People Are VERY Happy

With DPS Doom … (Venture)

Samitos is overjoyed with having broken DPS Doom that he does not even care that the character is more broken than Brig.

Because they aren’t?


Did you even watch the streams??!

Venture is not OP, another clickbait title/video. (I don’t watch his videos)

They will probably nerf the ult, giving more time between shots, Idk.


I even played as, with and against the character, as well as heard opinions from other content creators, ones that aren’t dps mains

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Brig needed ELEVEN NERFS IN A ROW, and was STILL dominating every rank. Brig alone changed the entire meta to revolve around her, people were getting from gold to GM with solo queuing onetricking brig because she was so powerful every game your team DIDNT have a brig, you were practically begging to lose.

Hell, the closest to release brigs power we saw from a new hero was probably release sigma. And that wasnt even close either.


Mauga could be shut down by Ana … Why did people say he was OP?

Venture gets absolutely shut down by anyone with range, widow destroys them, pharah and echo can destroy them, so “why do people say theyre op” ?

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All heroes are broken when players don’t know what to do when playing into them.

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Perhaps they are playing heroes without range?

new generation with cult worship is kind of crazy but hey everyone loved micheal jordan back in the day hehe

venture controls close range, it doesnt meean she is as broken as dps doom

Could be, although if you actively play a hero that has a disadvantage against another hero you can only blame yourself

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What are you talking about.

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There’s no way Venture is as strong as Brig was. Brig was the most broken hero in the game’s entire history


yeah and its not even close, like brig needed almost a dozen nerfs in a row, and she was STILL destroying lobbies, there will likely never be a hero as broken as release brig

Ya … AND Brig could solo 1 v 6 and win … AND she didnt even need a team … AND … AND

samito is the biggest baby lol, dude was doing pubs with his viewers cause of q times…kicks a sombra player for playing sombra…then quits the game before it ends cause of being diffed by the other Venture… then he ques into QP, gets in a game DOESNT instalock Venture… asks the other dps to swap cause ‘‘IT IS LITERALLY MY JOB BRO!!!111!!!’’, then threatens to throw/leave/swap to another acct. cause of the leaver penalty…then plays echo THEN leaves anyways before the game is over. biggest piss baby i have ever seen play the game and dares call himself ‘‘the goat’’, toddler at best kid.

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He wasn’t OP in his free to play weekend. He had to be gigabuffed after player feedback was given that he was too weak. He later recieved both nerfs and buffs to try and get him into a more acceptable state.

You say this as a joke but she could.

She was genuinely the closest we had to having literal god in the game.
Did you just not play when she was released or do you have memory issues?