As the tittle says, why PC players can’t choose to disable cross-play? I don’t want to play vs unlimited accounts/smurfs/trolls that consoles allow.
Is crossplay in competitive also?
console players only get matched with pc players if they are in a party with predominantly pc players, it doesnt affect solo queue players at all
Well kinda. Xbox and PlayStation will have merged ranked.
but this also means that a PC player playing with a console player will still show up in PC players’ matches, even if you’re solo queueing.
Because it won’t affect you unless you specifically group with a console player. If a console player ends up in your non-comp game because they are grouped with another PC player, their aim assist will be disabled. No worries.
Whew. I’m cool with that. I just didn’t want M+KB and controller competitive crossplay
They probably anticipate that a large number of pc players would opt to disable it If given the choice. If that’s the case then they’d have to put the PC players in the console matchmaking pool to avoid long queue times. That would turn really ugly, especially since they’re disabling aim assist for console players in crossplay with pc players.
Tbh, if they ever figure out Keyboard/Mouse on console, I got no problem with KB/M Console players vs PC.
Because they don’t need to.
In ranked they will get only other PC players.
In other modes it just doesn’t matter… but if you stack with only PC players, it will match you with PC players
Have they said in the FAQ if switch will be included in that? Because the dev update video implied it by simply saying “console players will play with other console players”
Except…if I am on PC and someone else is grouping with a console player, they can be on my team. I know that it’s not ranked, but that doesn’t mean I want to be a disadvantage just because I get grouped with a console player.
Because they know a TON of PC players would opt out the second they can,and for good reasons.
Switch players have gyro controls. I’ll need that enabled on Other consoles or turned off on Switch.
The last thing I want is a console McCree or Widow on my team. I want to be able to opt out on PC. This is very unfair!
A Playstation or Xbox Mccree/Widow is the best case scenario…because this includes the Switch.
its so dumb. im sorry but its so unbelievably unfair
I have a theory:
They are probably trying to move the PC playerbase to comp cuz the mode is dying anyway and ofc to merge the already dead console playerbase to QP.
Who are you callin’ dead here?