Penalty for leaving games early should be increased

People should receive a minimum 24 comp ban for leaving early. Far to many people leave games early, ruining the game for others. The 10minute ban isn’t enough.


yeah i agree too at least make it so the next cab on the rank can join the game rather than having to ruin the whole game for everyone, ive had at least 8 out of 12 games today ruined by leavers, i had 2 full games in 2 hours because of leavers

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As long as there is a way to differentiate between a quit and a disconnect or power outage. Some ppl get DC’d or lose power - especially during the rainy season.

If they quit through the menu, which in theory could be checked by the system - they should have a long ban. Like a week or something.


You are forgetting the fact that not every leaver does so intentionally.

Until such time as Blizzard can come up with a way to determine whether a leaver did so intentionally or unintentionally, they should not punish leavers at all because it’s inarguably unfair to those who disconnect unintentionally that they should receive a penalty for something beyond their control.

Instead, they should add backfill to Competitive.

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Agree. It should be harder on people who keep leaving and leaving

I’d rather not play at all than backfill into a game someone left because the team is beyond awful. We’ve all had games where there is nothing you can possibly do to win. Imagine joining late into one of these and being punished for playing half a game with a bad team.
As for not punishing leavers, that’s just unbelievably stupid and would be abused beyond belief. I’m about to lose? Just leave, no worries.

People who d/c can join back into the game.
If they can’t then then why should the remaining 5 people be penalised and not the one person who left us?

Not always.

I remember one time we had a brief blackout while I was in the middle of a comp match. Upon reloading the game I wasn’t able to rejoin the match as there was no Rejoin button despite the fact the match was still ongoing (as I had friends in the match who told me it was still going).

That’s why they need to add backfill to Comp so that the remaining players aren’t needlessly handicapped by having a player down.