PC player matchmaking options

Allow pc players to set a matchmaking ping limit. Id rather wait in a longer queue than be matched across the country on 100ping. Additionally, let us turn off crossplay, its insanely tilting to get matched with autoaim controller players and getting locked on to while playing high movement heros.


I would prefer to not have crossplay either…but for a different reason altogether…

I can tell when my team has console players…with pretty good accuracy actually….like pretty often when i go to stat screen and I see someone severely underperforming, there’s a pretty good chance that they’re console when I then check who’s in the match it often confirms it

Not trying to slander console players but it is a different playing field, and my anecdotal experience would seem to corroborate that


they cant really control latency and IND as there could be some players playing on not so good connections like i manage to get spikes in IND at random and its not my connection

Console players would like server selection options too. When I’m in a group, been seeing a lot more high ping games where we get sent to Europe.

If you get outplayed by a person on controller then I have bad news for you. Even with aim assist a mkb player smokes a controller player.

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Is that what I’m seeing on killcam when a player follows random-a$$ movement perfectly?

Thank you blizzard for removing east coast servers which every modern AAA game has & also putting me across the country on LA servers with the most interesting “people”

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they absolutely can give us a slider for ping restrictions in the matchmaker, I imagine its extremely trivial.

Just get behind a controller player. By the time they rotate 180Âş, the match is over

This has never been a problem since even 1990s gaming my friend.

The whole latency and packet loss checking thing has been around since CD Video games for PC and thats simple settings in the server that decide after a specific amount of latency or packet loss during the “handshake” to not allow players to connect to a server, or have the server to eject them.

I was running Gateway’s 1u servers back when they sold them, and we had that feature. :stuck_out_tongue:

honestly i dont think they care like seriously some of the changes they have made to the game in general have been bad

I want an option that you tick that says “replace developers responsible for matchmaker”.

I don’t think you’d be saying that after having to wait an hour to play a 10 minute match.

i think the crossplay issue isnt a big deal, they should add an option sure, but since console players cant play pc comp and they are very rare its really not a big deal, also most console players are really bad, i have some console friends that only complain when they queue with me because “pc players aim too good” and one of those friends are gm on console

also ive never been put in a high ping server when solo queueing the game automatically finds the lowest ping server so if your ping is high you either left on your vpn or your internet is tweaking, when in groups tho it tries to average the groups ping, if i play with my eastern european friend we end up in west europe servers with both around 150 ping

High-five bro. We come from the same place.

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That’s so weird. You would think with our auto-aim controller hacks that we would perform better. How strange…

QOL changes for Overwatch players??? Impossible

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It works on private servers but it would never work on a live service game without a private server option.

The reason developers provided that option was to prevent people with horrible connections from connecting to your private server, messing up latency for everyone on your server.

I ran a large server park that hosted private COD:MW/BF2 servers back in the day and having that option was a blessing for those games. It just wouldn’t work with games like Overwatch 2.

If they seem stuck to center mass or lock on as soon as the crosshair passes over you, with extremely axial aim movements that seem like they have a slow turn speed cap, as well as linear looking longer rotations then yeah. If you watch a few minutes of gameplay of controller overwatch it sticks out like a sore thumb, no mouse player looks around like that lol.

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