Penalty for leaving early? Why?

Why penalize us for leaving early when the chat is so toxic that to be honest I wish it really was not there. People talk tons of crap and act like they are perfect and blame losing on other characters just to hide their own flaws.

The game should get rid of the chat feature really.

You can disable the chat and VC or alternatively you can mute an individual player.


And I feel you absolutely should mute all chat/voice comms if that sort of thing bothers you.

Forcing teammates to leave is normally the outcome they wanted, so you are, in a way, making the overall situation worse since in their view they ‘won’.

By muting them, they have no power over you, so they have lost. And if everyone just took a second to mute them, then they are just an angry person yelling to themselves

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Overall for one I am glad you can’t really be ‘booted’ from a game like you can in D3. I think if you join a group the group can perhaps close or something like that but I don’t really use the chat feature for that very reason. It is very toxic and you have people that do just what the OP said, they blame others for losing the game and make jokes of people unfairly. To some that really kills their fun.

I think you should be able to leave a game WITHOUT penalty because overall its NOT your fault if you are being disrespected by some troll , its actually unjustified. It kills the sportsmanship of the game because overall this is some of the same reasons they came up with some of the rules towards the endzone dancing and stuff in the NFL which to me really is stupid because a player should be able to celebrate their scoring.

Yet in this game when people talk junk to other people Blizzard and the Devs or Mods don’t seem to understand how that CAN harm people. There is a lot of psychological stuff that goes on with some people who play looking for a good time and then you got some a-hole mocking somebody because they aren’t as good as another player.

Everybody in the game keeps their player history PRIVATE and why? Because nobody wants people knowing how they stack up to other players. There is not ONE player I have seen who publicly has their stats available to view to other players because they don’t want anybody shaming them for not being the #1 player out there.

The OP has a point because really, what IS being done about toxic players? So what if you report the chat you NEVER hear about what happened and the MODS NEVER EVER comment on what they do or have done to those people.

In my view the BLOCK feature is the only option you have and probably why they installed it. My only problem with the block feature is that it seems to have a limit. Overall though the Devs need to do something about the toxic environment and not penalize somebody’s points for leaving a toxic situation. Its truly unfair to the player.

Stop acting like ‘rage quitting’ is something to shame people about. You don’t know what kind of depression or anxiety people have and the people who make this game should respect that.

Mods never ever comment on it because it is not your business.

Once the report is done, it’s their job, not yours to meddle with it.
I can tell you that something is done with toxic players, especially from personal experience.

Quitting because you are getting harassed or whatnot is not “rage quitting”
Rage quitting is when one becomes too mad that they leave, me 2018.

That stuff gotta be penalized man, not every leaver is in the same situation you are in.
Can’t take the punishment for ruining a competitive lobby? Stop playing.

Also i don’t see how the same troll can harass you if you have them muted, that just doesn’t make sense.

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I get really sick of you so called "tough guys’ with this hardline view on things like “oh if you can’t handle it and so and so” you are so full of cow dung that its laughable. You don’t care that there are people who try to have fun and do feel disrespected and the hell with your hardline crap really Xhelperz. Really. Who are you to judge what people are truly feeling as if you are the emotion police or something.

Your view of rage quitting is yours but people being scarred mentally from how they are treated is real. How many people you know that have committed suicide? HOW MANY FRIENDS YOU EVER LOST??? How many people YOU know who have been treated like they are not GOOD ENOUGH and EXCLUDED from something and your GET TOUGH DONT CARE ATTITUDE CAUSED THEM TO HARM THEMSELVES???

ARE YOU PROUD OF YOURSELF FOR THAT?! Mental health for players is real and getting called names and talked down to is seriously DAMAGING and if you don’t care SHUT THE HELL UP and STOP ACTING LIKE EVERYBODY HAS TO BE LIKE YOU or the world is wrong!!

You can seriously F OFF with that it’s NOT YOUR BUSINESS! You got people spewing racial stuff and all this and using other terms that are seriously damaging so WHY ARE YOU RIGHT TO ACT LIKE PEOPLE DONT HAVE RIGHTS TO SAY SOMETHING?

NOBODY SHOULD JUST HAVE TO be ‘tough’ and take it and act like if they cant something is wrong with them. NO TOXIC PEOPLE LIKE YOU ARE THE GDAMN PROBLEM! Words can throw people into a rage and make them feel hurt and if a game community thinks that is fair thats simply WRONG and you are wrong for trying to downplay it!!!

I’m saying that it’s impossible to create an enviroment for everyone.

Don’t get me wrong, I do not think that harrassement and certain interactions online are acceptable.
That’s why these things get actioned, to discourage players from making such comments.
Though even so it will stay the internet, you can hardly stop everyone from saying bad things, there will always be toxic players… no matter how hard they try.

You are greatly overreacting.

My my, you twist my words to make me look bad, does that make you proud?
You come to the forums to discuss with others, yet the very thought of someone else sharing a different view/opinion disgusts you to the core.
Then you muster the courage to twist the words of a member of the community, trying to make them look bad.
Oh, also saying it’s not my business…?
What, this is a public forum, not one of those worlds you’re putting yourself in.

Not only that but you’re saying people are committing suicide over what players said in a game?
People can mute players, you know that right?
If people are going to kill themselves just because of a game then i’m sure something has been playing in their lives for a longer time.
Engaging with toxic people is something you shouldn’t do, this is pretty much internet 101.
To me it sounds like you never made an effort to ignore these toxic beings, yet you are here complaining nothing is being done whilst you have the power to never see a message of theirs again.

Again, i never said racism is something to be tolerated.
Though you are abandoning your team for a toxic player, which you could’ve muted.
Then you complain that you get punished for ruining the matches of other players.

This has never been about being tough
Muting does not require any courage or being tough.
To me it sounds like you are the issue for not muting these players.

If you cannot discuss with someone that shares a different opinion and instantly overreact, then is this really the place you need to be at?
I don’t blame you for leaving a match which is resulting in emotional damage to you, though you are still ruining a match for many players.

Removing the penalty would remove competitive integrity, the literal pillar of the competitive gamemode.
Sorry, but your take is not good at all.

Try to learn to talk with people without flying off your chair before you come back.

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Because you wasted time of other 11 players.


Blizz agrees, that’s why you can mute individual players or all of them. :slight_smile:

It’s almost like in life we have to be (to some extent) responsible for our own lives too…? (especially when the solution is a few clicks away)…:thinking:

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I ain’t gonna read yo essay, grow up man.

Stop making excuses, you yourself are to blame.
Now you’ve gone so much off-topic that you are just literally berating me, this ain’t no chatroom man.
Nah im kiddin, tho keep it on-topic you’re literally just trying to make me feel bad.
So much for staying true to your goals ey?

Wow, you actually deleted it.

Bet you would’ve made a post about it how i’m going at you for no reason again.
No need, jeez.

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