People Are Getting Reported For Leaving Now

Not only do you get suspended for 4 hours for leaving 6 matches, if you leave at all, EVER, you will be reported. I am regularly seeing people ask others to report leavers in QP, and I’ve seen many people on these forums admitting they report anyone that leaves in QP at all.

What is wrong with this community? I said that people would never be satisfied no matter how harsh they made the penalties, but I didn’t actually think what I said was true.
But it is. People are going out of their way to try and get others’ accounts perma’d for leaving at all. They don’t know why they left, they don’t know what was going on, if there was a valid reason they disconnected like their power went off, they don’t care.
This is vile. I don’t understand where all this misplaced hatred comes from. People are acting like leavers are the equivalent of someone that kicks puppies, and deserve to be punished just as harshly.


Need the report system to actually find evidence for a said report. Have the automation look into the match where the report came from. Understand players getting frustrated with leavers but reporting them is on a thin line being false reporting


I’m not going to report someone for leaving, but I absolutely will report you for throwing. I reported a Bastion earlier for going AFK.


That’s fine, I don’t agree with throwing even if you don’t want to be in the match. It’s just not fair to your team because you are all they get if you don’t leave.
There’s no system in place that detects throwers so you have to report them.

But there’s a system in place for leavers, it was put there so these people are punished, and then the community is going “that’s not enough, I want them dead” and reporting them anyway.
Even in comp this makes no sense, because there’s a system for that too and leaving only a couple can permanently ban you from the entire season.
But in QP? I don’t understand. It’s like people are taking all of their hatred towards everything that they hate about the game and directing it ALL at anyone that leaves instead.


To be fair, if I kept track of names of people who left my games, and one name in particular kept popping up, then I’d report that person for intentionally throwing the game. Especially if you’re the type of person to constantly leave when there’s only a minute left in the game. If it’s a one-off thing then I probably won’t remember their name next week.

Lack of empathy, and impulse control.


All the good gamers left due to bad balance and policies, and only the toxic addicted ones are left. Go figure. :man_shrugging:


The whole game has turned into a Vile mess at this point.

I was really looking forward to this game event. But the amount of disgusting behavior by players has really put this game into a mess.

" Well you aren’t supposed to even play this game because leaving is offensive."

yet if someone is cheating, aimbotting or acting uncivilized in a match. its perfectly acceptable behavior. Because we have ENABLED bad behavior.

If “you” have a person that is griefing others or outright acting in such a way that ruins the game for others. everyone else is supposed to REMAIN in the match and put up with “your” behavior. and this type of occurrence is not a once a day occurrence. Its every other match.


To OP what is wrong is people do not have enough going on in their life outside a game and get irrationally mad. Also the devs are really just letting the game go and the core people who used to play are long gone.


I would honestly apply that to leavers over anyone. They lack empathy for the people they left hanging. Both on their team and the other.

They lacked impulse control and left a casual setting game instead of just playing it out.

That being said. I don’t report leavers in quickplay. However, most of the time leavers are pretty toxic and rude about their team before they leave and I WILL report them for that.


this is why in another post i pointed out the stick is not working and should instead offer the carrot to the affected team. as punishment or not the 4 affected by a leaver still get the short end. and if blizzard offered better compensation for those that stuck around. would ease the frustration. especially in ranked were i had a leaver in 3 consecutive matches. 1 was at the start so thats fine but others were during a match. which just saps morale from the remaining team and we are then intern punished with a loss on our records.


Even for leaving in the time span you are allowed? I would rather be banned than play flashpoint or half the push maps.

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I have seen a significant drop in leavers and the need to backfill.

The stick is working.

They tried the carrot for years and kiddo’s got spoiled by the carrot and continued leaving. A carrot when ever present is taken for granted and forgotten. A stick that is looming over a gamer is rarely forgotten.


The stick isnt working, it is just creating varying degrees of throwers.


Ya I am gonna have to disagree and say I have seen an uptick in throwers/afkers


No ones leaven cause most have left and arent comen back. The game from top to bottom is a shell of its former self.


Same here. The overall quality of my games has gone down dramatically after the introduction of penalties.


Most of my quick play games have improved. Both teams are at least fighting to the end and trying their best to win the game or even just win the smaller battles. Before, I would’ve had 3 leavers before I finished my second game. 2 of them would have been back-fills. No more wasted time in quick play and games are improving.

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I just got out of a game with 2 dps who threw after arguing with the healers and they ended the game 0/9 and 3/10.

Yep I love being locked in with that. Thanks Blizz leaver wouldn’t have fixed that issue at all.


I didn’t leave at ALL for when I played OW1. Since the penalties started, I’ve started leaving games because of the toxicity. Hell, most of the games I backfill are ones where people are still arguing over whose fault it is that they’re losing. And I can’t add them to my avoid list because 3 people is just too few. So damn glad they’re fixing that.