players in.

I don’t know about you, but I definitely won’t miss having to play against Rein/Zarya or Orisa/Sigma as a tank.

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thanks for the comprehensive response, but then i should ask if you know that zarya, dva and hog will most likely be reworked into something completely different. Because solo tank they ain’t

can someone in this thread try and think outside of their experience and personal beefs?

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Create Space?

That’s not specific, that’s a really broad and vaguely defined concept that totally fails to distinguish between what damage heroes do, between even what support heroes do.

No she does not only have her beam.

Oh “the” definition, as if it doesn’t obviously vary from person to person.

And immediately back to wishy-washy reasoning.

Everyone regulates the team fight to some extent or another, others to a greater or lesser extent in different circumstance.

By this wishy-washy logic then then by default whatever single tank there is in a 1-2-2 team must be a main tank.

No specificity at all.

It doesn’t make any sense.

The obvious way to bypass his barrier is to get close.

And we all know that Rein just goes full DPS and forces a close range fight swinging hammers.

Neither can Rein.

And it’s a problem that Rein CAN push by himself as long as he gets a bubble.

I didn’t ask for a gist, I asked for specificity and you blew me off by using another vague term like “create space”.

A complete dearth of any specific interactions, it’s all loose concepts on top of vague theories.

No you REFUSE to play.

You CAN play.

You just don’t want to do anything other than automatically copy the meta.

Props for being a condescending Karen.

Yes because it’s 5 vs 6.

You just don’t consider what people say, do you? You just skim over it until you realise they disagree then treat them like dirt and repeat yourself.

I gave you the benefit of the doubt, this thread is a waste of my time.

Resolution is impossible, you’re clearly angry and just want to vent, well I like to be told in advance when people don’t really want to discuss on a discussion forum and just want to be validated.

And you haven’t been ignorant and uncaring?

This isn’t whataboutism, this you projecting.

1-2-2 was done for the benefit of tanks, how tanks cannot be buffed due to how tank teammate interaction is too strong.


yeah, perhaps it isnt people being unclear about what tanks do and more you being unable to actually understand it.
if tou can’t even understand the gist of it how can you pretend to understand more advanced nuances?

Creating space isnt some wishy washy subjective thing, it means making sure your team can act in a certain way within a certain space. Main tanks are particularly specialized in this role. Rein places a barrier that’s a space a dps can stand and shoot safely. That’s an example. Dva might seem she does a similar thing with her matrix, but her matrix doesnt have a permanence like rein shield.
You are treating “create space” as if it’s supposed to be an exclusive trait, by your logic soldier is a healer and zen is a dps. Tanks are better than other roles at either peel or create space.

solo tank pre role queue meant 6v6 are you dense? it’s not 5v6 if you have a tank 3 dps and 2 healers, how did you even get to that point?

And 122 doesnt benefit all tank players, considering half of those are going to be reworked.
i’m sorry, but if you don’t even know what peel means why are you here telling tank mains how to feel about tank balance?

now you can either think about what i said or you can remain stuck examining the finger.
Your choice

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Don’t need to try 5v5
When you encounter 5v6 and can already feel. Being a solo tank…hurts.

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it’s funny cause blizzard themselves said solo tank was too stressful and put a lot of pressure on the lone tank.

oh christ almighty IT’S AN EXAMPLE

you think the lone tank won’t be pressured by the team to play meta? you think this is a game where you can usually afford not to go meta? Tanks are very different, a person might not enjoy them all or being good equally. More than any other role they’ll be subject to the meta since there’s no alternative unless they rework all tank to homogenize them… AND THAT’S ANOTHER THING PEOPLE DON’T LIKE.
It’s a morton fork.

From KINDA trying it on the workshop, i feel like the whole game needs to be reworked. It feels messy. Tanks dying so fast, healing feels weaker cuze of the extra dmg not being soaked. Feels a bit more stressful as healer due to how fast everyone goes down now.
But this is just the workshop…

Honestly, if they don’t just rework everything at this point, this won’t work. It will be another mess all over again.

at this point they should’ve made an actual sequel. I bet anothe rpoint many people don’t realize is that ow2 will replace ow1

It’s simple:

You hug your Off-Tank since both of you will be brothers in arms for the rest of you life and tell him:
“Whatever happens next - we’re going to get through it together”

You should try it first since you seem to be stuck in the “solo tank in 5v6” mentality. Overwatch 2 is going to be a different game, designed and balanced around 5v5. It’s not the same as Overwatch 1 with one less tank.

And they cannot keep the game with 2-2-2, it’s unsustainable in the long term and will turn away most of new/returning players when OW2 launches.

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what the where did i mention 5v6? WHERE?!
i’m getting tired, it feels like you’re trying to gaslight me at this point, i can’t believe you are all unable to understand the simple concept that half the tank roster won’t work as a solo tank and will need deep reworking that will kill their identity and playstyle, on top of homogenizing tanks and making the role blander with less depth.

For what reason? satisfy dps players? Give me a break

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If that were true and Ana could still completely shut him down with anti then hog will be completely useless, even more useless than he is in the current meta. Having no barrier tank or DVa to block some of the nades, switching to Ana on the other team will force the hog to swap. Then switch back to the support you want to play and know the tank player will stay off hog because they know you’ll switch if they do. Hog will be unpickable.

the community does that job just fine though