People are leaving overwatch because bastion needs a nerf

People WERE leaving because of Bastion…

…back in 2016 when he was actually hard to counter

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EeEeEhhhh Pharah says hi.

Matchmaking is not that terrible at least in my elo, if matchmaking seems so weird to you consider the fact that you are playing heroes you are not too good at cause the system does not consider heroes you play much. So if you main tracer and do well the moment you change to play Sombra you will be matched with players of your tracer level and playing a different hero it will appear as if other players are much better or a lot worse than you are. Its just comes with the territory of a game like this. Or playing at really off peak times in your region will get you games with very diverse players like if i decide to play at 4am in my EU region.

im sure you have come across this at some point:-

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Git gud

Necropost from 2016 ? :stuck_out_tongue:

“He’s not viable, except in this one situation where he’s ultra-viable! Fix both of them!”


OMG Becky it’s not Summer of 2017 at all. It’s 2018, get up with the times sister.

Yet another person saying an F-tier hero needs a nerf :ok_hand:

I love Bastion; he’s my second-most-played hero at 70+ hours on console. Here’s my list, based on my personal experience, of heroes who can routinely own Bastion:

Roadhog (being hooked breaks sentry mode, for some godforsaken reason)
Brigitte (when ulting; otherwise she gets shredded)

Almost half the heroes in the game can murder Bastion with ease, and the rest are situational toss-ups. If Bastion needs anything, it’s a buff, or some CC resistance.

Just my perspective though

Note that the guy is talking about console, most likely PSN … Who knows, maybe on PSN Bastion is a must pick …

Bastion Main here.

If you’re dying to a bastion to the point of rage quitting the problem is 100% you and not the bastion. My hitbox is as big as roadhog’s and I’m a sitting duck. Literally just choose sym, roadhog, or junkrat for ez-win against even the best bastions.


Bastion should get a rework. Blizzard should make his turret fire consistent in damage. His tank should also be scrapped and replaced with a more useful ult.

In fact I’m thinking about switching games for Bastion and Torb. In my opnion they are heroes that break the game. A bastion protected by itself is immortal. The worst thing is that any noob can make a killing with Bastion but to kill it is difficult enough when all his team plays around him.

I’ll just put this here. :frowning_face:

No but seriously why the necro.

wow, so many took this bait, oh my

Hehe at least you can say you called the future. Nerf bastion is now a meme


I actually laughed at this irl. Quite tragic.

Oh god. RIP this thread.

There. Fixed it for you.

Bastion sucks. Like a lot. He’s really really bad.